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Posts posted by huikings

  1. actually i'd been keeping a faith that mika would come to HK next summer (perhaps around late may to june) when he finishes the uk and euro tour....... so when he tweeted those "HK/Seoul/Tokyo, here we go" one month or so ago, i was really surprised!!!! nvr expected he'd come THAT quick:shocked:


    of coz i'm very very glad that i've met him now. but it seems that touring around when u hv a single out is not a gd idea at all:boxed: aftall, i think MIKA belongs to the UK (or Europe)!! i mean, my frds always consider him a British... i juz hv to repeat the "half American half Lebonese" thing again and again:mf_rosetinted:



    btw may i ask how the coming gigs are going on now? tix sold out yet???

  2. :shocked: so soon?


    i am usually on a high for a few days... then when i realise i won't see a concert for ohhhhhhhh another year, then depression sets in







    Oh No huikings!:sad::swoon:


    You were running high & fast for quite a few days after the Mika Show!

    All of Us appreciate your extensive reports, photos & links to the KGV SChool Mika Event & the ITEC Star Hall Concert!.

    I hope you recover soon.

    Do NOT look at the photo in my signature!

    It is YOURS - it will make you worse.

    Take care huikings.




    oh my god, thank you all!!!!!!!!!!!! :huglove:


    i'm feeling better today but the last two days did suck, esp. when i was away from my computer. i guess it's coz i actually have to hand in my final college essay today.... but i was too into mika and the gig before i didn't do a word; instead, i went to type my long long report..... it made me feel guilty and under pressure at the same time. besides, he and the band are enjoying their time in Japan so much!!! i wanna fly over there....




    i didn't sleep last nite and hv juz finished the essay, it makes me feel very great now:biggrin2: though i ain't sure if another depresssion is gonna set in soon.... :teehee:




    ur last advice made me laugh! i'm actually using it as my wallpaper now:aah: but reli reli thank you for loving the pic!!! i mean it! thanks a lot xx

  3. I mean I was all ready to fly to Australia but my mother made me a deal and I couldn't take it because she said I had to finish highschool where I am now. I am very unhappy - So unhappy that I turned down seeing Mika to keep my freedome!

    It's ok though because like I said, I know in my mind that I WILL see Mika.


    Yeah, what you said^^


    Mika's Mum told Rosina and Charlotte that he was hoping to come to New Zealand soon. That sounds promising right?

    I'm going to get a job now and save EVERYTHING to go see him. If I don't see him here, I'll keep saving money and keep saving until I go.

    In which case, it'll be even better if I don't go soon so I get lots of money and can buy merch and his shows are going to get cooler and cooler!


    But I'll still go at the first chance I get, I'm just looking at the bright side :original:


    I LOVE those lions! They're so cute and beautiful!

    You know, they kind of look like candy :pinkbow:



    glad that u look at the bright side!!! do always cheer up!!! :huglove:


    i think this tour is a reli rush one, i only bought tix a month ago before his gig! maybe time's juz not enough for him/his team to plan everything!!!! i'm sure he'll go to NZ soon!! stay tuned, it may be come out very unexpectedly some day:teehee:





    really enjoyed reading your report huikings! hope people in japan manage to give him a copy of the snoozer mag. he seems to really want one.




    fantastic!! t4p kodes




    wow, thank you so much for having read!!!! it's so so so long, but i'm gald that i've typed it, hehe. and tomomi told me on the chinese thread after the Korean gig that she'd already given him a copy!!! sounds he's hapi:biggrin2:

    (though i'm still regretting for not giving mine to him....)

  4. 睇見佢仲要著埋韓服... 咁點解果時唔著唐裝...



    佢仲狂講韓文嘛!!!!! 我地就1句普通話/廣東話都聽唔到囉:sneaky2:

    而家仲要有個日文tweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 癡線!!!!!!!

    個tweet好似仲係話咩 "東京是最好的"..............................




  5. Huikings if I may be so bold as to answer your question.

    It means that she was planning on attending the Mika show & wasn't able to.


    Huikings in the Love Today video are they dragons or lions??

    The one thing I do know - they are beautiful!!:thumb_yello::thumb_yello:

    I love that Mika has fun with them.:roftl::roftl:

    Thank you.


    thanks!!! i hope Lyonesse will see him soon!!!!!



    they are LIONS!!!









    somehow i think the 2 lions that appeared in mika's gig look cuter than these:teehee:


    as for dragons, they are "longer" in size and more ppl are needed to support them. i guess u can also see a chinese dragon in the pdp dvd!




    basically, we hv both the lions and dragons at chinese lunar new year!!! they'll be "danced" under the chinese drum beats:biggrin2:

  6. mika tweeted in japanese (well, i think it's japanese, can't read it :naughty:)



    14 minutes ago from Tweetie


    google translator tells me:

    I went to Tokyo! Of a depot filled with the shopping!Tokyo're the best!!


