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Everything posted by GioGio

  1. 7 hours of uni lectures tomorrow... it's better to think about something else...
  2. I'm afraid of thunder too...soooooo much... thanks...this hot choco is so good......and I'm happy you're drinking it too...hot choco forever...
  3. wow...the heroes thread... I have seen only the season 1...I can't wait for the second!
  4. is the yellow one good? a thunderstorm? fortunately the rest of the day was sunny...
  5. wow a garden's party...it's cool... I'm still waiting for something on ebay... I'm so sorry:tears:...I hope I could send my mail to you very soon... yeah I was just thinking about hot choco... do you want hot choco too?
  6. why are you tired? my day was good...it was a sunny day... what about yours?
  7. sorry now I have to go...I'm going out with my friends...see you tomorrow... bye bye all bar ppl...see you soon!
  8. friday...soooooo party... I'm waiting for something important...hope well...I have to send a mail...
  9. I'm fine but I had a lot of things to do...with uni and other things...but tomorrow is 25 april and so holiday (in italy)... I had also a problem with ebay... still waiting for something...
  10. Hi bab...how are you? I had a lot of busy days so I couldn't stay here a lot...
  11. really? we have to vote again again and again!!!! can I have an irish coffee?
  12. wow wow! because horror (above all)...and thriller (some)...are so scary...and I'm afraid...
  13. busy...but ok...what about your day? the number 23...I can't see it because it's a thriller......
  14. I'm sorry for your pc...come on bab's pc...fast fast... which movie?
  15. Hi! thanks for the coffee:wink2: I'm fine thanks (little tired...I had a very busy day) and you? fine but tired... but now thanks to the coffee...and mfc...I feel better...
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