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About MaRisOl

  • Birthday 08/26/1991


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    ~*normal student with impossible dreams...*~
  1. offering... you know the thing is that IM AN IDIOT!! Im traveling to Barcelona on the 25th and wont come back until the 5th... I waited soooo long for him to come to Vienna and now cuz of my stupidness!!!! I wont be able to go... And actually my plan is to sell the tickts and get new ones, dont care if its another country I just really wanna go!!!! :tears::tears::tears:
  2. 2 tickets for Mikas concert in Vienna!! PLS PLS if youre interested do no hesistate to send me a message!!!!!!!! :tears::tears::tears:
  3. Hello everyone!! I am in a quite desperate situation!! Well, we all mika fans in Austria are extremely excited, since after a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time he'll finally give a concert in Vienna! And obviously I was one of the first buying tickets! But here's the problem, the concert happens to be on the 29th exactly when I have easter holidays and the stupid me thought that the concert was taking place on the 22nd so I arranged everything in order to visit my cousin (whos living in Barcelona for 6 months) during the holidays and Ive already bought the ticket and everything and just realized the HUGE mistake!! Now, I must admit that Ive waited seriously impatiently for Mika to come to Vienna so this is why Im begging you to help me!! I have no idea what I should do, I mean I cannot change the dates of the trip anymore and I cant cancel it either. I have two tickets and I was thinking that I could swop tickets with someone, who would love and be able to attend to the concert here in Vienna and has tickets for other concert, although this sounds quite complicated. Also I thought that maybe somone, whos thinkind on going and has no ticket yet would be willing to pay for them. I honestly have no idea what to do!!! Please Mikafans help me!!!
  4. hey there Mikamail partner!! ^^..

    Im very sorry that I havet been in contact with you at all... its just been a busy busy very busy month. Anyways.. so I was just wondering if you had like any specific date or sthg cuz if yes pls let me know so that I start the shopping! ^^...

    Hope everythings going great over there and I guess we'll keep in touch!!



  5. HOLA!!! me paso lo mismo pero obvio que te acceptamos que paso!!??... ^^ Como has estado??!!
  6. hey Leute!! Hallo... da bin ich noch einmal!! ^^.. Ich war schon lange nicht mehr online, da ich viel zu viel Arbeit hatte aber jetz habe ich endlich Ferien!! Ich fange aber am Motag noch einmal mit der Schule an :S... will aber nicht!! Ich habe Heute eigentlich bemerkt, dass ich mehr Deutsch üben MUSS!!! Es ist überhaupt nicht gut. Es gibt Tage, in den ich kein Deutsch spreche obwohl ich eben in Österreich wohne!!... Es ist irgendwie peinlich aber hoffentlich wird es besser sein!... Naja... und wie gehts euch??!!
  7. AWESOME!! Sounds great then!! Will start collecting stuff!! ^^
  8. SURE!!! Just help me a bit ... How does it actually work???
  9. It would be a pleasure to have a MM from the UK *First cuz its in Europe *Second Im half scottish!! *Third Love the UK!!! ...
  10. GREAT! Id say maybe somewhere in Europe as it is closer and therefore easier ...
  11. Haha bueno vivo en Austria pero soy mexicana! Aunque creo que mi español ya no es muy bueno que digamos, de hecho ya me han dicho que tengo un acento y yo asi de hahaha Wow osea que hablaste con el y todo???... Pero bueno como que no pudiste ir?? Apoco uno tiene que ser mayor de edad??
  12. Vielen vielen vielen Dank!! Dann sollte aber mehr los geben!! oder?! :rolls_eyes: Also, seid ihr alle aus Deutschland??
  13. OMG! Well as I also live in Austria I soo agree!! Just let me know your plans and everything and we'll do that!! Sounds great!! GUTE IDEE!! ^^
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