    guess someone who knows japanese can give a better translation :naughty: but i suppose it means that he found something nice on his shopping trip. :bleh:



    thanks! at least we know he'd shopped quite A LOT:naughty:

    juz wondering how on earth he got those jap characters typed! hahaha

  7. The Love Today vid posted by jvcabc is NOT to be missed especially from 2:50 to the end:


    That is when the Chinese Lions/Dragons come on stage & it is so beautiful & fun - almost 3 minutes!!:thumb_yello::thumb_yello:


    thanks for posting!!!!

    actually i did take a lot of videos.... but some only lasted for several seconds then it's polluted by screams or i'd already put down my camera! i can't understand why some ppl could keep so calm and still during a mika gig to take such gd quality vids:mf_rosetinted: but of coz, i appreciate this very much!!!!:thumb_yello:




    As usual thanks mari62 for the good research in a language that is so different than ours :teehee:

    DANI56 thanks for the pics as well, good research as well!!

    winleelee, shoyru, huikings many thanks for your lovely and exciting reports, I'm glad you had such a good time!

    Let's see if he finally uploads some Asian vlogs, and maybe you're all in there :thumb_yello:

    I'm loving this thread, it's full of so many lively impressions!




    i luv the gif in ur siggie:mf_rosetinted:





    I love your report!


    It was sad he was so tired, wasn't it.. when he was in australia, many MFCers (even one who'd travelled from New Zealand) didnt get to speak to him because he was so tired and had to go.


    I hope he gets a nice break, and has lots of energy next time :aah:



    thanks, i know we were lucky!!! juz hope we didn't bother him much..... i was kind of out of my mind during those days! :no:


    and he'll be back to Australia!!!! i'm sure u all will hv even more fun!!! HEHE




    Thanks for posting all these!!

    Me is just back from HK. What a night to remember!



    wow!!! u flew to HK coz of MIKA??!? that's amazing! :wub2:

    welcome to the MFC! u can visit our chinese thread!! (though we sometimes chat in Cantonese, rather than written Chinese there):naughty:




    This all looks so amazing!

    You're all so lucky to have seen it, I wonder if he was as good at the Aussie show (I was going but didn't get to). I can't WAIT to see him now!


    I KNOW I will see him! Don't ask me how, I've just got this FEELING! Like, IDK. But anyways, those lions are so beautiful and I love that the big girls are more colourful than the classic blue ones and I love how the fans are so involved like how Andy talks to you and films you in the que and they have fans on stage as BG's not just hired dancers. It's so much more personal, I think it must make for a more amazing experience than so many other shows nowdays.

    Mika's a wonderful showman.



    can't agree more!!! i luv this colourful gig!!!!! the light effects and visuals are reli great!! but.... may i ask wt does "I was going but didn't get to" mean??:blink:

  8. hey~ huikings~


    did universal hk or red california staff contact u for your losing tbwktm cover while "meet & greet" ?? did they give it back to u??:blink:



    oh yes! i forgot to tell u all: Universal HK juz called the next day and said my copy was FOUNDED!!!! the man asked me to go to the office in Kwun Tong next week:biggrin2:


    actually i've tweeted this!!!! do ya hv a twitter ah winlee???:naughty:




    btw 唔知大家知佢話出來會return to韓國未???? 佢地仲有2次安歌tim!

    唉唉唉我梗係覺得佢在香港好似唔多開心咁! :no:


    (要打中文,,打英文會俾外國mfcers打 haha)

  9. oh u guys are talking abt the airport thingy!

    i am sori if this make u feel bad.... :no:

    actually i only came up with the idea of meeting him in the airport aft i read reports from Mexican fans coz they thrilled me! and i hadn't thiought abt the boy's willingness in such occasion.


    i am reli sori!!




    Personally got better things to be doing with my time, than hanging around airports,waiting for him to get off a plane.

    Unless it coincides with me doing a job there at the time, and then it'd be just me waving at him, while I'm driving off (only allowed 20 minutes to load/offload in front of the terminal).

    And reading Huikings report from HK, it sounded like he'd rather have just got off the plane and into the car, as he was really tired.





    yes, he was damn exhausted when we saw him. (except when he saw the Snoozer mag:aah:) and i duuno if this was a reason why i didn't feel reli great that nite....... i juz kept wondering if this's made him feel bad in Hong Kong :( (hopefully not!)


    as some of u mentioned before, it's VERY COMMON for ppl to receive stars at the airport. for Taiwanese/Korean stars, they even followed them to the airport and rent a car to stalk them. TERRIBLE.


    and a frd of mine had actually told me that her frd, who is nota MFCer but likes mika, managed to meet mika again when he left HK!!! (how the hell she knew his itinerary?) but since mika didn't wanna tell when he's gonna leave when i asked him, i nvr had the idea of going to the airport again.


    once again, i feel sori if we'd done anything appropriate. but plz believe me, we behaved well whenever we saw him!




  10. wow! i finally finished my full report!!! it's SO LONG:shocked:

    i couldn't believe i've written so many words!!!!!!!!!!

    and i'm not sure if anyone would read all........ :boxed:


    but anyway, got to post it here as a record.

    and plz dun mind sth is repeated as i mentioned it earlier in this thread.






