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Everything posted by sillyjody

  1. hahahahahha. yeah... i'm like 5'5 or 5'6 so.. .he's.... 6'2 6'3? that like nevermind, maybe he's a foot taller. hahahaha. i didn't do the math before. :roftl:
  2. yeah, in boston. he was sooo amazing. and he was wearing that shirt that has a tutle on it and says "WTF?" and i said to my friend "look meghan! it's the WTF shirt!"and we squealed and then i looked at him and he was looking at me and smiling! my heart dropped and started beating wicked fast!!!! :mf_lustslow: and i probably looked like an idiot too. hahaha :blush-an im-cl:
  3. hahaha... did you give them to him personally? if so, what were his reactions like?!
  4. i love the second one. that's like something i would do everyday at school when i get bored. hahaha!
  5. me too... one of my favorite intereviws is from the second picture! and i looove the big girl video. especially the break dancing part! hahaha:biggrin2:
  6. he is so tall. when i met him, he was like 8 inches taller than me! and i loved it.
  7. hey guys... i just got the best idea for a new thread... funny pictures of mika that make him look like adorable. i found two... here they are... so, if you could find any or have any that you think are funny and adorable, post! :biggrin2:
  8. hahahahah! that picture just made my day!
  9. not fair!*(just kidding! ) i wish we had one of those stores in America. i would love to bring a Mika-fied notebook to school. haha
  10. how can Mika's eyes melt every girl in the world? he's gorgeous. :mf_lustslow:
  11. yeah, that's what i mean... the lyrics are going to be angrier, but knowing mika, he'll probably make most of the songs upbeat and energetic, but with more meaning than what we'll really hear and listen to.
  12. yeah, i've noticed that Ring Ring is a bit angry, and we all know that grace kelly is. but, mika himself has said that he's been writing for the new album and that it's a bit angrier... and then he did that cute laugh he does and the nose scrunch and said "i know, crazy, it should be the opposite!" he's so cute.
  13. thank you so much for the greetings!!! :biggrin2: and don't worry, i'll have fun.
  14. haha i love that one! i'm going to go to bed now... talk to you all later! bye!
  15. yeah, i had a feeling it had something to do with his mother because of the line "Are five kids better than one/who doesn't like to be gone?" and then the line " Ours is a family that's based upon tradition/But with my jealous words I tread upon your vision." and isn't his family Roman Catholic, and the roman catholic tradition is very strict, i hear.
  16. i think that might be a bear costume or maybe his lion costume... i'm not sure... but, i love his eyes and how his hair is. sexy mika.
  17. this is as big as i could get it without it looking really blurry in his face.
  18. that doesn't even look like him! where did you find it? and i'll try to make it bigger...
  19. haha no, january is a long time ago... i think he looks alot different now than he did when he first came out.
  20. hahaha yeahh, about that whole love today.. not a dirty song...? hahaha joking! but, in my opinion he has quite a few dirty songs on there... i think that Billy brown is kind of dirty, with the whole prostitute in mexico, and then Big girl is kind of dirty too i guess. and well, Love today is too. hahaha. but yeah, I'm always the last to find anything out too! you're not alone on that one. hahaha.
  21. hahaha mika is probably the exact opposite of death metal. but yeah, that's what i was thinking. like, his subliminal messages in LICM, it'll probably be like that but about different things going on in his life. oh, and about he EP: an EP! i love EP's! i'm sooo excited!!! haha.
  22. haha thanks. all of you are so nice! i love how intense his eyes are, and the lighting. is it really from a long time ago? hmm...
  23. does anyone know where this one is from?
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