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Everything posted by MIKA-TheBestMusician

  1. *after a few days she walks in again to say a bad thing* my mother don`t alow me, to go on my pc for the next days that sux! the day i can be here again will be one of the best in my life
  2. schule... *augenverdreh* ich sach jez bessa nix dazu
  3. der satz war so zweideutig, das ist alles lernst du grade deutsch?
  4. no, they wanted to do it, but they didn`t do it... but now
  5. not really "news", they planned it a few years ago, but then they didn`t do it, ut now my mother has got a flat, at the end of feb. she`ll not live here in that house... and i have tolive half here, half in the flat
  6. i know that! and my parents will divorce themself, so we haven`t got as much money as before
  7. no, i want to have an own horse, but we haven`t got enugh time and money
  8. yes! i had riding horses and my horse was going a bit ctazy (she ran through the hall and jumped)
  9. *walks in* hello everyone! how are you? did you see my pic 1 or 2 pages ago ? if not, please don`t look
  10. by celesteee i`m going to do my homework tomorrow in the morning
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