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Everything posted by Barunka

  1. Good night!!! =))) See you tommorow or so Have nice dreams ^.^ *hugs*
  2. Omg, pc crashed down again :-/ .. Haha, just like Mika :-D ^^ if I could sing like him or had at least such good ideas Oooh btw I love colours too ^.^ .. Those colours in Mika's videoclips always make you feel good x)
  3. For me, it's sooo great to stay at home I don't like school at all... it's so long.. boring.. yawn.... I'm bored even when I think about it
  4. Yup, still ill But now it's almost OK... Have to go to school on monday Oh I know this... I love those days where you have a good mood after a long time! hope it will stay there longer!
  5. Oh there will be no one standing down there... ;D there's no path And if there's anybody.. well... their shame ... they shoudn't walk on grass :-X Good mood... I can only be jealous! Anything special happened?
  6. Hey Femifrosk! I'm actually quite good.. though my pc's still crashing down...argh... *gonna drop it out of the window* .. And you?
  7. Youngliiings! :-) Anyone online at the moment?
  8. Me too ^.^! Somehow everyone around me is depressed .. but i dunno, i'm still happy :-D .. maybe it's cause i'm at home instead of goin to school (ill )
  9. Voting as much as I can! Grace Kelly HAS to be the record of the year *.*
  10. Should take bout a week Yaaay! ^.^Thanks again
  11. yeaah.. that's the problem with living here:( here you get everything expensive or you can get it cheap with expensive shipping from internet
  12. yupp, that's reaaaally cheap :-) but those 27 pounds i'd have to pay for shipping are not that good.. >.<
  13. actually not tommorow it's so much cheaper on amazon .. gonna buy it there
  14. thaaanks :-) but wow, the dvd's available here O__O... i know what i'm gonna do tommorow now i'll have a look if it's cheaper here or at amazon
  15. Thanks :-) Ooh, Mika's DVD *.* Can I come and watch too .. just joking... *jealous* noo i don't... i think it's not even available in our country... :-/ But when it is, I'll buy iit
  16. hey ^^ I'm good! well... i am ill, but it's not that bad.. so I was enjoying staying home instead of school and urs day? :-)
  17. So glad Mika has won this "award" ^^ He deserves it by all means :-)
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