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HelloKitty Lucy

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Everything posted by HelloKitty Lucy

  1. devo studiare ancora molto,ma ogni tanto prendo una pause e vengo qui. Domani però,penso che non ci sarò nemmeno io... remembers me of someone!
  2. Beh...meno male che ci sei allora! io sto bene grazie,ma devo studiare tantissimo!e tu?sei sempre occupata con la scuola?
  3. I can try on ebay! goodnight dear! yes...it's been very quiet lately!I bet on june won't be the same!
  4. and I thought you were doing something interesting...
  5. Oh, right!I haven't considered this option! that's why he didn't answered! yes,I knew they were from adids because of the 3 stripes!
  6. really???once,on my train home,i saw a guy having the same pair of shoes,and I asked him where he bought them!he looked at me like this: and he didn't answer... ok,it was predictable!
  7. wow!I have alway thought those are wonderful shoes! I'll be super glad! really?!then,why you weren't here?
  8. I studied all the day long.I have only taken a pause here on the Mfc! hope you had a better time!
  9. Hey Vanni!what have you been doing in here lately?
  10. yes,I missed you as well!hi Sarah!I'm fine!you?
  11. Aw,I'm sad to hear that! No I won't go either...my parents would never let me go,moreover,I'm constantly broke... My only hope it's the Mikster coming to Italy!
  12. yeah... btw...are going to Madrid too Vanni?
  13. july the 9th!it's the final countdown! oh,before I forgot!neeve is going to stay with us!
  14. Ciao Vanni!I'm fine,but quite busy with chinese... t's a pity I'm not able to follow the Mfc properly!ad you?
  15. I have a similar one,that i wore when I was 5 or 6 !
  16. they both have ended up! very stilish! oh no!that would be a gentle and friendly slap!
  17. Thanks,hun! it's as high as the real one!
  18. I just wanna hug him! and you know what's best?the heart-shaped bracelet,that wouldn't fit no other than Mika!
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