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Posts posted by REBEKA

  1. ano ano, na tom sme odrastli...:naughty:...inak ta fraza je este stale v kurze:wink2:...


    kazdopadne to potom vystriedalo Bravo so svojou rubrikou - MAM PROBLEM...


    Barunka a to uz moze konkurovat i spovednici...:naughty:


    Tak toto uz ma minulo..

  2. za mojich mladych cias boli v kurze rubriky typu "mam problem" a mam pocit, ze ten casopis sa volal Mlade rozlety...alebo si to myslim?...uz to bolo davno :naughty:


    REBEKA, hovori ti to nieco?...


    Tak toto si pamatam, aj ked to bolo uz velmi davno. Hovorievala sa vtedy taka velice ftipna fraza: "Mas problem? Napis do Mladych rozletov." Haha..

  3. Ty máš velmi dobré umístění! :punk:

    Teď jsi mě úplně dostala s tím obrázkem a pozdějším komentem glitta, glitta! :naughty: Dneska je to (tu) pohoda! :-)


    Teda, děti, kdy se nám naposledy podařilo sejít se všechny čtyři? To už bude taky nějakej ten pátek... :wink2:


    A co ty? Co nového :wink2: ..


    Ja? Nic. Sesternica sa rozvadza, neter ma ovcie kiahne.. Mala som tu 2 noci tu kamaratku, bolo fajne. Inac nic take. V noci bola strasna burka.

  4. Ahoj Rebeko!

    Tohle jsem přesně chtěla sem napsat, ale zajímavé je, že jak se tu vyžaduje statistika, ty se tu vždycky objevíš! :naughty:


    Já aspoň teda, aby se neřeklo, zjistila vaše aktuální pořadí!


    REBEKA #232

    sunshine18 #289

    Terou #458

    Martinibaby #1201 :)


    Ako inac? :wink2:


    A to nemam zle umiestenie..

  5. he is an amazing writer, and performer. and you know what...i dont care if he's gay, if i had the chance...i'd marry him.


    I`m reading through the thread and this just made me laugh (-:

  6. I didn't find so much, from here you can download the soundtrack:




    This is just short clips from You Tube:


    In the last one his mum is playing the piano!:wub2:


    Thanks, Sienna!


    I have seen Rufus live and I would recommend you seeing him. When I saw him, the crowd was quite laid back and I think he does more "formal" shows than anything else. Certainly no crowd surfing and the like. lol :)


    I think it would be worth it for you to check out his live act if he comes around where you live!


    ..which I doubt. I live in Slovakia and he is not very known here, I searched all over the capital city and they don`t sell his music in music shops, I had to order it on the net.

    But I`d love to see him perform once..

  7. Of course it is

    I don't care about the fundemental definition of Queer Rebeka, all I know is that in England it is an insult people use against gay people. That's all


    Okay okay Aurelien. Peace & Love etc.. :wink2:

    *Rebeka waving a white flag*

  8. I'll be there for you, as always!:huglove:


    Have you seen that great show he made with the Judy Garland theme?:wink2:


    Thank you, dear Sienna :wub2: I will hold on to you then (as before).


    No, not yet, but I will search it on Youtube (if you hava a good link, please post it here).

  9. I was on the phone with someone from the forum last night who told me about the renaming of this thread.

    I am really shocked and surprised at what you people have done.

    The word "QUEER" is an INSULT, it is a derogative term used to qualify GAY people. The term gay qualifies men and women alike so I don't see the problem.

    I will NOT have my name associated with an insult towards GAY people. If you don't like the name, create your own thread.

    Moreover, nobody asked me about renaming this thread. This is just preposterous. It has to go back to its original name, there is no discussion about it, I do not want my name next to an insult people suffer from every day.

    This is just ridiculous.


    Hello Aurelien! This will be just my opinion so please don`t jump on me (we know the dynamics that is between the 2 of us..). Diana, the moderator, changed the name after a long discussion and a democratic voting, so there`s no blame on her. Right, you created this thread and called it "gay" but then you withdrawed and didn`t take a part in the discussion and the voting so why do you freak now? English is not my mother tongue either but I think the word "queer" is not an insult. We chosed it because it is more inclusive than the word "gay". "Queer" I think means not only gay people but also bisexuals, transsexuals, asexuals, questioning.. simply, all the people that don`t fall to the category "heterosexual". I don`t think it`s a good idea to open another thread just because of this diffrence in views. As june is a month of gay pride, we from the LGBT group at IBM created a gay pride poster to be posted on the premises and then a female colleague raised an argument that the word "gay" doesn`t include the lesbians and that she wants the word "lesbian" appear on the poster. They didn`t change it but promised to bear it in mind next year. I like the word lesbian and I like seeeing it anywhere possible but it`s not always possible, if I open a "Lesbian thread" here I would be probably talking to my self there. So I somehow reconcile with the fact that more general terms are used, terms that include more people. Once also the word "gay" was an insult but it is not anymore and the word "queer" is not an insult anymore too, many people use it when they talk about themselves and they surely don`t want to insult themselves. It`s the same like "gay" only more open, less claustrophobic than "gay" IMO.

