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Posts posted by lindor_love_today

  1. He just kinda plays out the metaphor talking about too much candy rotting your soul.


    He also replaces the "bore" in the "she's a player and a downright bore" line with "whore" when he's singing live and that was probably his original intention when he wrote it. Perhaps he wanted to use something tamer on the record in case it was released as a single. I noticed in the Koko performance that was aired on VH1 that they dubbed "whore" with the "more" he sang in the second line.


    There was a story something along the lines of...whoever arranged for the children's choir that was supposed to perform on the recording also noticed this song was filled with innuendo and told Mika to forget it. No child performer in the state of California would be allowed to participate in a song with these lyrics. He ended up using his relatives instead.


    Ok, I now REALLY can't wait til Hammersmith (like I wasn't peeing myself with excitement before!). Every time I hear this song I automatically sing whore instead of bore anyway... now I know that's the proper word I'll stop correcting myself!

  2. Ok, in a review of LiCM, they said the following about Any Other World (the rest of the review was actually really positive!):-


    'However, Life in Cartoon Motion becomes a bit irritating when a character named Raffa Kobeisi (possibly one of Mika’s alter-egos?) appears on two pointless interludes that frame “Any Other Worldâ€. Having to endure a nonsensical monologue about a jilted bride, who speaks in broken English, makes the self-consciously serious “Any Other World†all the more ridiculous.'


    And Mika said in an interview that there's an intro that people often miss.


    I only hear the bit at the end where she's saying "...inside I am sad".


    Does anyone else know what they're both talking about?

  3. hahaha, it really would. i can just imagine mika as my big brother looking over my shoulder and seeing all these posts


    ARGH! NO! It's awful enough imagining the things he'd see if he went on here WITHOUT him being my brother!!

  4. Awwwww he's such a sweetie pie pumpkin!!! Wish he was my big brother.................................................... actually no I don't. Then half my conversations on here would be SO much more disturbing!!

  5. The whole story behind lollipop, is that Mika wrote it as a message to his younger sister telling her not to have sex too soon, because it will only "mess her up."


    Awwww! That's quite sweet actually!! He is the only guy who could take a good moral message, and make it sound like it's about something unbelievably dirty that somebody's trying to cover over with innuendo! So basically, it's non-dirty, made dirty, then made un-dirty all over again!!

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