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About amalthea

  • Birthday 10/11/1985


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    Mika Groupie

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  • Occupation
    Student in management & economics
  1. I hope this Yelle girl won't sing too rude songs in Düsseldorf... :s All right, most German people won't understand, but I'm a frenchspeaker, so I understand pretty (too?) well, and so do my parents who wanted to come with me but hesitate now to attend the gig... It's a strange choice anyway. A French singer for the warm up in Germany... And definitely, I don't like her!
  2. Ma meilleure amie Ma meilleure amie est très gentille et sympa; elle écoute les problèmes de ses amis et elle n’embête personne. Elle n’est pas pessimiste et elle ("elle" is not mandatory here; it sounds better without, though it's correct if you let it) est contente tout le temps. Elle aime passer le week-end avec moi et les (ou "d'autres") autres filles de notre école. Et moi, j’aime passer du temps avec elle parce qu’elle est très drôle et qu'elle raconte toujours des blagues. Normalement (ou "d'habitude" ou "génralement") , nous allons au club où nous jouons au tennis ou au basket et quelquefois, nous faisons de l’équitation ensemble. Nous faisons nos devoirs ensemble et nous étudions pour l'examen ensemble. Quand nous travaillons, elle est sérieuse, mais elle n’est jamais (not "jaimais pas") ennuyeuse. When you use "n'est jamais", don't put "pas". It's either "n'est pas" or "n'est jamais" but never "n'est jamais pas" (the latter is not correct) "Tous" with an "s" is exclusively for plural. Otherwise it's with a "t" Here you are! Don't hesitate if you have any other question. Or if you want to send it by mail it's ok too (you will find my address in my profile, I assume) or by PM or you can keep on posting here... Anything you want! I used to teach English at a very basic level (for pupils who had failed for their English exam during their first year at secundary school). So it was just: here you put present simple or there present continuous... But I never taught French! hi hi Love it! "See" ya! Isa
  3. Bonsoir, goeienavond or gutenabend (since we don't know where you are from il Belgium). Personally my mother language is French, but I speak a little bit of Dutch and German too. So if I can help too... Anyway welcome!
  4. Don't mind at all! Looking forward to seeing your new "French productions"!
  5. @ Lilly: Ne sois pas si modeste! Tu parles français mieux que tu ne le penses!
  6. Well, I'm not sure I understand your question properly, because I learnt trigonometry in French, so I'm not sure I understand the vocabulary. Anyway, here's my answer: 90° -> pi/2 180° -> pi 270° -> 3/2 pi 360° (= 0°) -> 2 pi (these you will know by heart) So if you want to know how many radians there are for 50° -> 2pi/360*50 Is that the answer you expected? Isa
  7. Salut! Voilà la correction: Un jour que je n'aime pas Moi, je déteste le dimanche. C'est le premier jour de la semaine et je suis souvent fatiguée après le week-end. Je suis censée me lever à sept heures, mais je me lève au dernier moment. Je prépare mon sac pour l'école, mais si je ne trouve pas un livre ou un cahier, je me fâche beaucoup. Je prends mon petit déjeuner, comme une omelette ou un sandwich au fromage, mais je dois le prendre très vite parce que je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps. Je prends une douche et je m'habille à la hâte. Je ne suis jamais prête à l'heure, donc j'arrive à l'école en retard et le professeur se fâche. Des vêtements Pour sortir le soir, je porte une jupe noire courte et une chemise rose en soie à manches courtes. Je porte des sandales noires à talons. Je porte aussi des bagues, des boucles d'oreilles et un peu de maquillage. Le week-end, je porte quelque chose de plus décontracté. Je porte un jeans bleu avec des ballerines rouges et un haut blanc en coton sans manches. Je porte aussi de petites boucles d'oreille, mais je ne porte pas de maquillage. S'il fait froid, je porte une veste blanche ou un manteau, mais il ne fait jamais trop foid ici. C'est très bien! Tu as juste un petit problème avec les accents circonflexes (ceux-là -> ^) et la différence entre "a" et "à"; puis il ne faut pas de cédille sous le "c" (pas "ç") devant "i" et "e" mais c'est très bien! Bonne continuation!
  8. Absolutely horrible! I hate it! Poor poor poor Sting and the other members of The Police! Is it the real, I mean the original cover by Mika?
  9. Hi Blue. Yes indeed, I am coming to Düsseldorf.
  10. Ah, ok, that's the same! Your equation is simply multiplicated by 2 if you look carefully. I'm glad my chemistry lessons were not a loss of time!
  11. I'm not sure, I never made reactions with Bismuth, but couldn't it be: 2 Bi (3-) (s) + 3/2 O2 (g) -----> Bi2O3 (s) I'm not sure at all... Could you please give me the answer when your homework is corrected please? I would like to know. Thanks already Isa
  12. For the Central Europe thing, Wikipedia could be helpful, wouldn't it? But it states that Central Europe is countries such as Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary and so on... So I guess that in your homework, Hunny, it's more Western Europe or The European Union with their 25 members. Then the reasons of the relative richness could be: - capitalism >< communism - the European Union itself (it enables trade a lot) - various trade agreements with other countries besides the European Union - colonies - and much more (I've got books on that though it's no of passion of mine, Europe... That's just part of my lessons at university...)
  13. Hi! What kills the sheep is mostly panic (at least in the mountains): they start running and fall from cliffs or things like that. Wolves only kill what they need to eat to live. On the opposite, dogs gone wild just slaughter the sheep. Indeed, if there were high fences, the losses would be lesser. If the shepards were present to scare the wolves too (a dog is not enough, but wolves are naturally afraid of men...) Does that help?
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