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Everything posted by mari62

  1. Mika as a guest @ Le Grand 8 together with Alma Hayek on French TV D8TV at H. 10.45 am They'll talk about the film "Le Prophète" out today in France Le Grand 8 Très heureux d'accueillir @salmahayek et @mikasounds, mercredi dans #LeGrand8 pour la sortie du film "Le Prophète". https://twitter.com/...835213455814657 https://twitter.com/...836426264059904
  2. On the occasion of the release of the film 'Le Prophète' Tomorrow Mika will be a guest @ C à Vous together with Salma Hayek. France 5 Verified account ‏@France5tv Demain à 19.00, @salmahayek et @mikasounds seront les invités de @cavousf5 ! #cavous #france5
  3. sììììììììì dovrebbe essere tutto il concerto
  4. secondo la programmazione sky giovedì 3 sarà una replica ridotta (50 min), prima di XF - dalle 20.10
  5. sì è stato un sogno, pura magia, per me credo il suo concerto più emozionante, difficile da descrivere: brividi, battito accelerato, quasi fatica a respirare, la musica la senti dentro di te, ti avvolge, perdi il contatto con la realtà
  6. they've uploaded the video podcast http://www.deejay.it/articoli/deejay-chiama-italia-puntata-del-26-novembre-mika/462203/ same file as mp4 http://flv.kataweb.it/repubblicatv/file/2015/11/26/289474/289474-video-rrtv-650-djci_puntata_26112015.mp4 Mika is on from about 59 min.
  7. Since we already have a thread about this song here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/31943-les-baisers-perdus-song-and-lyrics-discussion/page-1 I'm going to move your posts there, so we can keep all comments together, and close this thread
  8. FIRST EUROPEAN LIVE SHOW OF 2016 ANNOUNCED! On 12th April Mika will perform at Le Printemps de Bourges!! Tickets are on sale now from http://printemps-bourges-fbk.fnacspectacles.com/ More info: Stay tuned for more coming soon...... https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/photos/a.10150417790488040.363530.6006248039/10153361966028040/?type=3&permPage=1 Link to RSVP: http://www.mikafanclub.com/calendar/event/915-%7B%3F%7D/?module=events
  9. ohhhh hahaha thanks for explainign Yuna! he must have confused the hats
  10. They ask if he knows what's written on the hat, and he replies: yes, that I'm cool, in Korean Is it true?
  11. Thank you very much Eriko! I've updated the first post
  12. I have managed to record the video, here it is http://www.dailymotion.com/video/kkav5AZWF896AFe3fAi i hope you can watch, btw we should have the video podcast soon
  13. and I've heard we'll have more repeats hopefully we'll have the whole concert on DVD
  14. aw, thanks for clearing it up Melyssa!
  15. Les Battles de la saison 5 : 12, 15 et 17 décembre 2015. 12 must be the month
  16. I don't think the Battles are taking place on the 12th as well, aren't they? https://twitter.com/AgenceCassandra/status/668778258650013696
  17. Mika again @ Radio DeeJay next Thursday 26 NOV H. 11.30 am Questo giovedì Mika sarà ospite di radio DeeJay 'DeeJay chiama italia' con Linus e Nicola. Sintonizzatevi dalle 1130 su http://www.deejay.it/programmi/deejay-chiama-italia/ https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/photos/a.10150417790488040.363530.6006248039/10153357491698040/?type=3&theater (the FB post might be geotagged)
  18. eh già.... vabbè l'importante è che lo trasmettano
  19. In questo periodo su SKY stanno trasmettendo alcune repliche: un'intervista e i 2 live francesi dei DVD. Il 27 come saprete già manderanno in onda il Concerto di Como
  20. Thank you, but I don't think it's necessary. It's a repeat, it must be this interview from 2013: http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/30953-video-interview-in-italian-uno-in-musica-mika-skyuno-nov-16-2013/ http://guidatv.sky.it/guidatv/programma/mondoetendenze/arteecultura/ritratti-mika_411878.shtml?eventid=80134591
  21. Nothing new, but Friday morning 20 NOV on SKY Arte they're rerunning: H. 03:30 Ritratti - Mika - Interview/Doc (Rerun Friday 11 DEC 07:00 am) H. 03:55 Mika - Live at Olympia (Rerun 11 DEC 07:30 am) H. 05:00 Mika - Live at Parc des Princes (Rerun Friday 27 NOV 0:00) http://guidatv.sky.it/guidatv/canale/sky-arte-hd.shtml
  22. New commercial advertising SKY TV https://twitter.com/digitalsat_it/status/667021005727080452 ttp://www.digital-news.it/news/sky-italia/41166/comunicato-ufficiale-sky-italia-lancia-extra-un-nuovo-modo-di-relazionarsi-con-gli-abbonati
  23. Tomorrow Mika @ RTL 102.5 'The Flight' H. 15.00 https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/posts/10153349151058040 Giovedì 19 novembre dalle ore 15.00 Mika sarà ospite in diretta suRTL 102.5 in RADIOVISIONE sul canale 36 del digitale terrestre e sul canale 750 di Sky in “The Flight" con Fabrizio Ferrari e La Zac. http://www.rtl.it/ospiti/30905/Mika_ospite_a_The_Flight/ We'll be able to watch it on video (on TV or on RTL site) http://www.rtl.it/radiovisione
  24. VIDEO interview (includes the audio part above aired on radio) http://www.rds.it/rds-tv/interviste/mika-il-paradiso-e-qui-linferno-spero-di-andarci/ same as mp4: http://www.rds.it/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/intervista_mika-1080.mp4 Article: http://www.rds.it/magazine/da-non-perdere/mika-2/
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