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Status Updates posted by Donz

  1. ;)Me and my parents think it is bruised inside:)

  2. and at the moment we have to keep a log on the pain

  3. ;)Me and my parents think it is bruised inside:)

  4. My mum does feel better but I done know what is wrong with my back I think it is just bruised!!!


  5. My mum hurt the day after and my back still hurts

  6. My back hurts from the crash!!!!

  7. i went back tuesday 2 school and finished 2:00pm then wednesday and thurday off all due to the now and back friday and on tuesday was involed in a crah due to the snow at night

  8. i love the snow

  9. Hi

    how r u??

  10. i got my mum a Robbie Williams t-shirt, a mug and hope your mum likes hers

  11. hope u got/getting u'r mum something good!!!! :)

  12. sorry the reply is late but my mum done it for me!!!!

  13. hope u get better soon and i am ok:biggrin2:

  14. hi

    how r u? i am ok

  15. it is alright :)

  16. hi

    how r u?:wink2:

  17. hi

    it is oki the reply is a bit late and i am ok and hope the op goes ok

  18. hi

    how r u?

    hope work is ok and u are ok.

  19. :thumb_yello:Hi

    How R U ? I am ok:biggrin2:

  20. :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello:
  21. :biggrin2:yeah like LISTENING 2 MIKA:naughty:

  22. :naughty:why are they the best?

  23. it has been half-term and i go back tuesday!! WOOOOOOO and it will be a short week because on Friday i finish at 1:10:naughty:

  24. i am ok and hope your tea is nice!!!!:thumb_yello:

  25. hi

    how r u? i am ok


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