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Lollipop Love

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Everything posted by Lollipop Love

  1. but he doesn't have too much Robbie Williams (just a example) always show his chest and he have much more hair than Mika and he never shave and the fans never complained
  2. hello gurlz ! I will fully support this petition, I prefer Mika with hair chest!
  3. Carolina it's the second pic, who is the first pic, with hands signs?
  4. I'm never on line when Mika writes a blog (argh!) he always writes a blog then change and delete the first post (what a complicated guy hehe) thanks Mafa to put a screencap of the post that Mika deleted I found the post was very direct but then I read what he had written after and deleted then was more sence but unfortunately he deleted. and thanks Bienie for the gifs, I love it !
  5. well, I'm from Brazil and I don't know who is her or I know? I was confused now! I know at least two Carolinas who are Mika Fans
  6. I know, and I'm patient, but Mika leaves it me kind of ... without patience! just kidding
  7. Don't give me ideas I have bad thoughts come into my mind right now ! me too
  8. 3 days is too much, i'm soooooo bored I'm already used to have news every day .....
  9. I came to join on the ooooOOOOOOOOOOooooooooMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm
  10. I spent the day with a terrible headache , I couldn't do anything that would look like a celebration But I hope that Mika is having a wonderful day, is only what matters!
  11. what more I can say? all the best for you Mika !!!!!
  12. there's more comments now [Hi Lena I'm Lucy from Mika Brazil]
  13. Hi and welcome to MFC, enjoy your time here xxLucy
  14. I'm bored ... I want a new blog and I want now !!!
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