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Posts posted by shady

  1. I hope we can bring someone... :o ? I thought we could?

    I'm there (almost) for sure!




    You can still do it, it's done in a few minutes! :thumb_yello:


    I'm almost sure we can bring someone with us,but to be really sure,I'll ask her about it:wink2: Het staat in de tekst dat je iemand mee kan nemen op 1 ticket,er staat alleen bij je bestelling aantal 1,omdat je maar 1 ticket besteld.(waar dus 2 mensen mee binnen mogen)

    Maarre,je komt toch wel he???:shocked:

  2. Ooh Shady I saw that you called me, sorry I didnt pick up me phone was somewhere under a pile of stuff!


    I would quite like to go as it's really quite close for me anyway but I'm not sure bc I'm gonna be driving to Germany really early on Friday... And I have only 20 mins left to order a ticket :boxed: So I suppose this isn't the best idea for me really. What time does this finish?


    Hi! :wub2: I don't know when it's finished to be honoust:boxed: It starts at 19.30.Tomorrow I'm gonna ask if we can bring someone with us on one ticket.So maybe you can think about it,and decide tomorrow if you'll go:wink2:

  3. Hoi Shady :bye: Hoe is het met je? Ben je nog bij de dokter geweest?


    Ik kan het niet regelen op zo'n korte termijn. Bovendien geloof ik niet dat ik dat end wil rijden + veel parkeergeld wil betalen om naar een cd te luisteren. Zelfs niet om jullie weer te ontmoeten :blush-anim-cl:



    Hoi Kaatje! Er is niet veel veranderd,zicht is slechter geworden in 1 oog.Eind van de maand moet ik weer naar het oogziekenhuis :wink2:


    Ik was al bang dat je het niet meer kon regelen:emot-sad: Maar mocht het je toch lukken,als het goed is word ik gebracht...en hebben wel een plaatsje vrij hoor :biggrin2::wink2:

  4. Thank you Shady! Super geregeld! :wub2:


    it sounds like great geat fun! :thumb_yello:


    Thank you:blush-anim-cl: I'm glad it worked out for us :thumb_yello:

    Too bad I couldn't contact everyone in time though.

    I'll ask her if we still can bring someone with us on one ticket,maybe there are more mfc-ers who wants to go,but are too late to order:wink2:

    So you're coming for sure?

  5. Dat is zo .. Maar niet amper 2 dagen op voorhand :roftl:


    Ik moet werken die dag + de beesten voeren en het is 3.5 uur rijden naar Amsterdam .. :aah:



    Ik snap het hoor :wink2: Ik baal er ook van dat ik het zo laat pas zag:boxed: En nog bij toeval ook.Maar ik heb m'n best gedaan:wink2:

  6. I don't want to go on my uppie either :naughty: Come on girls!!

    If you have any more questions,send me a pm please.The lady from Heineken is going to call me again tomorrow :wink2:

    I tried to call Simone,Babs and Diana also,but I don't have everyone's phonenumber.


    Thanks for posting this for me C@rin@! At first this was a auction,or you could get a ticket for 400 e-points.I 've asked them about it,and told them I was a member from the Mika FanClub,and if it was possible to bring more people :wink2:I also asked her about the delivery,because it was too late for them to send it by mail.She called me this afternoon to tell me we could come,but we must register and order before 24.00 hr.And she will send us an e-mail instead of mailing the tickets to our post addresses


    Come on girls,I mean Mika music,a Mika cocktail,and a free Mika cd!!:thumb_yello:

  7. Thanks for the update! :huglove:


    I miss Bienie, and c@rin@. They were beside me at the last Brussels gig. :wub2:


    So, this means Mika's latest tweet was from backstage? :teehee:


    I hope someone (Bienie?) got video. The AB gig in June was probably the best crowd I'd ever seen at a Mika gig. I can just imagine the vibe at such an intimate showcase. :blush-anim-cl:


    Also: does anyone know if Monie and Shady got tickets in the end? :blink:




    nope :boxed:

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