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Everything posted by mari62

  1. He must have been tired, he's just finished touring, has a tight schedule and before the Faccia a Faccia he had the XF Press Conference. Nevertheless he managed to be brilliant and speak an excellent Italian, kudos to him!
  2. It was a pleasure and an honor to be in the audience. For the ones, who were not there: you didn't miss anything, you can watch everything on video, thanks to our dear Eriko, everything was filmed And if you have a little patience -it's well worth the waiting- we'll have the video with subtitles, thanks to our awesome translating team. He talked a lot, gave long answers. I want to watch it all on video, in order to recall and enjoy every single word and expression of his. After the event/interactive interview here are the adjectives, that come up to my mind: intelligent, witty, fun, smart, sweet, interesting, creative, human, humble, inconsistent, light, deep, open, heartwarming, naughty , spicy, encouraging, uplifting. He was all that and much more, simply amazing and unique: at the end the host said that it was one of the best Faccia a Faccia ever, and he really meant it. Well, you'll be able to check it out by yourself. EDIT: a couple of Mika pics
  3. thank you so much Eriko, you are our star!! the audio quality is great
  4. From Mika's FB: Non dimenticate di sintonizzarvi alle 11.30 domani mattina su Radio DeeJay! Mika, assieme agli altri giudici di XFactor e ad Alessandro Cattelan, sarà ospite di DeeJay Chiama Italia con Linus e Nicola Il programma sarà anche in diretta su http://www.deejay.it/radio/ https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/photos/a.10150417790488040.363530.6006248039/10153306322293040/?type=3&theater (The FB post is probably geotagged, since it's in Italian) Tomorrow morning Mika as a guest @ Radio DeeJay together with the other judges and XFactor's host A. Cattelan at 11.30 local time We can watch it on video here: http://www.deejay.it/tv/
  5. Unfortunately I can't make it to London. Have a blast everyone, I'm sure you will, it will be special in many ways! Hopefully there will be a next time, would have really loved to meet you all, and many of you for the first time, I'll be with you in spirit
  6. Thank you Cath! ***MARSEILLE RESCHEDULED*** A new date has been announced for Marseille - Tuesday 27th October. The venue will again be Le Silo, all tickets from the postponed show on 7th October will still be valid. Just bring your existing tickets to the show to gain access. Anyone with a ticket who cannot make the new date and needs a refund, please contact the ticket vendor. Details for the rescheduled Grenoble show will be announced soon. Thanks ***MARSEILLE REPORTÉ*** Une nouvelle date est annoncée pour le concert de Marseille annulé cette semaine : Mardi 27 Octobre (toujours au Silo de Marseille). Tous les billets du spectacle reporté du 7 Octobre restent valables pour cette nouvelle date. Si vous souhaitez vous faire rembourser, merci de contacter votre point de vente. Les détails pour le spectacle de Grenoble reporté seront annoncés prochainement. Merci https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/posts/10153287689778040
  7. From MIKA's Facebook page: **TONIGHT'S SHOW IN NANCY IS ON!** We are thrilled to confirm that Mika's voice is sufficiently rested and he is able to perform in Nancy tonight. See you in a few hours! **LE CONCERT À NANCY DE CE SOIR EST CONFIRMÉ** Nous sommes très heureux de confirmer que la voix de Mika est suffisamment reposée pour qu'il puisse chanter à Nancy ce soir. À très bientôt! https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/photos/a.10150417790488040.363530.6006248039/10153287359368040/?type=3&theater
  8. The show has been postponed From the man himself on twitter: MIKA official ‏@mikasounds A tous mes fans de Marseille, je suis attristé d'annoncer que je dois annuler mon concert ce soir à cause d'une inflammation des cordes vocales J'ai tout essayé jusqu'à la dernière minute pour pouvoir chanter ce soir et donc je m'excuse pour l'annonce tardive Marseille http://on.fb.me/1j8rMIn Translation: To all my fans in Marseille I am saddened to announce, that I have to cancel tonight's show, because of an inflammation of my vocal cords. I tried everything until last minute to be able to sing tonight and so I apologize for the late announcement. From MIKA's Facebook page: **MARSEILLE POSTPONED*** It is with sadness that we have to announce tonight's show has had to be postponed. Mika was unwell since yesterday and this evening he had an emergency doctor's appointment. The doctor confirmed he is suffering from rhinopharyngitis and inflamed vocal chords and has advised him to postpone tonight or risk damage. If there was any way we could do the show we would. We are sorry to all fans with tickets tonight and those already at the venue. We'll reschedule the show as soon as we can, tickets will be valid for the new date or please speak to your ticket vendor about a refund. Thank you for your understanding. https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/posts/10153284725768040 ***CONCERT À MARSEILLE REPORTÉ*** C'est avec tristesse que nous devons annoncer le concert de ce soir sera reporté. Mika était malade depuis hier et ce soir, il a visité un médecin d'urgence. Le médecin a confirmé qu'il souffre d'une rhinopharyngite et ses cordes vocales son enflammées. Il a lui a conseillé de reporter ce soir ou risque de dommages. Si il y avait une façon de faire le spectacle nous le ferions. Nous sommes désolés pour tous les fans avec des billets et ceux qui sont déjà à Marseille. Nous allons reporter le spectacle le plus tôt possible. Les billets seront valables pour la nouvelle date ou s'il vous préférez vous pouvez parlez à votre vendeur de billets pour un remboursement. Merci de votre compréhension. https://www.facebook.com/mikafanclub/posts/10153550879260049
  9. There will be a Signing Session in Marseille on the day of the show. https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/photos/gm.1006383352746535/10153281354238040/?type=3&theater We're talking about the event HERE.
