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Everything posted by Mika3Maniac

  1. Hehe I like my name I guess, but I would LOVE to have an unusual name. I think Alexandra is a really pretty name, and I don't know anybody else named Alexandra come to think of it, so your name would be considered different where I live lol. But I have a friend named Yasmin and I am sooo jealous because that's Mika's sister's name. Rarrrrr.
  2. Hahaha, I think we all dream of raising kids with Mika. My name is boring too! My mom and dad picked Amanda as my name because it was popular in England at the time; but I would much rather have a different name like 'unpinkyton mchowhatdy' lol
  3. I think I saw it in a post on the news forum about him being in Metro magazine I believe. I can't find it now, but that's probably because I am very bad at looking for things, sorry!
  4. Oh ok good. Haha, yes Mika probably envies his 'interesting' name...just as I envy the name Mika.
  5. I would have DIED of happiness if I had looked at the newspaper and seen his amazing face!!! You are so lucky!
  6. Do you mean Alice Copper the Rock n' Roll guy? If so, I doubt Mika envies him (just his name )... If that isn't the person you're talking about then I feel stupid
  7. Hahaha, I hope he was joking! I don't think anybody knows for sure if he wants kids. It seems that in every interview he contradicts himself; but that's why we adore him!!!
  8. Thanks for posting the article! I think Alice would be a great name for his future son hehe.
  9. I have heard that he's really sweet also! The day I meet him will be the BEST DAY EVER! EVER!!!
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKA MY DEAR!!! I am having a birthday party in his honour today!!! YAY! And he is now 8 years older than I am...BOO! I am now going to re-word one of his songs into a birthday song!!!
  11. Thank you all for the warm welcomes! It's nice to be among other Mika fans, as my friends have never given him a chance ):
  12. Hi, my name is Amanda and I am originally from England, but I live in California. I have LOVED Mika since March and I have been meaning to join this site for ages! Yey!!!
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