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Posts posted by racha

  1. Especially with music blasting out :punk:


    Im bringing a sound system with loads mika and queen:thumb_yello:


    I like.. I like...


    yes of course.. will take you through Queen's lyrics...



    Freedie, don't forget, we have post Mika gig party plans! Do we know excatly where we're going yet? other than heading to city centre and earting chinese and plenty of beer??

  2. Don't worry, you'll have a great time in the Q, it's the best part for me! I'll come fairly early too, so we'll meet ان شاء الله

    BTW, I don't have a fancy dress either, that makes two of us. Thought I'd be the only one in jeans!!:roftl:


    Sounds great! I think I will be wearing jeans too.. am not used to the cold weather.. so I have to wear comfy stuff rather than crazy.. also, I have a very boring wardrobe...



    see you there Queenie


  3. I'm coming on my own - although not from so far away as Dubai. Just from Bolton. I'm meeting Em' in the queue as she's got my ticket. Please be nice to me if I go along looking at you all like a fool! :)





    I will be the other "fool" in Q. I think I will go there early since I will be on my own.


    I don't have a flashing heart, but someone promised to give me one...

    I am looking forward meeting everyone in Q... Don't have fancy stuff to wear.. thinking of getting a mask.. or maybe the lebanese flag?!


    Please come and say hi... am a little bit shy


  4. Yup! I had my ticket but I wasn't sure yet (for a few reasons). Yesterday me and C@rin@ decided to stay until Friday though, so why not going to the 3rd gig as well. :naughty:


    WOW! sounds like fun... good for you.. am glad you are attending all 3 gigs!


    hope we will bump into each other on the 28th... will go there early..

  5. Well that's a good idea, coming to London anyway for the gig and shorten your trip... I can see it's less fun without your friend and in that case 1.5 week can be a bit too long. But I'm happy to hear that you're coming!


    I can not get myself to willingly miss Mika's gig...


    tomorrow, i will buy some "lonely planet - London" book... that should help



    will you be there on the 28th?

  6. Awwwwww, poor you! I know how you feel though, cause my friend cancelling the trip is the main reason why I can't go. But I'm sure you will still have lots of fun, so don't even dare to cancel your trip!


    I am just devastated. I have stayed away from this thread until today. I don't wan't to get all sulky and sad here, but yeah....the closer the date gets the sadder I am.:blink:


    Take lots of videos and pictures! I need to see what I missed. Though I'm not sure that it won't cause a nervous breakdown. :naughty::blink:


    OH Nicole! you shouldn't cancel.. look at me... am coming to London all the way from Dubai... might stay till the 8th of March all on my own...


    come on! you can do it...


    where do you live?

  7. When will you arrive in London Racha? And where will you stay?


    I arrive on the 27th afternoon... I am staying in a hotel next to Trafelger square called "Royal Adelphi".. just called them and changed my double room booking into single..


    I am still going to Mika's gig on the 28th (now am stuck with an extra ticket)... I was supposed to stay till the 8th of March.. am now thinking of reschedueling ..

  8. Ahhh...Thats the exact thing thats happend to me, She told me today that she might not beable to go, BUT i will persuade her. There is no way im going to London by myself:naughty:



    Cant you persuade Him to go again?


    I wish I can.. but it would be selfish of me.. his boyfriend was not too happy with this whole trip thing.. and I don't want to cause any trouble between them.. love them a lot...


    Racha! Don't cancel your trip... There are so many MFCers around, really! You won't feel alone!


    ahhhh! am sooo frustrated!!! thanks blue...


    I was really looking forward to the whole trip... you are right, I should not cancel.. I have been planning this since forever!

    looking forward to meeting MFCiers... I need them now more than ever!

    it's just that I have never been in a concert or trip on my own.. don't know if it will turn out to be fun



    I stay in London is quiet long... leaving on the 8th of March!!! i might have to reschedual by bookings.. but I am definetly not going to cancel Mika's concert...


    let's hope his bronchitis get better... I don't even want to think what I would do if her &^*%&^%$#@



  9. Who will be at the gig on the 28th?


    C@rin@ and I have finally decided to stay until Friday. Maybe time- and moneywise not the best thing for me to do at the moment but I really need a break after a few hectic months. And I love London :blush-anim-cl: and I know I can do it low budget. :naughty:


    I will be there... alone.. My friend just cancelled his trip.. am stuck on my own in London!

    and I am stuck with an extra Mika ticket for the 28th

    :boxed: :boxed:


    This is my first trip to the UK... and I will have to explore it all on my own


  10. I hope that you all will have an amazing night! Well actually I know you will. I'll be thinking of you all on the 28th maybe even shed a few tears(probably for sure ), cause I was meant to be there as well, but change of plans. Not that I don't hate it! :crybaby:


    Sing and dance for me as well. :wink2:


    OHHHHHH! sorry to hear about that! would have been nice to see mika live



    I am not too happy either.. my friend was supposed to go with me to London.. he cancelled the whole trip.. so am stuck in a strange city on my own...


    am a little disapointed.. as I don't know anyone there.. and I am not sure night life or the city will be fun to discover alone.. I've never been there, so I can not judge yet...


    My friends are telling me to cancel my trip.. but i just don't have the guts to do that.. knowing that I will not be able to take time off work anytime soon and I really need a break...


    will be thinking about you on the 28th.. will take plenty of pictures/video..


  11. it best not be true !! i doubt it but i have to ask !! an serioulsy a little worried !!! since lots of peopel have made all their plans now !! sorry peeps am trying to see where this infprmation was got from xxx



    I doubt it... and if it is true.. he'd better have a good explanation..


    am coming all the way from Dubai... that's not cheap! that costs a lot of money..


    so ok, am going there on holiday as well.. but fixed my holiday dates so that I can see the concert as well... I can not take time off any other time till the summer...


  12. yeah amd according to niki i am gonna be pist!!!!!!!


    Good for you! that's the spirit....


    yeahhhh ! thats the way ! :naughty::thumb_yello:


    racha where are you flying from hun ? :) x


    I will be arriving from Dubai... 8 hours flight, then straight to Brixton... and I plan on partying on the same night (after the gig)


    hope my friend is up to the challenge... if not.. i still have the MFCiers...

  13. Mmmm, I smell some Chinese chicken! My husband is cooking for me tonight (only warming up, but it's the idea that counts) :wub2:

    So I have to leave you, ladies. Enjoy the rest of the evening.




    Is there any of you who would like to explain the birthday present to me in a pm? I just don't get what I'm supposed to do, and I'm not creative. But I think I will be sorry if I don't sign up for it. :boxed:


    bye martine... and bon appetite

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