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Posts posted by lindor_love_today

  1. I'm sorry that you went through that. No one should have to. I was picked on, but not bullied that much. It was more like, I thought that I was "in" with the other kids. I felt like I could be just like them, I didn't think that I was any different, but I was always sort of pushed aside and made to be an outsider. I had really low self-esteem, and always felt intimidated about everything because I was afraid of what people would say about me. I was really shy, which is not some sort of thing where I feel like I'm too good to talk to other people---it was seriously a crippling thing! I'm still somewhat like that. I never really had any "real" friends, which caused me to turn to living my life being crazy over celebrities and music and movies and "imaginary" things---I never felt like I connected with people that I knew. I had friends, but not the type that I could say, "Oh, they are my soulmate best friend and I couldn't survive without them."


    I get that exactly. I mean not feeling accepted at school was just the tip of the iceberg for me. I went through an awful lot of stuff outside school that was so much worse, but it definitely didn't help that I wasn't accepted. I mean I just completely buried myself in things like Michael Jackson and now Mika, cos when you're completely on your own, you can just throw on a song and feel that little bit closer to someone, even if that closeness is just one sided. It's better than being completely cut off, and believe me, I get cut off from myself even, and its pretty awful. I never made any REAL friends until university, and even now I'm terrified that they're gonna betray me or abandon me - especially since some of them are the first people I've let in on everything thats happened to me.

  2. Stuff like this absolutely breaks my heart. After college, I plan on becoming a child psychologist because I want to help kids that are having problems such as this. I know how it feels to be an outsider and I know how it feels to be picked on and feel like you can't do anything right because everything that you think is acceptable is somehow "wrong" to your peers.


    I know what you mean. I would wanna help kids like this but I'm too personally affected by the kind of lifestories I'd hear I wouldn't be able to handle it.

  3. lol i couldn't be trusted with the number i'd call him each night and be like umm mika i need to tell you something and he'd be like again M4L? You called me last night and the night before that also and i'd be like i had another dream about you...and it'd go on and on


    I'd be like so how's zorro? Can you babysit my tama... by the way, you know you're sexy, right?


    As for my mum, she's not obsessed with him, but at least she admits to liking. Normally, if I'm into something, she hates it!

  4. lol


    and when he talks it's not as if he has a feminine voice he has a really nice voice that is quite recognizable as a man and then he sings billy brooooooooooooown and it's like wow is that the same guy? he must be an amazing performer!


    I KNOW!! I first heard him speak on his podcast, and I was like NO WAY IS THIS THE SAME GUY!!! He needs to do another episode of that btw!


    yes actually I did. I was in a horrible relationship in 2002 and I was dying inside. I couldn't play music, I couldn't sing, I didn't know how to write music..

    although I had before. I broke off the relationship and discovered something about myself. When that happened, I could play music again, I could sing,

    and I composed two pieces right away. Since then I have composed 12.

    when you are sad and dying inside it can affect you in so many ways.




    so I can relate indeed to his experienc.


    I know what you mean. I had a pretty sh*tty childhood, and it's affected me awfully for nearly a decade now, and left me with a lot of psychological problems, SM being the lesser of numerous evils! I really struggle to speak, especially to people I don't know (I ordered mcdonalds today by writing my order on the back of an envelope!) or in front of more than like two people. I really don't like speaking to my family either, and often actually leave the room and sit upstairs just cos I can't handle the stress of it. I usually have to force myself to speak to them, but they'd probably just accuse me of insolence if I didn't! The only people I'm really comfortable speaking to are my friends at uni, but even with them I'll clam up if I'm particularly stressed or depressed

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