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John Alan

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Posts posted by John Alan

  1. wow, this could be anything !!!, i think it will be tour dates or possibly the new website cus he DID say that the new site was being launched this week !!!


    But it could be a release date for the first single ???


    who knows ???


    also notice the artwork, this could be the artwork for the new album !!!


    sssooo can't wait :woot_jump::woot_jump::woot_jump::woot_jump:



    btw, thanks freddiesdouble for the info :thumb_yello:

  2. i'm not freaking bout the EP cus we're not near the date yet !!! plus EP's hardly ever advertise as much as albums !!!, i'm the EP will be avalible somwhere online the released, idealy for i'd love if the EP was released on itunes.


    guys it is defo May the 25th thst the EP is released ??? or a least round that time ???

  3. Even though I want GGG as a single, because it's sure to be a hit, I am loving Toy Boy more and more. His voice when he sings it is so gorgeous. I know his falsetto is gorgeous too, but his lower voice makes my heart melt! I think that even though GGG has the makings of a great number one single, Toy Boy is going to be one of the greatest songs in music history and will be played forever. It is THAT GOOD! It has everything, humour, pathos, great story. I'm only just realising that what Mika has written is possibly the greatest song of all time!


    Mika's Voice in a couple words


    Lower Rage - Gorgeous

    Falsetto - Gorgeous

    Vocal Range - Amazing



    btw, just though i'd say Blame It On The Girl' is really growing on me now, i knew it would !!! :wink2:

  4. "LADY GAGA is the only person who can make MIKA look like he’s dressing down" :naughty:

    I love Mika's coat :wub2:


    thanks for posting the article! :flowers2:


    mika would i've been singing a new version of "Same Jeans" ... i'm gonna go the the disco in the middle of the town, LADY GA GA's dressing up, i'm dressing down ...":roftl:

  5. sorry the title of the thread meant to say "What Do You Guys Think Of The New Songs", sorry from my dyslexic errors



    Just thought i'd create a new thread on what you guys think of all new songs and snippets of the album Mika has give us,


    OK i'll go first


    Toy Boy - Love this song and the lyrics are kind of serious but funny a dark way also i'd love to play this on keyboard/piano


    Blame It On The Girls (Clapping Song) - Again Brilliant song and from what i've heard from the studio version and the live acoustic version i can see this song really growing on me


    Blue Eyes - Can't hear much of the lyrics, but the melody sounds really sweet, in fact it if i didn't know any better it sounds like a love song, but i could be wrong cus i can't heard the lyrics clearly but overall it's a really sweet song


    Rain - Rain has really developed since Parc Des Princes and the snippet of the Studio version sounds great i'm really interested in hearing the studio version in full, cus it sounds amazing


    The Andre Gospel Choir Song - Again i can't wait to hear this one, it sounds amazing from what i've heard, i'm also interested into finding out the lyrics to this one cus you can hear the choir singing " ????? when your young and you want some" and because i can hear that it's got me thinking that this song is touching on a very interesting subject in good old Mika style:punk:


    The Disney Inspired Song - I'm really interested and excited to how this song will turn out, i loved the snippet he played, from what i can hear i'm gonna really like this song


    The 1920's Inspired song - Bascially the same as the disney one, i loved what i heard and i just cannot wait to hear the end result


    Good Gone Girl - I left this one last cus i I f**king love this song, it's sssooo catchy all the way through i CANNOT WAIT to hear the studio version, i can't hear the lyrics and i can't wait to find out what they are cus i'll be singing them aaalll day. AMAZING !!! SONG !!!


    well that's my review, so what do you guys think ???


    oh btw, please note that the new songs played live recently may be acoustic versions, we'vehave not heard the studio versions in full yet, oooo i'll exploding with excitment !!!:punk:


    and thank you very much to the guys who uploaded the videos they recorded, thank you, thank you, thank you !!!

  6. hey guys do any of you knowhow to play these songs on piano/keyboard, you see i've been searching all over youtube, but everytime i came across someone playing them, they play the melody part to it as well but i don't want the melody part as i want to sing along, oh and btw i can't read music, i hope someone can help me !!!

  7. you see i'm just like Mika i'm dyslexic and i can play piano/keyboard 9i'm not as good as mika tho lol) but don't how to read music, and some person has is very interested in my singing and want me do a one off live gig and he said that i would do really well if i perfromed songs by Mika,Scissor Sisters adn Bee Gees and i've really been thinking about it so much and to show off my piano skillsi really want to know how to play "Any Other World" (solo version the way Mika perfroms it live), Billy Brown and My Interpretation ???. I know Grace Kelly, Lollipop,Over My Shoulder, Instant Martya and MOST of Happy Ending and that's about it. I wont perfrom Instant Martya, I'll proberbly perfrom "Over My Shoulder" and as for the other Lollipop,GK And HE i want to sing them to backing tracks. So if anybody could help me i would really really really greatful !!!

  8. to be honest, i loved everything about mika's voice, he's lower rage he's mid rage and he's falsetto. I'd be honest on he's new album i don; want any of this "more falstto and less mid/lower rage" or "more mid/lower rage and less falsetto" and just want him 2 have some songs more falsetto,some song's more mid/lower rage and some songs abit of both, just like on LiCM really !!!

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