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Posts posted by rabdash

  1. Sorry but the photo that opens this thread is excessively beautiful...:blush-anim-cl:

    I feel dizzy every time I log in!!!! :naughty:

    How can he possibly be so attractive even when he's tired? :shocked:


    he does look very nice...we were discussing though how OTT his curls were though....if he just toned them down hed look even better...if that is indeed possible!



    i have to show this to my sis, who dislikes mika and fancies Gerard. Maybe this will change her mind :fisch::naughty:


    hehe...good plan! :das: :das:

  2. You don't really think that he'll stay "multicoloured Mika" for another 30 years? If he does he might as well join the Wiggles...





    I personally think he'll get to a point where he'll want to be taken as a "serious artist" as most pop singers do when they age. :naughty:


    Oh how I love the Wiggles. I am the only non-Aussie I know that knows the Wiggles!! I agree -he will want to be more serious at some point - but its a bit early yet dont you think?


    He's got that oh so wrong. He's not going to pull anyone but the blue rinse brigade with those curls.



  3. I would have thought that a bodyguard who talks to newspapers is not one that should continue to be in the employ of the person he is protecting.


    How does it help to tell the papers the details? That only sensationalizes the whole thing and gives the threatening person the satisfaction of having been taken seriously.


    If indeed there have been threats, wouldn't you assume protection provided without the side conversations would be more prudent??


    Now other papers and interviewers are asking Mika the questions about the letters or whatever, and the incident is probably getting blown out of all proportion.


    One of my close family members (a bit of a public figure) had to get protection at one stage, and getting threatened by a psycho isn't something you really want to advertise....:thumbdown:


    Mmmm I totally agree!! On the jokey side are we talking to the rich and famous on here now?? lol

  4. I find interesting that there seems to be a turnaround since last year, where he would do signings and some public appearances without bothering to do the curls, and concerts,where he would, but since Doncaster in November he's not bothered so much with curling, but for all the award shows the curls are back, very odd!

    At Brixton on the 28th his curls were somewhat limp if you know what I mean but they were incredibly gorgeous!!



    Awesome, he's the only one that won two. :groupwave:

    But seriously, who does his hair? Curls are lovely, but not when they're unnaturally perfect like that. *puts hands on hips*

    I agree, they did look at tad tooo perfect!!





    OK thats pretty scary!



    And that's why he has eased up on the curls.. He's going to go goth on us to attract even more teenage girls. :naughty:

    I am a teenage girl and if he ever did go goth I would disown him...not that I own him now or anything but you know what I mean...:fisch:



    I love it !

    He should dye and cut his hair this way !

    Never!!!!!! Seriously though if his next album is all dark and gothlike I dont know what I'll do!! What's happened to the multicoloured Mika????:blink:




    He can't do that to his beautiful hair.

    It would be truly AWFUL!




    By the Way Sorry for the long quoted post when none of my posts really bring up anything new :( But hey!

  5. you must live quite close, if not in staffordshire as my parents would not let me go at all, unless it is a bit closer....


    Not really, I live in Kent, but it will be in the Summer Holidays - I think anyway - so yeh. They'd obviously prefer it at Thorpe Park/Chessington, thats nearer to me, but there are thousands of members on here, I cant demand it be somewhere else just because its easier for me - hopefully my parents will understand that! :thumb_yello: Can you not persuade them? I know my parents will say no first time, but if I keep going at it it will work. I want to be lawyer when Im aolder so all the persuading's good practice!

  6. yes - £50 is very pricy for younger members like me...only 15.....and i cant expect my parents to pay for luxuries like this unless it is a concert....


    please could it be maybe more south than alton towers otherwise i would not be able to go....


    mmm, I am 14 and although parents would let me go, I am not sure about the price!!

  7. Great Idea! I would have to ask my parents but I am sure they'd let me go....that is providing they could come too....thats the problem they're not members of the MFC...would they be allowed in as I am only 14, and I highly doubt they'd let me go on my own!? I understand if you say no, after all their not MFC members....just wondering!:thumb_yello::blush-anim-cl:

  8. Bonjour!! Sorry for speaking english, but I'm teaching myself french and want to show you!!


    Une horloge






















    cinq et sept font douze


    est-ce qu'il est six heures?

    non il n' est pas six heures


    quelle heure est-il?

    il est neuf heures.


    and I learned all this in one day!!:blush-anim-cl:


    bonjour! je apprende Francais aussi! C'est tres bien! Bonne Chance!


    Hello! I am learning Frnech also! It's veyr good! Good Luck!


    (Sorry for all the exclamation marks! Oooops there I go again....:roftl: )

  9. I remember that, in Doncaster, Em' told Mika someone had written a book about him in France. The Mikster didn't look too pleased about it... I wonder if that book's out now.:blink:

    Aww bless! I think if any book is written about Mika is should be written by him!!!

    I think if Mika wrote a book it should contain bits about his parents and Yasmine as well :shocked: not to intrude in their private life, but it's just so...interesting!

    Mama P from Lebanon, Papa P from America...how they met...how he handled the move to Beirut and learning Lebanese (i mean, he must know how to speak the language...) the war...moving all over the place (to Cyprus to France, wasn't it?) learning another language....Papa P getting stuck in the Gulf war...Yasmine living in China is another thing for Heaven's sake!...and of course Mika's childhood in France and England, which we know about, but in greater detail...


    I would love that!! What a good idea!!!


    I want to see professional footage from that night and from the concerts, too!


    I went to the concert but not the afterparty and I would love to see footage from both events!!!



    I thought it was for the family only, to save them having to film where ever they go.


    That's a point! If I was Mika's Mum I would want a video record because he's her son and she's proud etc, just like you make home video's but I wouldn't want to go round everywhere with a camcorder, so yeh, I think it might be for the family...

    I think (and correct me if i'm wrong) he said they were gonna put a bit of the footage on the DVD? and how he would also put stuff like of Mika recording his new album? Well that's what I thought I heard him say :naughty:


    I said a minute ago I think its for the family, but if that's what you heard I am very pleased because I would love to see the DVD as much as anyone!!

  10. Do you not think he looks gorgeous in this apple pose photo? Sorry the quality is bad, I couldnt find it on the internet so I took it with my camera! It is from a photo shoot he did for "live" magazine for the Daily Mail. The photo's were magnificent - he was wearing about 7 outfits, all in different colours, and there were about 15 photos in all - definitely my fav. Mika article of all time!!



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