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Posts posted by charlottechristy

  1. What? People read this thread? :naughty:


    oh yes...and no one reads this thread! :roftl: :roftl:


    Guess I'm chatty! Either that or I need a life. Naw, this is a good life. LOL!! And, nobody is messing with my posts. LOL!! Watches as SGC goes down to 500 posts. LOL


    Ugh..why am I still here? Need to get ready for work. Okay, I'm really going now.


    hey blether heid , how the hell did u hit a 1000 posts before me ! hey debs are u still messing with my posts or is it fred ? :naughty:
  2. Hee hee! I rarely post over at FOJG. In the 5 years that I have been a member, I only have 1200 posts. Look how many I have here. Of course, I do IM with them more...so, I'm sure they hear from me more. LOL


    I'm cchristys over there...you can find me in the "30 something sisters and Friends" thread. Um, but, you will probably be able to find me here easier. LOL


    I'm on FOJG too! Never posted anything though..:(
  3. Add me please. I've been on FOJG for 5 years now. I love the Josh man!!






    Hi all Josh Groban fans! :biggrin2:


    I tried to look for Josh thread but didn't found any. So, this the thread for everybody who loves this amazing singer! I love his pure voice, beautiful songs and curls of course. :naughty:


    Please join in if you feel the same!


    The list of Josh fans:


    #1 Anzuzu

    #2 Rainbow Sky

    #3 Blue Sky

    #4 lollipopgirl83

    #5 Becks

    #6 *carrie*

    #7 Lolliepop girl

  4. Well, I don't understand a word you say and I still like ya. :wink2: And, your sense of humour is no different from ours...well, maybe a little more warped. :biggrin2:


    And, whose ribs are we talking about? :biggrin2:


    in the first place very few will understand me anyway ! secondly to some i have i have a strange sense of humour ! yip i remember your only going for a soup but once you taste their ribs im sure you`ll want more :thumb_yello:
  5. Good Morning...sounds like a plan if I'm not passed out from Jet-lag afterwards. Of course, I'm sure I'll be on a After-gig high...so no chances of sleeping. LOL


    lol!! Yeah - then we can go drinking after the gig :naughty:


    Good Analogy! It certainly is!!!!


    For me - its like our own World Cup!!! The joy and excitement will be

    brilliant!!! :woot_jump:


    Why wouldn't we talk to you again? :boxed: Well, you know I just want the soup.


    i wonder if any of u will talk to me again on here after we meet up :shocked::roftl: about our meal out on the friday theres a few things i`ll need to know ....along with how many are coming .....firstly how many people are vegi , how many only want to order a soup or not have the buffet , but remember any one not having the buffet this will bump the price up on whatever their having unless its just a soup !



    Botox..crap, I'm thinking about that myself lately.


    I need serious botox with all this smiling ....:roftl: :roftl:
  6. So true! Mika is the best talent out there and America just doesn't realize it. :sneaky2:


    sweet :thumb_yello:

    i should start now... why is the usa so dumb?! :crybaby: they wouldn't know pure talent if it bit them in the you-know-what! :bleh:

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