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Posts posted by lindor_love_today

  1. I actually did. I basically said the entire basis of this group is to make and continue making defamatory statements which, if he chose to do so, the artist in question could take to court. Everything from the group description to the wall posts are disgusting, unfounded and slanderous. The following post in particular was particularly disgusting: He is a paedophile. He is a nonce. He is a perv. He is a slot badger. He is a two pinned-in plug. He is a bush dodger. He is a small bean regarder. He is an unabummer. He is a nut administrator. He is a bent ref. He is The Crazy World of Arthur Brown. He is a fence-fold. He is a free willy. He is a chimney bottler. He is a bunty man. He is a shrub rocketeer.


    And on top of all that, he likes to touch children.



    May I just say.... KACHINGA! All that just to vent!!

  2. Well, I guess if Mika ever sees that and wants to take action, he can. But I just checked out that group...there are only 25 people in it. If it was bigger, maybe if it had a thousand members, he might see more need to take action. He has too much going on in his life to worry about 25 stupid people and their stupid accusation.


    But I don't want you to think that I'm not offended by all of this...I completely agree with you that it is one of the worst kinds of criminal conduct, and for people to accuse him of it is absolutely horrible.


    He probably does have too much going on, but if one company can sue someone I know for calling them heartless b@stards, Mika should definitely sue for this!!


    ARE YOU SERIOUS ??????????????


    Excuse me, but I think this is slander and blatant defamation of character !


    It seriously is. I would kill to get a case like this when I qualify. I mean it's a clear cut libel case!! Dirt bags!

  3. Hold on... ignore this thread. I just realised what happened!! I asked my sis to download it off itunes when I was out... and she downloaded the abba version!!!! I kept saying it sounded like Abba!! Off to get the MIKA version now. *Crawls under a rock to die, and possibly kill my sister*


    :eek: :blush-anim-cl:

  4. Hi all!


    I am a new member from Philadelphia, Pa.


    I agree that Mika has many appealing, child-like qualities. But I have a feeling that the person who is lucky enough to know him intimately sees a side that is not quite so innocent. See this video at 1:15. Wowsa!




    Oh. My. GOD!! I think that is the single sexiest thing I ever saw in my life!! How does he keep his balance, leaning back that far while doing the pelvic thrusts??? No way am gonna be able to concentrate on my revision now!!

  5. It's well good. I don't listen to it enough. I'm too busy being addicted to Love Today, and Grace Kelly, and Relax, and Any Other World, erm... and Big Girl... and Billy Brown... and... oh forget it! I'm addicted to all of em!! Except Ring Ring. Don't really like that one.

  6. Oh, yeah. I can't actually walk in public while listening to Mika. Seriously. If I did I wouldn't be able to physically stop myself singing along and dancing, and then I'd be arrested for being drunk and disorderly (or possible just sectioned!!

  7. Sorry to rant, but I REALLY want Mika to sue some of the class A idiots on facebook!! There's one facebook group called Mika is a paedo!! I was sat their seething, building up a great big libel case while I seethed!!! I mean PLEASE! They're absolute SCUM saying that kinda junk about someone!!




    :protest: :protest: :protest: :protest:

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