  10. Signing Session @ Cultura La Valentine at 18h October, 7th 2015 A l'occasion de son concert à Marseille au Silo, MIKA sera en dédicace Mercredi 7 au Cultura La Valentine à 18h. Venez nombreux! https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/photos/gm.1006383352746535/10153281354238040/?type=3&theater https://twitter.com/MaisonBarclay/status/651013645862879232 Link to RSVP http://www.mikafanclub.com/calendar/event/870-%7B%3F%7D/?module=events
  11. Radio Scoop podcast http://www.radioscoop.com/reportages.php?id=108340
  12. Ciao benvenuta! Sono contenta che il concerto di Firenze sia stata una così bella esperienza! Dato che il forum è internazionale e quindi si parla inglese, quando preferisci fare due chiacchiere in italiano, ti consiglio di venire nel thread italiano, che trovi qui: http://www.mikafancl...-parte/page-192 In tutti gli altri thread è meglio scrivere in inglese, altrimenti chi non parla la ns lingua non capisce. Il thread di Firenze lo trovi qui: http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32176-nelson-mandela-forum-florence-30-september-2015-reportspicsvids/ dove se vuoi puoi raccontarci qualcosa in inglese. Inoltre se ti fa piacere aprire un thread nella sezione "Introductions" in inglese (bastano anche poche righe) , possiamo darti il benvenuto http://www.mikafancl...-introductions/
  13. Ciao Gioia benvenuta! come hanno già accennato le altre, non si è trattato di un M&G, ma di un party privato. Dato che il forum è internazionale e quindi si parla inglese, quando preferisci fare due chiacchiere in italiano, ti consiglio di venire nel thread italiano, che trovi qui http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/29864-italian-thread-xvii-parte/page-192 In tutti gli altri thread è meglio scrivere in inglese, altrimenti chi non parla la ns lingua non capisce. Se apri un thread nella sezione "Introductions" in inglese (bastano anche poche righe) , possiamo darti il benvenuto http://www.mikafanclub.com/forum/5-introductions/
  14. Mika was @ Radio SCOOP yesterday https://twitter.com/MathieuScoop/status/649723697692049408 https://twitter.com/reno_scoop/status/649161416583348224 https://twitter.com/RadioSCOOPOff/status/649160422306787328 The interview is being broadcast today at 16.00 https://twitter.com/RadioSCOOPOff/status/649722798915592192
  15. Como October 24th is sold out
  16. Dee, this should be the interview you're looking for https://clyp.it/dihcwz0p.mp3 https://clyp.it/dihcwz0p
  17. the event has been postponed in October, they will announce the new date asap. I don't know, if the Facebook post is geotagged. https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/photos/a.10150417790488040.363530.6006248039/10153270477043040/?type=3&theater
  18. yess, I told him his Italian was 'da paura' (terrific), but he seemed to be in a quite humble mood yesterday
  19. ***BIG ANNOUNCEMENT*** Mika In Concert at Teatro Sociale in Como on October 24th A unique live event with SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA “AFFINIS CONSORT,” conducted by SIMON LECLERC This special opportunity for Mika to recreate his incredible 3 concerts in Montreal last year will be a stunning 1-night spectacle. As in Montréal, Simon Leclerc will conduct the Como concert with an Orchestra established for this special occasion and composed by 81 international experts: 65 instrumentalist and 16 choristers. Simon Leclerc is the prominent Canadian soundtrack composer for Paramount and orchestra leader, to whom Mika has committed the classical arrangement of his repertoire. After the concerts in Montréal, Mika enthusiastically declared: “Since I have a classical background, for me it's extraordinary to listen to my songs in the classical form Simon gave them, because it’s how I have imagined them in my mind!” Presales open on 1st October at 10am (Italian time) on Ticketone (online www.ticketone.it and stores) and soon also in Vivaticket stores (complete list on www.vivaticket.it). Tickets will be availble also at the Teatro Sociale box office in person or from www.teatrosocialecomo.it - BOX OFFICE TIMINGS: Tu&Th 10-14 // wed&fri 16-20 // sat 10-13, 14-18 https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/photos/a.10150417790488040.363530.6006248039/10153265949593040/?type=3&theater Link to RSVP: http://www.mikafanclub.com/calendar/event/867-%7B%3F%7D/?module=events
  20. Mika parteciperà ad un Faccia a Faccia in collaborazione con il Corriere.it in diretta streaming sul sito dalle 15.00 di Lunedi 28 settembre, ora italiana a Milano. Mika @ 'Faccia a Faccia' (One to One) in collaboration with Corriere.it - live streaming on the site at 15:00 on Monday 28 September. https://www.facebook.com/mikasounds/photos/a.10150417790488040.363530.6006248039/10153262828998040/?type=3&permPage=1 Link to RSVP: http://www.mikafanclub.com/calendar/event/872-%7B%3F%7D/?module=events
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