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Everything posted by Kelzy

  1. I am really going to bed this time!!!!!! goodnight!!!! mwahs!! xoxoxox
  2. Glow got up and rubbed her eyes, "Are you sure?" she asked "Yes Glow, I can't find them anywhere" Becky said as she pulled Glow out of bed. Mika and Sky ran into the room and walked over to the cots. "There's a note here Becky" said Mika handing it to her to read Becky read it out loud "I have your kids, if you want them back then bring Rose to this address by 5pm today" read Becky as she looked up at the others, "That's it.. We better wake the others" Everyone gathered downstairs while they went over the note. Kevin had a good look at it and typed a few things into his laptop.. Carla was swinging her bat again. "I bet it was the same guy - that Rob.. I'm gonna kill him" she yelled as she swung the bat and knocked a vase over. "Mum" said Cosmo, "Don't worry, we'll get the kids back" He looked at Becky and smiled "We will, Dont worry." "It's all my fault" cried Rose, "It's me he wants, I'm so sorry" "It's not your fault. This guys a loser. We're going to outsmart him this time" said Kevin. "How?" asked Kelzy, tired of these kidnapping attempts already. "We'll become the kidnappers" said Kevin.
  3. Come back Mika!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I should go to bed.. 2am here.. BYEZ!!!!!!!!!!! xoxox
  5. "Yeah, well good luck keeping him" yelled Mavver as she walked out and we walked in the door We all looked at Artsy for answers. Becky asked "What was that about now?" "I came inside to get a drink and I saw her looking out of the window and I asked her what she was looking at and she said 'Nothing' And then I saw Kev and I confronted her. I said "He's my man so don't even think about it." That's all I said." cried Artsy. Kevin come running in and put his arms around her and they went and sat outside again until she calmed down. We ordered Pizza for dinner, because there was so many of us that cooking was getting to be almost impossible. Artsy and Mav stayed on opposite sides of each other most of the night until finally Mav approached Artsy and apologised for snapping at her. Artsy accepted her apology and Mav said "Goodnight" to all of us and headed for bed, where she sat and thought for a while. Then she opened up her diary to todays date, took out a red pen and drew a big red Heart. And with her black pen she wrote KEVIN in the middle of it...
  6. oh yeah.. artsy slits her wrist or something ok i'll post
  7. oooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!! woohoo!! umm.. what's mavvers and artsy fighting over.. i have no idea??!!! lol!
  8. sssssssssuuuuuuuuppppppppppppaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh dddddddduuuuuuuuppppppppppppaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!
  9. My computer froze.. Hooooooooowwwwwwwww aaaaaaaarrrrrreeeeeeeee yyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaa?!!
  10. Bbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeccccccccckkkkkkkkyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Can I just say that I think alot of it is fantastic.. and this thread could be considered the rough draft.. just leave the good stuff in and give it too him. he knows we're all crazy here anyway
  12. did you get some on your phone? sunburn treatment.. oatmeal pack.. weird.. lol but I want to know if it works!! http://www.caca.essortment.com/sunburnstreatme_rdti.htm
  13. they're good.. chamomile is meant to be good for it too.. puts the moisture back in.. other than that I am not sure sorry.. i'll see what i can find. did I read somewhere you were going to see the killers play?
  14. trust.. i post you 2 leave.. lol!!! goodnight M4L and Baby!!!
  15. Unfortunately for Carla and her swinging bat skills, our home invader didn't come back again. But it was funny to see his face when we all just stood there not caring he was there. He was definitely out-numbered by our group. And didn't even bring a gun. Complete amateur.. When we all got up around lunchtime the next day we had a laugh about our would-be kidnapper. Carla was in a great mood, and cooked French Toast for us all.. So delicious.. Her bat wasn't far from her side though. We hadn't made any plans on what to do and there didn't really seem to be any reason why we were sticking around. The police came around and told us they had compared Cosmo and Sparlocks fingerprints and announced that they were 99% sure that the Cosmo we had was Cosmo. Becky was relieved to hear this and the two of them wandered off together after lunch. Mika and M4L went and watched a happy movie together.. While Rose and Glow sat out the front yard playing cards against Lolly and Kelzy. Baby and Calvin were sitting nearby talking when her phone rang. She looked at it, but didn't answer it. Calvin asked her why not. "Because I am enjoying our time together." But as soon as it stopped ringing it rang again.
  17. I have to get tea ready.. 6pm here.. if you two are gone when I get back - then Goodnight & sweet Mika dreams.. we need to outdo M4L and all her whacky ones.. lol!!
  18. We were to met M4L's and Mika at the airport. In the cab, Becky looked anxious. She had been calling Cosmo all week to make sure he was ok. She pulled out her phone and dialed again. We had all noticed what she wasn't telling us, but we left it unsaid. Becky talked to Glow about it though. The two of them spent alot of time just talking about the kids and how things will get better. It was obviously helping Becky accept Sparlock for the evil creep that he is. Maybe it was her broken heart that was making her pursue the real Cosmo. But hopefully this time she will be third time lucky. Kairi really deserved a good father figure in her life. And Becky could do with the love and support of a man like Cosmo. Kairi was definitely a handful! Artsy was her usual self again, having regained her memory. Kev had gotten used to bringing up fun times from the past to try to jog her memory and was now reminiscing frequently out of habit. Quite often we heard the two of them laughing about times gone by.. M4L looked like she was on the verge of tears again. She really didn't want to leave Canada so soon, but was happy she had gotten to spend time with her family and that they all got to meet Mika, her fiance and love of her life. They'd all accepted him, although her Dad did take him out into the backyard and have one of those "fatherly talks" with him.. which clearly made Mika very uncomfortable, but being the man that he is, he handled it quite well and soon enough the two men were enjoying a beer while listening to some old 45 records. Baby and Calvin had ironed out some of the creases during the last week. They had gone off on a romantic date together and come home beaming from ear to ear, though none of us really knew why.. Must have had fun. Kelzy, ER and Phunky had spent way too much money on shopping and had to buy an extra suitcase each.. But they all insisted it was worth it.. Jacques was trying to teach Lolly how to talk a little French.. They were practising "I'm lost' and "Help me I've been kidnapped" should she ever need them. We all arrived at the airport simultaneously, But made the driver do a lap of the area just to be sure they was no danger. We all hesitated before climbing out of our cabs. looking around and checking that the coast was clear. Inside the Airport we soon found Mika and M4L browsing at the the magazine stand looking for photo's of themselves. They were both annoyed to only find 3 photo's of them leaving the hospital in France last week. We had 7 hours to kill before our flight so once again we got comfortable in the airport lounge and hopefully this time nothing would go wrong...
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