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Status Updates posted by JULS92

  1. bild047w.jpg


    from the top ^^




    and the side xD with all pictures of us around it hahaha

  2. hahahaha it's already wraped in paper ^^but it's a hello kitty phone hahahahahahhahahaha :D wanna see the present xD wait.. i'll take u a photo :D

  3. hahahah :) when is the gig ?? :)


    i'm doing a present for my best friend for tomorroow hahahah :D

  4. hahahaha hun :D do you have a blackout ? xD i was at home because it raiined all day :D hahahahahahahhahahaha

  5. that's tomorrow hun :D not today :) hahaa

  6. loooooove yoouuur new piicture :wub2:

  7. hey hun i'm baack ^^ got a suprise lol my boy's here xD hahahahahahahaha my dad called me and told me he's here and i was like what ? xD i have to go home hahahaha xD


    what are u doiing?

  8. thanks hun :) hey gotta go friends comminng oover in a few minutes ;) maybe we'll get the chance to talk laater huun :) miss it! :) love you

  9. noo :D my two best friends are having this cermonie or however that's called in the church it's like a celebration that they are adults now :D and i'm really looking forward to it and after that i'm going to eat luunch with her whoooole family :D italian family so it's gonna be a lot of fuun :)

  10. mhh.. my day suuuucckkkeeedd xD there were 2 openairs today for freee o.O but i didn't go because it rained all dayy -.- suuuuucckkkeeed -.- hahahaha :)


    loooking forward for tomorrow :) ..

  11. heeeyy daarliing :) sry i just saw your message now. so couldn't say hi from you ^^but i will as soon as i see him again :)


    hooow are u ?

    how was your dayyy ?? :)

  12. hun i'm going to bed ;) gooodniight and sweet dreams :) hope to talk to u tomorrow :wub2:

  13. aww soouunds niice :) haha my day was goood xD we finally are finished with those boring classes and actually when i think back i liked this week xD hahahaha :) and our teacher loooooooved that week too so he invited us to a party hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha our teachers are so cool and crazy xD will be fun :D

    oh and tonight i watched dvd with my booy :) well he's still here :)

  14. heyy huun :) how are uuu ?? how was ur laast day of school ? :wub2: love you

  15. hahahaha :) don't know xD..


    brb gotta do that presentation don't know if i have the time to come back :wub2:



    love youu and enjoy your last day tomoorroow!!

  16. wah girl -.- you have holiiidays. :( hahahahaha i have to waiit one more month -.-


    argh. xD hahahhahahaha

  17. hahaha hun :) just posted them in the fan art thread :D


    are u going to see ur friends before you go to london?

  18. ooooook.. soo here we goo ^^ are u ready ?? :D


    can't really explain the drawings ^^they are soo crazy. :) haaahaa






    this is like uhmm.. what our home should be like ^^





    this started with a drawing of my teacher ^^




    that was the first one we diid ^^not that crazzy.


    hahahhaha you like??

  19. oh wow :) then enjooyyy your last day huun :) yeaa lots of energy but i have to do a presentation tomorrow ^^and i didn't do anything yet hahahahahha xD so i will need my energy for that -.- .. argh problems with scanning pictures comiing soooon.. :D haha


    hoow was your daaayy ?

  20. ii'm good too ^^ finally found a way to survive this boring classes ^^ bought like a biig baag of instant coffee thing and now i run every break to the school kitchen and get hot water and drink coffee ^^hahahah i had aabouuut 8 coffees todaayy i'm gettiiiing craaaaazzzyy :D hahahahahaha whaahaa.. your last classes before you start in london ? or before your trip to london ? o.O


    ohh.. brb i'll scan it nooowwwww..

  21. wooohoo huuuuun :) i got the draawiiings :D still have to scan them but i'll shoooooooow youuuu sooooon :D hahah how are uuuu ?? :)


    oh look at that i was "creative" todayy during boring classes ^^ mika was in the newspaper i cut it out and put it on my cigarettes pack xD and mhh..

    this is mika in 30 years xD ->



  22. hey huuun :) yeaahh i'm goooood what about youuu ?? =)

    haha yes well about the money i earn at that job ^^not much at all :(

    but whatever at least i have a chance to work in a biig design studio :D yay. hahahhaa


    what's goiiing oon in your liiife huun?


    miss you so much!!

  23. ;) i'll show them to you as soon as i can :) brb gotta eat dinner
  24. hahaha well actually it was ok today.. better than yesterday ^^not thaaaaat boring like yesterday.. but still my teacher talked alllll day long. :) was kind off an emotional day.. we discussed about death soul mind and things like that o.O weird weird.. almost half of the class was at the end crying o.O.. whaaat else.. well omg i diid sooome reeeaaaaaallly craaazzyy fuun drawings with my friend during class because we were bored hahaha ii haaaaaave to show you those!! but can only show you tomorrow, they are in school xD but you will love it they are so craazzy and with so much detail xD hahahahahahahahahaha we did it like someone starts with something and the other one continues and so on so we created like a whole world on a paper ^^ and we have 3 of them until now :D awwww oh i really wanna shooow youu :)))

  25. hey huun bunny :) sry i was back really late yesterday so i thought you won't be here anymore anyway . .. . hooooow are youuu ?? :)

    whoa i feel like i can't spend one more minute in school this week ..

    my brain is like this ->




    ^^ no room left for mooore things. :(


    hahaha how was ur day ?

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