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Status Updates posted by Donz

  1. Good night! Speak soon!

  2. It is half term!! Yayyyyyyy :)

  3. That is what happens when you have a couple glasses of wine! :)

  4. Hi

    I am ok. How are you? :)

  5. I like the new song and vidio aswell and hope a lot of people get it!!! :)

  6. Sorry it is late. I am ok and what do you think of Mikas New song?

  7. Hi Silver

    Hope you ar ok?

  8. Happy Easter Sorry it is late. Hope your hand gets better!!!!

  9. Hi

    how are you? I am ok

    Donna :)

  10. this is the problem when I live in Nuneaton :sad:

  11. well i couldn't have gone because it was a school night and to far to travel. but saying that when I went to see Take That it was a school night

  12. sorry for all the questions. but do u know when he went to birmingham and where it was?

  13. no :sad: do you the places where he went?

  14. I did't know there was any shows :sad:

  15. Hi

    how r u?


  16. Yeah really nice

  17. i had £75, A bear, bear and a mug, Wash stuff, Snuggie, 2 tops, bracelet, gift card, jeans, and a Take That CD

  18. thank u 4 the birthday wish

  19. Thank you for the Birthday wish and Happy Birthday to you even though it it is late(sorry)

  20. Hi how are you? ;)

  21. Saw a show when it was on air and how the do

    all of the editing and all of the stuff they do on the

    computers and it was ok :)

  22. I went 2 BBC Coventry & Warwicksire radio stations :)

  23. Today was ok because I went on a trip with school. Woooo!!!!:)

  24. Hi

    How are you?;)

  25. ;)I hope it does get better soon and I missed P.E due 2 my back wooooo :)

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