  10. That's one of my fave Rufus songs, REBEKA. His voice on that song is simply gorgeous.


    Ahoy Mandilambi! Right, it`s a superb song, also its video is extraordinary though a bit morbid (making me like it even more).


    Have you ever seen Rufus perform live? Me not. I hate crowds (social phobia) so I usually don`t attend big concerts, Mika is an exception. But Rufus probably performs only in small venues, I don`t know but his music is like chamber music so I cannot imagine it in a huge stadion. Mika is more universal in this I think, probably he`ll be cool also in a huge stadion (though I`m not going to Paris, I`m doing Amsterdam in July, it is open-space so I should cope with the crowd better I hope, or someone from MFC will have to hold my hand :cool:).

    Also I usually listen to Rufus in the evening, in melancholic moods.. But to Mika I can listen any time, he`s great even in the morning. I can listen to Mika when I`m happy or sad, it plays some of my strings anyway somehow. When I`m happy -> I`m happier, when I`m sad -> I bear the sadness better.


    Mika had a similiar eye:


  11. This picture is really beautiful, thank you!:wub2:


    I want his scarf. :)


    I`m in the Rufusian mood these days.. I have the album "Release the Stars" on reapeat..


    "I'm gonna make it up for all of the Sunday Times

    I'm gonna make it up for all of the nursery rhymes

    They never really seem to want to tell the truth"


    "Tell me do you really think you go to hell for having loved?"



  12. Zdravim devy! Este stale nie sme 2. cast? Mozno to bola nasa obrovska trojtisicova thread, co sposobila nefunkcnost servera, ale Mika nabehol so svojim srobovacikom a vsetko dal do poriadku. A trvalo mu to len nejakych 35 hodin ((((-: Ja som dobre vedela, preco som nepodpisala tu "official" peticiu :boat:


    Vcera vecer prisla ta kamaratka z Prahy, s ktorou sa pozname este z Izraela, tak sme boli vecer v meste, a bola s nami este jedna kamaratka, bolo fantasticky. Zaspavali sme pri Rufusovi Wainwrightovi, ktory konecne dorazil :wub2: A dneska pracujeme, kazda v svojej miestnosti, so svojim notebookom, ja si tu spravujem tie moje izraelske zmluvicky, a ona zase pracuje na tom slovniku pre toho Izraelca.. Uvidime, co podnikneme po praci, ja by som chcela ist na Slavin.. uvidime.


    Jo, a mile deti, uzite a uzime si tento nas krasny medzinarodny den!




    a pozri, co som nasla v susednom threade:




    p.s.: este ma napadlo, ta fotka ma popis, co suvis s after party, viem, ze tych after party moze byt viac, ale REBEKA spominala, ze mal rovnaku koselu na tej vasej...nevsimli ste si tam toho mladika?...


    Tato fotka je z tej februarovej londynskej afterparty, chudacik si zapchava usi.

    Podla mna ziadna ina afterparty nebola, a potejto ani ziadna ina nebude.

  13. Už jsme přesáhly hranici 2900 postů, každou chvíli nám to tu zavřou... inu myslím, že otevření necháme na tom, kdo tady zrovna bude jako první poté, co nám ho zavřou? Nebo já nevím, nevím komu je fér to předat...

    Uvidíme podle okolností :thumb_yello:


    Stale sa neohlasil ziadny moderator ci moderatorka? Tak asi to nase samovladie v sebe zahrna aj zatvaranie a otvaranie threads podla lubovole.. No ale preco by sme tuto zatvarali, ked nemusime? Barunka, tento tvoj navrh je dobry. Len by bolo potom dobre, v mene kontinuity, do prveho postu novej thread dat aj linku na tento part 1, aby bol archiv poruke alebo tak nejako.


    A co ohladom nazvu casti c. 2? Nechame to "CZ&SK" alebo dame "Czech & Slovak" alebo?

  14. hey everyone ;) if your not exactly sure of your sextual prefrence yet can you chat too?? I hope so! hehehe! I'm kind of inbetween right now so I'm just gonna take some time to myself and think and try to figure myself out...i dont really have a clue what i'm doing cam anyone offer me any advice?


    Well, at the age of 15 it`s perfectly normal that you are not sure yet.. if you like girls, or boys, or both, or none :wink2: Me at the age of 15 I didn`t like anyone. And of course you can chat in this thread, this is a rather open thread, it even changed its name from the original, rather limiting "gay" to a wider, more open "queer".

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