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Status Updates posted by Barunka

  1. Sveiki Baiba!


    Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus! :)


    And also a happy new year... i hope you will enjoy the winter break and start the new year in the best way possible!

  2. Salut Bianca!


    Mulţumesc si craciun fericit!


    Hahaha and happy new year as well... ! Hope all of your dreams will come true :-) (My romanian still isn't as good. :( :-D ) I can't wait for march, also looking forward to meeting you! :)

  3. Haha, it's still inevitable though. You willreach tht count one day xD

    Well unless you decide to leave MFC for good before that happens... but you know you can't do that :mf_rosetinted:

  4. No surprise there :-)

    Trying to keep the post count under 50000, eh? :naughty:

  5. Indeed indeed! :tehe:

    How are you?

    I have been super busy in the last time, I do nothing but study and still I feel like I need at least twice more time! :boxed: Am I missing out on anything important around here? :das:

  6. Thanks for the answer! :)

    I am so sorry you haven't still got them either, but on the other hand I am glad I am not alone in this!

    I am seriously startin to get worried cause in my opinion, this is taking WAY too long...

  7. Hey there! :)

    I just wanted to ask you, since you are going to the Vienna gig too...Did you get your tickets yet..?

  8. Yeah, that song is just so awesome :lmfao:

    Btw about the new episode? How did you like it? I loved it :lmfao:

    "How do you know how difficult can the canadian citizenship test be?"

    "Come on Robin, it's Canada. The test will probably go like this:

    1. Do you want to be canadian?

    2. Really?!" :lmfao:

  9. I did... yeah that was so awesome :lmfao: Did you also visit http://www.itwasthebestnightever.com ? :lmao:

    It's really great, yeah :-)! ... I will watch it by the time you're online here again and then we can discuss the new episode.. I am looking forward so much! =D

    It's true that he and David seem really great together... I love how David is involved in HIMYM as well!

  10. Hehe, I know, you guys get it every monday night... so that's a new episode for you in a few hours! :wink2:

    I usually get to see it on tuesday afternoon of our time on the internet :) So am actively excited about tomorrow :das:

    Oh I bet many people do, so do I kinda :wub2: Shame he's not into girls... :-( .. :-)

  11. Simply love it! It's kind of incredible, but there are quite a lot people in the Czec Republic who are totally hooked on it, even though it hasn't aired here yet.

    Neil Patrick Harris is just brilliant! :lmfao: I mean, they all are, but he just .. kinda stands out anyway. (because he's.. *in a high pitched voice* awesooome! :naughty: )

  12. Haha, thank you! :)

    So you're a fan of the awesome series too? :wub2:

  13. Wow! That's awesome :) I am thinking about studying japanese and chinese... on uni, yeah. :) But I don't know, people always say "dont do it" etc.... :-(

    I would like to be a translator too!

  14. Thank you so much!

    It's for a friend. You can basically win tickets to see Pink. It's her favourite artist, I wanna give her a nice birthday present. :)


    But anyways, back to you! I forgot to ask, what do you study in uni?

  15. Oh hun :( Your time will come! :)

    Could you please help me vote here? http://www.bavse.cz/#/galerie/54545 ... You click on "libi" .. thing is, i am really trying to win that contest...

  16. oh i feel you. I'm in the last year of high school, which gets seriously difficult... studying all the time :(


    yay for sunday and relax!!! :)


    Ohhh poor you. :( I am definitely going to Vienna (cause it's only like 110 km away from me) and apart from that,... still not sure. will have to think about Basel and London... it's all complicated though :(

    Damn I feel really sorry for you! I wish there were teleports so you could go to Vienna too! :biggrin2:


    By the way, may I ask you for a favour? <.>

  17. Oh :( So am I though... got a lot of studying/work then?

    But I'm OK as well :)! Have you got any news? Are you seeing any of Mika's gigs?

  18. Sveiki Baiba!

    I haven't seen you here for ages, how are you?

  19. Heya Liz!

    The problem with London is that... I simply don't have the money. :( I can afford flight tickets and the gig, but staying at a hotel is simply too much for me... :( I hate it, but there's not much I can do about it :(

  20. Hehe. Well Barunka is simply another form of my name that I just prefer :wink2:

    Alright, I shall remember that! :-)

  21. Oh damn, i accidentally posted my last reply on my wall :biggrin2:

    Well I am really glad I am not the only one who hasn't got the tickets yet, lol.

    By the way, as I guess this is like the first time we speak, I shall introduce myself - I am Barbora :naughty: I am guessing Bianka is your real name? :-)

  22. Oh, then I'm glad it's not just me =D.

    Woohoo, really!

  23. :lmfao: that's what we all do :fisch:


    Seriously? o.O Must be for the sold out gigs... cause they're usually around 40€ :)


    Well i bought them, but they still haven't arrived... have you already got yours?

  24. It always is :/ but what wouldnt we do for Mr. M, right? :biggrin2:

    So am I! :wub2:

    It's gonna be legendary!

  25. But you've still got to fly, right?

    Haha, I understand you. Been to London and Berlin because of him :biggrin2:

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