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About DarkLight

  • Birthday 10/23/1985


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    in Lurrve with Irwinny

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    none at present

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  1. Hey there, I already follow you on Twitter, I'm @Bia1009

    Thanks for add me and have Happy Holidays ^^

  2. hi there just got your friends request on here :) thanks x


    just thought i'd let you know i actually left the mfc a year and a half ago (only here 'cause a friend notified me of a new wall post) if you wanna chat with me you can find me on facebook http://www.facebook.com/darklightmfc or twitter http://www.twitter.com/harajukusparkes


    take care and happy holidays :) Chantelle J Sparkes :D

  3. I notice I have on here a recent friends request and suchlike so I thought i'd mention here that I left the mfc a year and a half ago (not everyone seem's to realise) you can if you like catch me over on twitter http://www.twitter.com/harajukusparkes and facebook http://www.facebook.com/darklightmfc


    have a merry christmas and a happy new year :) Chantelle Sparkes x

  4. Hi there :huglove: thanks for the xmas message :) i hope you have a lovely christmas and a very happy new year :D


    Nah I don't come on here any more at all! I left a year and a half ago! it all got too much for me all the **** on here the bullying and bitching was far too much for me! too many asses on here now O_O it's such a shame as this was my fave place to be online (it's so sad ) ah well such is life eh!


    take care catch you over on fb :) x

  5. Merry Christmas sweetie! I know I see you more on fb but I thought I would give you a shout out on your Mika page :) Have a great day with family & friends! :huglove:

  6. ohh love that top pic of him playing the piano never seen it I miss this forum only have net access on my phone and the forum's too big *sobs8 must get my ass to the library more often now my awol sleeping pattern is better i miss the madness and fun on here i really do 7 months is way too long to be off of here
  7. oh yeah apple pose is such a classic he does it so well doesn't he lol love that bottom pic you posted one of my faves of the old pics oh yeah typical fangirly shirtless lmfao ;D HAHAHAHAHA
  8. hello there :) only just got your message not been on here since november can't believe it's that long ago O_o it's cause my current only internet access is my phone & a forum like this takes millenia to load O_o


    Hope you're doing well and had a lovely xmas/new year


    hope to be back on here a lot more soon (gonna get a new pc asap)


    in the meantime if you wanna chat I'm on facebook http://www.facebook.com/darklightmfc


    twitter. http://www.twitter.com/harajukutama


    and hotmail on-the-edge-kt@hotmail.com

  9. Hey my hello kitty friend :) Long time no chat! I hope you've been well, and wish you a very Merry Christmas :)

  10. Love the Hoosiers especially Irwin head over heels for that guy lol any hoo sier (see what i did there lol) I was wondering if anyone (over 16) wants to come to their skindiv gig this Wednesday 29th sept in Islington London i have a spare ticket free if you want it message me either on twitter @harajukutama or on fb http://www.facebook.com/darklightmfc as opposed to on here as accessing the mfc via phone is very hard O_o
  11. Hey, I finally sent you the $$! I couldn't send a PM so I sent an e-mail.

  12. Oooh. I think is awesome!!! I love devils in the detail and unlikey hero!

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