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Posts posted by rabdash

  1. He had the same letters at each show, Somerset House was the last in July 07. Then they threw them all to the audience. Only L has ever shown up.

    Mika said that a friend of his told him that he had seen the L on the tube at Kings Cross the day after Somerset House. (this was true)

    The L O V E letters starred in the Love Today video.


    Poor old L. Still looking for a job!:mf_rosetinted:


    So do you have the L? Sorry if I am misundertsanding!

  2. Hell yeah!!!


    Do you ever wished that you could have a super power (like mind reading)?


    Yeh I always wish I could be invisible so I know what people really think of me...sad I know!!!


    Do you have a bad something (knees back etc)

  3. I think I am a good singer, and others do too, so I guess I am. I just like to sing for myself though :)


    Do you like cities?


    Mmm I sing for myself....im very conscious about singing to others

    I love cities!!!! Makes a change from where I live

  4. Yes i do, not as often as i wanted though



    Do you like swimming in public pools?


    I write poetry too, but again not as much as Id want.


    Depends what you mean by public - I dont like the council run pool near me 'cos its dirty and you get veruccas, but their is a private David Lloyd near me which is pretty expensive but really nice...


    Is your fav. colour pink?

  5. No i hate the dentist


    Do you like the orthodontist?


    Umm...I dont mind....I like having the braces put on/tightened but its the bit after that really hurts...anyone who has had braces will know what I mean.


    Have you had braces?

  6. I love insects :)


    I am TERRIFIED of the dentist!!


    Do YOU like the dentist?


    I love the dentist! I know I am strange but I love the big injections you get in your mouth! However I am extrememly squeamish in any other part of my body.


    Have you ever had a blood test?

  7. I love cats :) I just had to put my old girl down last week, I miss her so much. I still have one though named Smoke, she's grey and pretty :)


    Do you have a cat?





    Do you sing?


    Yes I adore singing...whether I am any good or not is another matter!


    Are you a goth?

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