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mika- I love you

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Everything posted by mika- I love you

  1. yayyyyy!!!! friends 4 eveeeeerrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. That smiley scares me, it looks as if its being rude, or excited?
  3. Oi! Can I have one? Can you throw one over to me?
  4. hahahaha, na, it means like you get top marks in nearly every subject, or it could mean your a teachers pet- basically being brainy
  5. Naaaaa I didn't mean it in the bad way!!! I ment that when you wern't chatting no one could post because they was waiting for you to post first, I hate explaining myself I feel like I've hurt peoples feelings, I haven't hurt your feelings have I?
  6. Really bad!!! Lol na, in my class they call me a boff, can you imagine it.. me a BOFFIN??? I bet your scared of me now :roftl:
  7. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so quiet without you! Lol:punk:
  8. *waits for everyone to come back from buying maltesers from the shops*
  9. As I said Impossible!!! Anyone would be simply born with my brain if they thought of that! (OMG this is getting sillier and sillier!!!) :roftl:
  10. Maybe I'm just imagining things- I mean come on! As if someone would want to be taught by a Russian teacher? Its impossible!!!
  11. Ikea? Na the only interesting part I find fun is nicking the mini pencils
  12. Hahahahaha yep!!! Its as if someone out there has copied me already
  13. Awwww soz to hear that! Why can't school just leave us aloooonnnneee, I want to be home schooled!!! Then I'm gonna get taught by a Russian piano teacher!!! Then I'm gonna do a musical!!! Then... be a popstar???
  14. I was speaking to Zaxiop (MFCer) she said she was off tomorrow aswell, infact her Easter hollidays started around about this week.
  15. hahahaha! I'm gonna watch the simpsons I watch it every night except for saturdays (thats when its not on- isn't it?)
  16. Wow! Its quater past 5 (pm) here!!! This is my last day off school bye bye Easter holls !!! I'm gonna miss u guys- you'll have to wait till 3:00 (well, thats the time I get home in England) thats when I'll be on, then from 3:00 I'll be at home chatting to you guys, but before 3:00 I'll be at stupid school Don't worry I've got till 10:00 pm, then its bed time for me:thumbdown:
  17. hahahha, I'm always happy to see you celesteee!!! Everyone is!!!!
  18. Hmmmmm, I don't know really! Probs water or some ice-tea
  20. Awwww thanks!!! Thanks! I love yours too! I like anything Mika-ish!!!
  21. Hi! Yeah, I'm a newbie to this thread! But I must warn you, I'm full of randomness lol. I'm Vickie, nice to meet you!!!
  22. Hi! OMG you don't know me- I'm like the most annoying person n the MFC haahahahaha kiddin' I'm Vickie! Nice to meet you too!!!
  23. Hahahaha, have you seen that advert? for maltesers? It had those 2 ladies in an office, and one of them eats one and says something like "I don't feel naughty at all" then she walks to these see-through glass wall-thingies and lifts up her shirt showing her bra to this man who walks past her. LOL its soooo random!!!
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