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Posts posted by MaRisOl

  1. Gracias!!

    ahora ya que decirle a uno para que haga un "trabajito" :mf_rosetinted: jajjaj :roftl:


    jajaja!!! lo que yo no sé es porque la besó!!!, aún tengo esa duda despues de meses!!, ya se cree robbie o que?:(


    haha mil grax!! ojala no digan nada malo!!

    haha y la beso xq aqui en europa se estila besar en la bok muy muy raro lo se pro hasta amigas kn amigas lo hacen... mientras quieras mucho a la persona (ocea kmo amiga)... :mf_rosetinted: costumbre muy extrana pro aveces es buena aunq yo no lo hago obvio!! yo soy mexicana al 100%!!aunq si hay un chavo muy wapo ps...:bleh::naughty:


    bueno tan rapido se van?? haha esta bien provecho ana y marlau diviertete en natacion!!

    bye bye

  2. Hola, no, no lo lei :S sorry, y no, tampoco cobro por los videos pk?

    es algo ke hago con gusto

    wow claro tenias q ser mexicana!! sorry! y mil grax!!

    hooooooooolaaaaaaa!!!:wink2:, gracias por avisar de los vids acja86!!!, jajaj, como te llamas, para no decir acja86, esque suena raro!:bleh:


    oigan, no se les olvide ver hoy pepsichart!!! a ver que sacan

    haha ay ana ni me digas caray!! q yo ni aunq haga lo imposible podre verlo!! pro ahi me avisan q dijero d nuestro mika!! nada mas lo critican y te juro q tomare el primer avion a mexico para reclamarles!!:mf_rosetinted::bash::furious: haha


    como andan por aca??



    Como andan por aqui???

    Aca Carol, #18 de la Logia Penniman:mf_rosetinted: !!!

    como va??

    Veo que hablan de dibujjos!! yo hice uno para la logia penniman, muy da wackessco!

    Si quieren verlo: http://www.fotolog.com/mikaholic/49261275


    hola chicas!! q bien es ver mucha gente x aqui!!!

  3. Hola de nuevo a todos y muuuuuuy buenos dias :D


    les aviso que hoy subi más videos a mundomika.com para la sección de descargas, ya convertidos para reproducirse en ipod :D entren y descarguenlos!!! he aki la lista de los que ya subi:


    Grace Kelly

    Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

    Love Today

    Happy Ending

    Relax (Take It, Easy)

    Love Today Live @ Graham Norton Show.


    Ahorita estoy subiendo audios, al rato les aviso cuando estan listos


    PD. también son compatibles para celulares :wink2:


    hola no se si leiste mi mensaje de ayer...


    y cobras por los videos y sonidos??:blink:

  4. Hola, que bueno que exista un foro de mexicanos :D


    yo soy de mérida y ustedes de donde son? espero que existan mas de 1 fan yucateco, pk si no seria el colmo :bleh:


    hola y bienvenida!! kmo estas?? kmo te llamas?...si! lucy tambien es de merida, yucatan hehe ntp y bueno yo me llamo marisol y soy mexicana obvio!! jaja del df aunque ahora vivo en austria (q creca no?! haha)

  5. Por ciertooo!!

    Caroooll!!! que bueno verte por acá!! se te extraña!! y obvio que mañana TS para "bienvenirte" :thumb_yello:


    Marisol, tanto tiempo! como andas??


    Hola Marisol!!!

    ayer me di una vuelta por el thread mexicano!!

    como andas??


    ¡Hola! Todo bien por acà! :thumb_yello:



    si sorry sq he estado muy ocupada!! bien todo bien... estresante pero bien hehe de hecho me tengo q ir ps tengo clase ahorita hehe pero bueno por lo menos me dio tiempo de pasar a saludarlas!! hehe


    aveces paso por el mexican thread pero casi no hay nadie por eso de los horarios ...


    bueno chicas las dejo sigan con sus platiks libininosas haha :wink2:

  6. This morning I logged in to MySpace,and I was trying to send a messege to one of my friends,and when I hit send it said the messege didn't pass thru the spam filter,so I went back to my homepage and it said my account was phished and that I had to change my password.So I tried 2 times and nothing happened.

    Is anyone else having trouble?


    not actually but... what you can do is wait a couple of days and see what happens (cuz sometimes because there are a lot of people online there are problems...) so if you wait and it still doesn't work im afraid u have to do a new account... :mf_rosetinted:

  7. aww! :tears:

    but bulliers are bullying because most of all are in a bad situation at home! :thumbdown:

    i know that there are lots of bulliers in england! :no:


    and i was always friends with people who are bullied and i helped them! so that was also a reason that i was bullied at the primary school! :blink:


    didnt you know how to speak for yourself(umm how can i explain this? ;|)


    lol with difficult i meant the web design stuff... but sure is difficult to wear uniform lol


    and i know what you mean... like defend yourself from them... that could be difficult because if they are boys then its a bit unfair... although all the bullying stuff is unfair!!

  8. did you wear (right word? :blush-anim-cl:) a school uniform? :lmfao:


    Yes, I was bullied alot!


    I want to be a web page designer!



    wow!! that sounds really interesting so is it difficult??




    It wasn't physical bulliing, it was name calling and stuff like that!


    There's no excuse for it!


    yeah you're right! in primary school i was bullied cuz i wasn't like my friends... i mean, i wasn't a b*** so guys bothered me because of that...

    and although i enjoyed primary school this guys got on my nerves!!


    and i did wear school uniform but just in junior high school and although it was easier it was stupid because everyone wore the same stuff always!!:thumbdown:

  9. They're ok! I enjoyed school sometimes!


    well i have a friend here and she's from england and she says that they are nice except for the student cuz sometimes they are mean... but i donnu... i always wanted to study in england though... hopefully in the future i get the chance...


    which career did you choose?

  10. ahoh ;D today we had a lesson about global warming ;O


    ahahaah! yeah im fed up with school.. but im not fed up with english lol XD :bleh:

    yeah i usually dont ask teacher to learn me more XD ;D

    i want to learn different things because we don't learn much and it's easy! waaaay easier than usual at a secondary school!



    well honestly the subject i like the most is english! and im not fed up with school i mean not yet... but im sure i will be in a couple of years...when things get harder but that's why now i try to enjoy everything...


    so you like your school??

    Ermmmmm...........I have 2 sisters, i'm at university. It's all on my myspace page!


    very informative...thankyou:wink2: so how are schools in england??

  11. yankee girl? :lmfao:

    never heard of it :bleh:

    aaah ! ive made a summary once for english XD

    mmh not much :lmfao:

    im learning nothing .. i asked my teacher to learn me different things.. but she doesnt want to learn me other things ;|



    lol well is about segregation and black people in the united states... its interesting though...


    :shocked: is the first time i heard that someone asks the teacher to teach more!! normally people are just fed up of learning a lot...:naughty:

    but, i mean you asked her and she told you she won't teach you different things!! why??

  12. everyone hates english class at my school XD but it's easy.. and we actually dont learn much :blink:

    my problem is speaking english! :shocked:

    and grammar and well.. everything is a problem :bleh:

    but for me is speaking english the biggest problem!

    marisol... is ur english homework difficult?


    not at all... we are reading a book called "Yankee girl" so we've got to do a summary of each chapter... what are you learning in english??

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