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Everything posted by Ceci_B

  1. si!!! estaria de pelos de que el viniera!!! aqui tienes mi myspace http://www.myspace.com/jack1091 y mi hotmail es perfect_recruit@.....blah bnlah blah hay si lariux...si ahorita te paso la info-..sorry
  2. so, how's the project doing? I got my LICM dvd on thursday and I'm so happy!!! Mika is sooo cute
  3. PERFORMANCE 1) The best Mika's video? love today. 2) The song you prefer in his concert? relax. THIS PARTICULAR SONG 3) The song that puts you in a good mood?love today 4) The song you can listen again and again till doomsday? love today, grace kelly and relax 5) The song that corresponds with your life?grace kelly IN FUTURE 6) The theme that you would like Mika deals with? his sexiness 7) What song (of another artist) you would like Mika sings? Feel, a robbie williams song. 8) With who he should have a duo? robbie williams, well he is already doing it so I think it would be Brendon Urie from Panic at the disco.
  4. I'm so pissed off...I was the one who inveted this thread and I haven't find my microfone. I think I lost it while I was moving from an Island to Mexico...I suck
  5. WE ARE SOOO CLOSEE!! please guys vote!!! we are at 21.9% we can beat Take that and Leona
  6. addded you already:biggrin2:
  7. yay!!! look at me!!! I'm there!!!!!!! wohoooo OHHH AND I'M NEXT TO MIKA!!! WEEEE hahah
  8. i added you already!! we should make a Mika's Lover proyect...or something of the like
  9. I added you guys already
  10. im in:d:d please count me in
  11. I don't know....why don't we discuss them...but if they enter young members...well that0s up for them....we cannot be like "oh no, we can't" we should...and if they want to...welll that's on their own risk
  12. thank you...so you have my letter now...I just have to give you a pic of myself..... I do hope he likes the letter
  13. ok! I added you guys already!!! soo....good to know everyone wants to be his lover! so what would you do while being his lover¿? naughty question isn't?
  14. so, do you like it then? yes why not?
  15. hahaha I know, everyone does. what does Keen mean?
  16. So, there's Mika's Slaves and the such...but there's no Mika's Lovers....so...who wounldn't want to be HIS lover? #1-Ceci_B #2-heineken22 #3-Mika4Life13 #4-vixenbbw #5-flor_arg_16 #6-MIKA_OBESSED #7-Romis #8-Aaurora #9-Shaza! #10-Lolliepop_Girl #11-findingmywords #12-sillyjody #13-Carol_Queen #14-HelloKitty_Lucy #15-marleen #16-amsterdam #17-strawberry #18-Sarah_Lollipop #19-Benedicte #20-Mikadmirer #21-flopii* #22-Kriszti #23-hjbsrbab@hbibby.orangeham #24-mikasbestfriend #25-lollipop_monkey #26-Ana #27-uhsofamous #28-luna #29-pica_mica #30-Mika,I love you #31-nikoulini #32-mac1718 #33-tauruslady #34-Cintia_Jenny #35-ewokwicket
  17. So here's the deal guys! I have a new proposal! still is "Sing it Like Mika", but what if we chose a song, like "Love Today" or soemthing...and we do a video, like the Brazilia girls...have you seen their video? is cool...we take a movie of ourselfs singing the part that is ours...and then...we put it together....and...and...we upload it..and then we show it to mika?? huh? what ya think? let me know guys please,.
  18. really? do you actually like it? I tought it was corny... thanks
  19. sure....it says like this.... but I wanr you is cheesy:d "I would like to say many things, maybe I LOVE YOU, but you wouldn't believe me 'cause we both know that we dont know each other....for now. I would like to say I ADMIRE YOU, and that's actually true, what you've done trough the years, all that made you who you are now and that's worth of admiration. There are things that I would lik to do, shake your hand, hug you and if I'm lucky even give you a kiss, but I know thet the feeling it will not be as I want it, for you I'm just another crazy fan, I might be, but for me you are not just another idol. You are special to me, and you have changed my life somehow. So, today in Valentine's Day, I want to say that I truly admire you and respect you. (also love you:biggrin2: ) and I want you to have fun. With all my heart and might.... Ceci xoxox" so that's it.... cheesy...corny i know
  20. ya regrese!!! aww me encontre con este pequeño de Mika hablandoe spañol!!! no se si lo han visto, pero esta super tierno!!! http://youtube.com/watch?v=oqikrZy9slg
  21. I don't know what to write...I have something that I worte....but I'm afraid that it sounds cheesy
  22. porke te estas volviendo loca? yo ire a tennis en 15 minutos y como en una hora regresare
  23. could someone pass me the link of the comercial? I want to see the itoouch comercial...puh.lease!!! te sobraba dinero? jaja no te manches....si, much music es mi canal favorito.
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