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Posts posted by MaRisOl

  1. well i could wait for a concert but i don't know when i'll be able to go to one so i rather buy it first!!:blush-anim-cl:


    and well you are an angel you are cuz i've been searching and looking in all magazines that could exist at least here in austria and i never though about your idea which i think is a really good one!! now i will search for a printing store lol:naughty:

  2. oohh that sounds easier and better!! so thankyou everyone very much:wink2:! and polish-girl you are an angel :blush-anim-cl:


    so well since i have my answer:blush-anim-cl: i think i will leave this thread open for a while so as i said if you have a problem or you need an advice just post here...:wink2:

  3. You can get them at the concerts but I've not seen them anywhere else!


    I really want one!


    im dying for one!! :mf_rosetinted: but well there's the problem cuz as far as i know he won't make a concert here therefore there are no posters of him cuz here he isn't that famous plus i haven't been to a concert yet and although i want to, i have to wait and save money so i can go to london to attend at least to one of his concerts but anyway i was thinking that there might be a person that can send me one i mean i will pay whatever it costs but think anyone will want to...:mf_rosetinted:

  4. hey everyone!! how are you?! well might be a short thread but i just wanna ask you people if there is someone that knows where can i get a big poster of mika?! but that's not all you can also post here if you are bored cuz i spend a long time here... and if you need some help i mean if you got some problems i can give you an advice as well... and of course if u wanna say sthg about mika, is welcome!!



  5. hola chicas!!!! como estan??









    un poquito tarde..hehe pero bien bien y tu??

    Muchisimas gracias,Ceci. . .creo que hice uno mas ayer. . .ah no,fue de Zachary,pero a nadie le gusta :sneaky2: Bueno,logico xDDD Poke es miooo!!!

    Weno,hola a todas mis comadres


    haha q onda susan!! obvio nso importas y mas de lo q tu crees!! y la nta los siggys te salen :shocked: increibles!! eres kmo mi idolo!! haha no se ponga trist!!:wink2:


    y bueno chicas me quedare aqui un buen rato asi q si llegan pues ahi me avisan!!

  6. *aahhh* im not sure about it!! don't think he'll come to austria but anyway im gonna see him this year, donnu how but im gonna see him!!:bleh::mf_lustslow: i think i might go to london al least to one of his concerts or if he does one nearer then'll go!!

  7. como andan chicas?? las extrano mucho! pero no me he podido conectar ps la escuela ha estado mas dificil y pesada q nunk pero ya pronto tendre una semana d vacas :bleh: y ahi si las vere diario y terminare bueno mas bien empezare de leer la historia bien ps cada vez q leo un pedacito me corren:thumbdown: haha y ahora si hay q ponerlos las pilas pues solo vamos en la parte dos del thread, q paso?? somos mexicanas q no?! haha bueno las veo pronto!

    las quiero!!:wink2:

  8. If it haven't been to school and university !:naughty: yeah those are the new pics with mika !I'm from Romania but i have may other origins !


    oh yes think you told me already :blush-anim-cl: sorry there's a lot of mfcers here and sometimes it happens that i get confuse... so you are the one that wanted to get an operation on the face? aren't you?:blink:

  9. You're welcome !I'm a bit tired !!!!And I want some new pics with Mika


    lol i am tired as well!! school has been hard this days! and do you want new oics with or of mika?...cuz as far as i know the newest ones are the black&white ones...im not sure though...

    so where are you from??

  10. Ok,niñas,ya las extraño un chingo en solo 3 dias,asi que volvere pero no posteare tanto como antes (creo).No se si vieron mi myspace que dice 'Emo Behavior' eso es lo que me pasa,que a veces me comporto como toda una emo.


    Pasando a otras cosas,las que empezaron la historia fueron Ceci y yo,una noche cuando estabamos aburridas y no le dejaban a Ceci quedarse con Mika en otro thread,y le dije que estaria chido que hicieramos uno en español,blah,blah,blah.


    La historia esta desde el principio desde la pagina 31,en si comienza bien donde dice 'Ceci y Mika vivian en un remolque..." y ya siganle desde ahi


    :punk: esa es la actitud!! nosotras tambn te extranabamos!! y mucho!! xq nos abandonas:sneaky2: hehe :wink2: ah si q ustedes la empezaron... claro! susan y ceci kmo siempre!!haha ntc (ay si!! seguro haha) las veo luego!!

    un bso:wink2: :blush-anim-cl:

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