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Status Updates posted by JULS92

  1. hahahah hun i love you talking ruuubbiiish :D i'm back but i'll have to do something from my mom :( is gonna take me a whiiille :( sry.. but i hope you are still here when i'm back :) love you

  2. well i was iin school o.O and i tell you i'm getting craaazzy in school thiis week o.O it's gonna be soo annooyiing booriing and arghhhh.. xD i already want weekend agaiin. we have all week looong just book presentations and talking talkiingtalkingtalking taaalking listening listening listening o.O argh it's hooooooorrriiible. and my teacher taaalks sooo fuucckkkiiing my muuch . and his voice is so annoooyiing i can't hear it anny loonger hahaha


    what did u doo ??


    :wub2: gotta eat diinnner...

  3. i was at the apple store in the city ^^ because i had some problems with my laptop xD and my sister works there but she's on holiday at the moment ^^lol and i had "meeting" with a specialist there in the shoop ^^and i was waiitiing because i was too early hahah and then one guuy asked me when my meeting is and what my name is and i said my name and he was liike aaaawww yoou are Sarah's sister :D hahaha and a lot of other people who worked there heard that too and they all came to mee and talked with me hahahahaha was so funny xD i didn't even know them hahaha :D

  4. yay i'm good too ^^ just got home had a funny moment earlier xD o.O xD

  5. heeyy huuun :) how are youuu ??

  6. oh ok :) going to bed anywaayy yeah really hope to talk to u tomorrow :wub2: miss you.

  7. sry hun i'm a bad friend i always dissappear -.- i'm sorry for that :(


    hooow are you giiirl??


    i just came home ^^it's 4.56 am and the sun is already risiing o.O






    and oh my god ^^i was at a concert and there was a background singer who looked just liike miika ^^xD hahah




    ahhahahahahhaa :)


    gotta go to sleep now. hope to see uu later :wub2:

  8. o.o...aww..that suucks if he loves her but she only uses him o.O .. mhh.. hun i'll be back in 30-60 minutes gotta take a shooower.. :):wub2:

  9. goood ^^we were thinking about going together on holidays this summer :) hahaha :) but not sure yet..

  10. i'm doing nooothing :D haha you? ^^ just had trouble with my laptop -.- i wanted to burn a cd now it doesn't want to come out of my laptop anymore -.- haha

  11. woops. posted it on my profile -.- : oooohh i loooooove them . i could recogniize your pictures out of 100 they are soo aamaaziing and with ur oown style!! love them. well yeaaah i'll get some mooonneeeyy for the logo ^^

  12. oooohh i loooooove them . :) i could recogniize your pictures out of 100 :) they are soo aamaaziing and with ur oown style!! love them. well yeaaah i'll get some mooonneeeyy for the logo ^^

  13. oh oh oh waaannnaaa seeee !! =))


    hmh.. not that muuuuch.. i won that contest with the logo -.- i dont know i didn't want to win ^^.. hahah. that's why i had so much to do this week. i always had to stay longer in school and work together with my teacher to get it finished. hmh what else..

    oh today was kinda creeepy.. we had to search outside trash and then do a painting with it ^^and i found a gun o.O lol.. was weird.. ^^ see here .. -> :D



  14. nooo i diiiddn't kknneeewww xD butt whaaaa that's exciiitiing. :) hahahah.. so what else is neeww and i don't know it yet ? :D i want news. :D

  15. oh sounds liike fuuun :) hahahahaha :) just figured out i don't like my art thing anymore i did for the yearbook xD hahaha i wanna do iit agaiin xD hahahah :) hey i saw your going to a gig in loondooon? :o

  16. what are u dooing this weekend? ^^ mhhh.. i'm not doiing much this weekend ^^thought i have no school on moondayy.. haha.. yess the yearbook is great thought they wrote my mfc name wrong hahahaha :D

  17. i'm goood too :) my week was ok ^^but yeah exhausting ^^we had a lot of stuff to do in little tiime -.- hahaha looking at the yearbook at the moment :) what are u doiiing?

  18. hey hun :( i'm so sorry i've been here almost never thiis week -.- i was always soo exhausted from school ^^.. hahaha hoow are uu giirl? how was uur weeek? :( ii miss talking to youuuuuuu :wub2: come here!! i have aaaalllllllllllllllllll evening and niight nothing to doo :)

  19. noo didn't enjooy iit ^^ was awfuuul and booriing and argh. it's soo fuucking hot outside i wasn't motivated at all to woork if it's so beautiiful outsiide. and.. ohh.. my teacher was suuchh aaa B**CH hahahaha ^^ yeah gotta go too. see ya later :wub2:

  20. hahahaha sucks but there's gonna be someoone who wants you and you want him too.. just waiit ^^.. haha :) well we had to do a Logo (omg is that english?!) foor a company

    -.- well it' a competition but the school kinda cheats on us they take the priice for the logo we don't get anythiing -.- sucks.

  21. hahahahah giiirl seee it's not liike nobody wants youu :) you just didn't realise it :D haaaha :)


    i'm gooood too. :) was realllyy boooriing in school -.-

  22. hiiiiii huuuuuuun :) how are youu ??

    how was ur daayy?

  23. sry huun haven't really been here this weekend ^^ my weekend in pictures for u ^^because i'm too tired to explain it all :) and i'm going to bed after this. but i hope we get some time to talk tomorrooow.. anyway let's start with









    barbecue party











    hahahahahah didn't find more pictures hahahaha so lame. :) good niight love you very much:wub2:

  24. hahaha here it's beauuutiifuul . yeah thought we watched one movie then we were too tired ^^hahaha hun gotta gooooo ..i'm goiiing swiimmiing in the lake for the fiirst tiime this year yay :wub2:

  25. i'm good too :D sitting in the suuun :D yaay. :D hahaha i'm sleepy too

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