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Everything posted by Barunka

  1. haha yeah xD But me.. I love England! o.O Muuuch much much better than my country.. >< *thinks of moving away*
  2. Není zač, půjde to určitě.. a když ne, tak co, svět se nezboří ;-) No jasně, že je to o to lepší... ale že "nikdy neselžu" ... blbost Kdybys viděla moje známky ve škole Já proto sekla s děsně moc kroužkama... protože jsem měla čím dál tím míň náladu na cvičení :-X .. A Malku jsem tady teda nevidela za posledni dobu jakoze vubec... o.O
  3. Tak aspoň že ty koncerty přesunul na toho 25 února nebo tak.. člověče já bych byla naštvanáá.. chápu, vy jste si to vybili tím opitím Já bych jako abstinent měla problém Aspoň že jste narazili na obsluhu, která vám Miku pouštěla Ale tam s tím asi ani problém mít nemohli, co já si pamatuju z Anglie, tak letos tam hráli Miku úplně všude.. to byla kráása :-).. To video je pěkný ^.^ Já ho teda viděla už i předtím, ale vůbec jsem tě tam abych pravdu řekla nepoznala ..
  4. Jasan v pohodě Tak se v úuterý budu těšit :cool:Všechno to zvládni! o.O Já bych se asi sesypala A děkuju moc :-X No tak pochybovat snad můžu když proti mě byly i dva vyšší ročníky ne .. haluz, fakt o.O
  5. Jináč já taky nevěděla co ty slova znamenaly, ani moje sestřenice ze Slovenska ne A video na Lollipop je dobrý Škoda, že v něm není Mika, ale co už...tohle celkem k té písničce sedí A s těma tričkama s jménama... jj právěže to je děsně nerealistický... škoda no :-)
  6. Aaaha :-) No, já na té stránce myslím snad v životě nebyla, to jsem ale fanoušek co O:-) x) Ale slyšela jsem, že tam se beztak nic neděje.. takže radši pobývám tady A ještě něco... jak bylo v Londýně? o.O Ty jsi zrovna chytla ten zrušený koncert co
  7. Noo I acutally mean Ales Valenta O:-) He won the medal :-) But Jakub Janda is another great one... :-) yupp... i thought it would be Ostrava :-) aand knedliczki? sounds like the czech word "knedlíčky".. which means..ehm... well those round things you eat... in a soup...made from liver :-D Adam Małysz? Yeaah I do know him, a polish ski jumper ^^ Wow, you know a lot of people from czech republic o.O more than i know from Poland I guess... *ashamed* ...
  8. okay, good night!! ^^ have nice dreams
  9. wow =-O .. which country are u from? o.O
  10. well if i cound this one, then another three until finishing high school and them i wanna go to university for 4 years ^^
  11. How many years are left until you finish school? ^^
  12. well sometimes it'd be better if we were only like 20, but yeah, 32 is more fun.. especially when we're on trips
  13. there are 32 of us o.O well so there were 17 of us xD and in urs? =P
  14. partying at clubs! humm... nope, most of my friends are ill >.< .. in our class, there were like 15 people missing yesterday o.O
  15. Oooh you mean Ostrava maybe! It's in the north of the country, quite near to Poland ;D Well and bout ski jumping... i don't usually watch it, only at olympic games In 2002 a czech guy won a gold medal for us ... Of course I know Pavel Nedved =) Seems like the only well-known people from CZ are footbalists =)
  16. tak dobře, budem psát anglickočesky;) Jinak já taky hlasovala pro druhou možnost, si obleču co chcu.. (Až se někdy za deset let na jeho koncert zase dostanu x) )
  17. uh-oh xD I'm usually on computer only in the evenings (and then stay up soo late ) .. I'm actually a bit bored too, almost noone is online at ICQ O.o
  18. Yupp, I don't get that too o.O He definetly deserves to be there! >.<
  19. Barunka

    New MFC

    Yoyo, welcome to da MFC, yeaah Enjoy it here
  20. Right! You can't imagine until you have been there :-) It was like one of the best moments in my life (especially when i said it was the best gig i have ever been to and he smiled soo cute and said: "thank you soo much".. aww ^.^) .. well my day was quite good! school boring as usual but then in the afternoon when i went out with friends..it's like you already know it's weekend and life becomes more beautiful and yours?
  21. That was in Berlin... well there was a guy with Mika (dunno... I suppose that must have been his manager?? ) who said "No photos, No for's and if you have ur autograph, please go away" .. But a girl who came as first for the autgraph said "for ...(already forgot the name)" and he wrote it there.. i think if you asked him to take a photo with you, he would do it o.O .. strange.. anyway i'm sure you'll meet him! that's a fabulous experience! ^^
  22. ... I wish I could go to London too o.O .. Why is England that far But yeah, those of you who are going there, enjoy it !!!!
  23. I understand you!! I didn't actually expect to meet him after the gig (cause i thought that would be too much luck at once ) .. but i thought "oomg if i met him, i wouldn't be able to say a word" and then i met him an i talked too much Must have looked like a fool too .. but my friend could say only "great!", "yeah" and "thank you!" .. anyway, we weren't allowed to take photos.. i don't get why.. at other gigs the people were allowed to i think
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