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HelloKitty Lucy

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Everything posted by HelloKitty Lucy

  1. nothing special...I've watched a lot of tv,I've gone shopping,and done some other distracting things...
  2. A little bit,but not as much as I was supposed to do...
  3. Ciao Dani!yes I did,even though I was as lazy as usual... have you started revising as well?
  4. now that the Mfc is back I'm a lot better! and you?
  5. I have been trying to get through the line for an hour but the line's been engaged OR I had been trying to get through.............. I need help for the verb tense!
  6. you're welcome! I'm going now,tomorrow I have to wake up soon!
  7. Sarahhhhhhh!please help! you're not useless btw!
  8. thank you! I don't know why but according to my teacher the right answer was ''had been trying'' Goodnight Vanni!thanks for the pics! x x
  9. don't be sorry! I don't know,because I don't know your country very much actually!
  10. I have to choose between: have been trying OR had been trying but...what's the difference?!
  11. sweets,uh?!I was thinking about something else... I thought so, because usually you're the first one to say hi!
  12. yes,of course,please do that all the times! Moreover,I have to fill a sentence with the right tense. ''I...get through for the last hour but the line's been engaged.'' what is the right tense? I don't wanna turn the girls' thread into a grammar lesson,but I'm not able to sort things out!
  13. Hey Sarah,hi!!!where were you? better than nothing!we can keep on discussing about how great the amsterdam gig will be!
  14. Hello! Ciao Dani!Mi serve il tuo aiuto in grammatica inglese! Hi Vanni!this evening, you're still here!
  15. girls,it's getting late...I have to go!goodnight to you all!
  16. Please,keep on correcting me! I see what you mean,and if you want,you can put all the blame on the Romans.italian is very likely to latin! when I started to study chinese,I didn't know a word!maybe that's why I failed my exam?
  17. ehy ehy!you're being mean! obviously I'm kidding! but forigve me,sometimes I type too fast to think proplery! if you don't like it,why do you study it?
  18. I don't realize italian has endings...fortunately i can speak it without thinking to all those upsetting stuff! I feel sorry for you!
  19. you're notmean!I've asked youto correct me! and I hate grammar!If I have to study italian,I guess I would have killed myself!
  20. No!I don't think so! my university is so stricht for this boring grammar stuff. we'll have 80 question to fill with the right tense.and i can only made 12 mistakes max. and I don't even know the names of the tenses...
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