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Everything posted by Olivia237

  1. Lol. what instruments do you play again?

  2. aw damn ;o have fun

  3. aw damn ;o have fun

  4. Haha yeah :P anything new been happening?

  5. woah, that sounds fun. i got about 4 today, and have about 3 tests coming up. Gurh i hate yr 10 T_T

  6. :r AHAHAHHA thats classic i just finished watching it and nearly died. i seriously dont give that genius man enough credit.. i can NOT WAIT ANYMORE oh and hai everyone
  7. haha tell me about it. but im getting by. had any tests yet?

  8. lol i accidently threw some of the books i needed out :|

  9. yeah true. hope you and your family/friends are okays
  10. LOL argh i know! and being a loner in every class. its hellll

  11. rest in peace victims! live in peace survivors! victoria is a tough cookie
  12. yep :) thankgod. i can handle bad teachers, but i hate not having friends to talk to!

  13. do you have friends in your classes?

  14. Yep! Hello un-boring science lessons from now on depends what mood its in. the grumpy ones peeve me off so much.. so they suffer my wrath of amputations..
  15. aw. yeah its alright. i got good teachers for once!

  16. aww. get better soon! not much has changed. been pretty bored. hows school : D

  17. : o i love getting to the end of my tiny teddy packets coz i always find decapitated limbs hi kelzyyy! good news. mfc was unblocked at my school thats either really really good. or really really bad
  18. Hey :D im good. how are you???

  19. Hi HK! oh i am this forums about the only thing i can actually sit down and read anymore <3
  20. HELLOW god have i got alot of pages to look back through here
  21. YES! just after it gave birth too tpbm's favourite tic tacs are the orange ones!
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