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Lollipop Love

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Everything posted by Lollipop Love

  1. I spend too much time on internet looking for Mika pictures it's ALL his fault :darthvader:
  2. uh, I know what is that, I'm always with headache and always on computer that's why I'm always with headache
  3. she was beautiful, I have had several dogs that died, for me none of them replaces the other and I remember them with love and miss them very much
  4. sometimes the dog is so ugly that I think he just beautiful, I'm weird like Mika, I like freak things
  5. oh Lord, his movements ... here in Brazil we have an expression "soltando a franga" something like "dropping the chicken" It is used to describe the mens when they dance as free, light and happy.
  6. in the last week he had so many comments asking why he disappeared, where he was ... I think he doesn't read those comments because he didn't comment on anything in the post today, at least I think he would talk about all our comments
  7. wow ! I never seen them so low what the hell is that Mika? what a perfect body, I wouldn't change anything
  8. oh that's great, I'm teaching myself english, hehe I never have a class I never went to Portugal but I'm sure you will love, I never goes out of Brazil, but I want to travel to a lot of place, someday, who knows?
  9. we are talking about the things that he write isn't? so now lets go to talk about the books ... he is buying but not haven time to read? at least is that what I understand with my crazy english
  10. my body isn't here but my spirit are here, so ... continue Bienie ..
  11. There are also very young in shelters ... or even to buy, why buy a dog that cost so expensive? they're all wonderful, all need love, even if I was rich I would never give my money and help these people who treat animals as a product or toy. I think that Mika doesn't have a big connection with dogs, or animals. I will change his mind!
  12. ok, I'm very happy for the new blog, he finally post something but I need to comment the dog subjet because animals are too much important to me. I already don't like the fact that people pay dearly for dogs when there are thousands of dogs dying in shelters every day, because no one wants to adopt them and I agree with everything that VS said
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