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Everything posted by GioGio

  1. oddio è vero...giusto!...(oddio ke memoria...)... già già...e io ho anke impiegato mezz'ora per kiudere la scheda...(le danno aperte...)...
  2. giààààà...il nostro primo voto e tu guarda...uff...
  3. perfect:thumb_yello: I can't wait! wow! it's very pretty...but...did you make this?
  4. ma infatti lucy mi suonava così strano!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. yes not too bad:wink2: not yet...but I'm sure I'll get it soon... I'm so happy!
  6. ciao robi:biggrin2: io sn quì ...e la tv è spenta...
  7. really?...and then? thank you... this is one of my fave mika pics:wink2:
  8. 9.12 pm:wink2: in your place? Hi! how are you? btw I'm giorgia...hihi...
  9. :roftl: grazie giuli x l'info riguardo la part4 io sn sempre moooolto sveglia... cmq bellissima introduzione o cm si kiama...complimenti...
  10. epic movie... my day: 7 hours of uni lectures...I'm a little tired...but ok! wow the choco is soooo good!
  11. yes maybe later:wink2: good thanks...about your day? nice to meet you...
  12. grazie robi! buonasettimana anke a te...e a tutti quanti... aria nuova?!...wow wow... MOD NOTE: Andiamo alla parte 4: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14497
  13. How was your day bab? yes...I would like to have an hot choco... as usual:naughty: but this is my first choco in the new bar...
  14. I'm fine thanks! but now she isn't online...is she? My day was good...thanks! yes I'm happy because you are a bartender...
  15. good...the new bar needs a Bailey's IV:wink2: did you sing so badly to be banned?
  16. Hi! how are you? why banned? Hi! how are you? maybe we have to ask to sasje...
  17. I'm very happy you completely agree... now I have to go... goodnight dear...see you soon!
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