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Status Updates posted by Blumi007

  1. Yes, it's a roundtrip: Two days Scotland, two days Cornwall and two days London. And in June I come to you. So please don't forget the date! :naughty:

  2. Awww... thank you! :wub2: But I'm looking forward to my holidays. In May I go on a trip to Scotland and England. And in June I go to ??? for a weekend..... :naughty:

  3. My work is sometimes a bit boring as well but it's also quite tiring....

  4. That's right. And I wonder where they are. Maybe they are busy with uni stuff. How's your uni going?

  5. I'm good too, thanks. It's so empty in the MFC atm... No one in the girls-thread....

  6. Good evening Vanessa! How are you?

  7. Hi Sam! :bleh: Long time no speak. How are you?

  8. You're welcome.


    See you! :bye:

  9. Hi Sarah! :huglove: I wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :flowers2:

  10. My week has been good. Last weekend I was in London again for a short trip and met up with Barbora and Danika!

  11. Hi Sam! :wub2: I'm glad to meet you here again! I'm very tired but apart from that I'm okay, thanks. How are you?

  12. Same here, I'd love to see you again too!

  13. Okay, I've to think about it. I tell you within the next two weeks if I come in April.

  14. Will you be there to show me the city? When I come it'll be on the first or second weekend in April.

  15. I wanted to come to Bucharest in April together with a friend. But unfortunately he has another date and so he can't come with me...I don't know if i should go alone there...

  16. Hi Vanessa! :wub2: I'm good, thanks and my trip to London was great. How are you?

  17. I'm fine, thanks. How has your week been?

  18. Hi Sam! Long time no speak.... How are you?

  19. You're welcome!

  20. Thank you for your request! :bleh:

  21. Yes, I'm okay. Thanks. And you? I wish you a nice weekend! :huglove:

  22. Good evening Sam! :bye: How are you?

  23. Awww Sam... :huglove: My weekend has been okay, thanks. I went to my father and to my brother. How was your weekend?

  24. Good evening Sam. I wish you a nice weekend!

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