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Posts posted by shady

  1. Hoi Dutchies! Toch even een berichtje van mij:wink2: Ik kom hier al een tijd niet meer want het kost me teveel moeite om alles bij te houden.Dank je voor je hulp Biekje :thumb_yello: Ik zat te twijfelen om het te vertellen want ik wil niet overkomen als een zeurpiet,Maar ik heb het nu zo vaak meegemaakt dat ik mensen niet groet omdat ik ze niet ziet,dus het kan makkelijk zijn dat ik m'n hoofd omdraai of niks zeg,dus ik heb liever dat jullie het weten :wink2:Ik kan nog iets met m'n rechteroog zien uit een bepaalde hoek,dus ik ga m'n best doen :thumb_yello:Het ziet er van de buitenkant niet zo erg meer uit als eerst,maar m'n zicht is nog steeds even slecht.Er is nog steeds kans dat ik m'n gezichtsvermogen helemaal verlies,en m'n rechteroog is nu ook slechter geworden.Ik ben in april geopereerd,een soort van nood operatie,er zijn stukjes bot uit mijn oogkas gehaald omdat m'n oogzenuw klem zat.Zo,hehe,genoeg gezeurd,op naar 2 juni!! Groetjes,Wendy

  2. Hi Guys,


    Shady wants to thank everone for the beautiful flowers, it was a very big surprise for her.


    :thumb_yello:I also like to thank you it means a lot for Wendy she was moved.


    I hope everone will read this because i don't know were to post this message.

  3. And that is exactly what I mean, when I say that Mika himself seems to "promote" bad behaviour, by rewarding people who skip the rules (which were SO clearly laid out that night by security).


    When others see this, they think: "I will ask next time as well", and this causes so much trouble.

    If there are no pics, there are no pics.

    It shouldn't be the case of: there are no pics for the polite ones who follow the rules, but if you're rude and cheeky you get whatever you want.




    You're right,still can't really say what I mean in English :naughty:

    It WAS clearly said,and by giving (rude and cheeky) people their way,it will encourage people to act like that also :thumbdown: I agree with you also Sienna,I think it's not easy for Mika,but if he'll stick by the rules,it will become a bit easier for him too :wink2: Rules are rules,for EVERYBODY!

  4. Shady had send me a PM when I wrote the message, we hadn't made any decisions yet.

    Are you all travelling on Friday? Or is anyone travelling Saturday morning? I am probably going Saturday morning but I would also like not to travel alone.

    And yes, I already have a room, in the Travelodge Covent Garden, with Vicky and Rose :original:.


    confusion :naughty: I'd Pm -ed Monie before Linde.

    But I can travel on Saturday morning,and I've send you a Pm Monie!

    My only problem is a place to sleep,I can't book a room because I don't have a creditcard :boxed:

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