    I think it's finally time for me to write my full report telling what exactly was going on during the past few days. A first MIKA gig experience is so valuable that I just hv to make sure I am able to keep record of everything as much as possible. Actually, to me, it's still like dreaming.... Sorry for this lame word/title; but I really have never thought about meeting him so quick!! (Of course, I did fantasy sometimes before, but not at a time like this anyways.) It's like dreaming also coz I think I have sort of fallen into the boy's world incontrollably, and have abandoned any other things in the real world ike school and friends. Yes, this is terrible indeed.


    So, the sweetest and realest dream started off on 25th November, when I first met Michael Holbrook Penniman at the Hong Kong International Airport.




    Never have I been THAT nervous before. I mean, it's not only about hand-shaking and emotions; but I really suspected I'd got a heart disorder as it throbbed at such a strangely irregular fast rate throughout the whole day- or more exactly, the past few days. So, I prepared my gift pack hysterically and whenever he came into my mind, the heart problem popped out and my face turned red immediately. I believe no one actually find out how my mood had changed during those times (Okay I know I have been a bit self-isolated since then) but I just found myself absolutely weird: What was I doing? *boxed*


    We didn't really sort out which flight he was on even til the last minute. So, on my way to the airport, besides cutting paper for the MFC banner and texting, I kept daydreaming. And it's also my first time to go to the airport alone at night! It was quiet on the bus, and yes, Hong Kong is beautiful : )


    I was a bit relieved when I found from the screen that all the planes from Sydney were going to arrive between 10-10:20p.m. as it was still 8:30p.m. at that time. And then i met Kubi, Sui, Jan and Wai later and we just walked from A-side to B-side, from B-side to A-side, again and again LOL When we started to wait immobilely, time seemd to be slowing down..... Hey! it's nearly 11p.m. He's still not coming out!!! Where are you MIKA??


    Okay, he's finally at sight.




    I wasn't 100% sure it was him when my dear mates informed me, but I still yelled a little! HAHA We then moved the MFC Hong Kong thingy up and down while he was walking... Oh my god! It was strange. It was unreal. And he did not smile when he saw us. I have to confess I was a bit let down by this coz this is not what I've imagined in my mind for thousand times: He was so tired. (Well, I was naive enough to forget he'd been flying in the air for 8hrs and 50mins at that point.)


    There were other fans who were not MFCers so the two groups of people just rushed to the end of the passage. And I was lucky enough to be in a good position. He was standing right in front of me!! The first thing I did was to look up (Wow! How tall!) and try to dicipher his face *teehee* But shortly after I'd looked at him for 1 second I guess, people around me had been already pushing stuffs to him to sign!! I didn't understand why they could have such quick response... I mean, when you first meet a person, supposedly you would like to have a look and greet first?? Not to mention it's a man whom you've loved and waited for so long.


    While he was still not looking like MIKA, I asked, "Are you very tired?"

    "Yes, very tired," he looked up and answered, nodding and smiling. But in my sense, he wasn't really smiling at all... it's like he forced it out in front of fans. And he eyes looked tired.


    I tried to continue, "How's your eye?"

    "Much better now."


    "Oh, great." I spoke in a small voice. He couldn't listened to it. But then I was a bit scared, for fear of saying anything wrong, coz apparently he's not in a good mood. The signing continued and we gave him gifts. His face lit up when he saw a "twist-egg", which contains a Tofu Doll magnet. And since I had actually bought the WHOLE collection of these Tofu magnets for him, I kinda blurted out, "Oh! I've bought you the whole set!" But he ignored me (couldn't listen?) lol


    So, the situation continued. I tried to ask him "When will you leave?"..... no response; okay, a 2nd try, "MIKA, when will you leave?"...... I was really discouraged at that point... but then he could listen to my speaking, and so he just leaned towards me a bit and asked, "What?" *blush for me*


    "When will you leave?" (take 3)

    "Oh, that's a big question....." a pity that I failed to catch the following! But Sui later told me that he said that was "a secret", which turned out to be a real one I can say.


    Then it comes to the Snoozer mag issue. Space handed him a Snoozer mag for autograph. he saw the mag and his face lit up, despite how exhausted he was that night!!!


    "Oh my god, how did you get this mag?"

    we said we bought it from HMV JP on the Internet.


    he signed on it and kept on "Oh..."


    I asked, "You don't have one?"

    "Yes, I don't. They didn't send me." *shook head and looked up* (!!!!!)


    I think his eyes met mine at that moment!!! But... I don't know, somehow I just retreated! The eye contact thus lasted for less than a fraction of 1 second I guess ==


    "Wow... where are the pictures?" He started to flip the mag and look for himself!!!!! OMG how cute this is!!!! However, just after he turned some pages, a guy urged him to leave. He just had to pass the book back to Space without successfully finding himself out XD


    Then Wai suddenly stetched her hand out (I forgot whether she was saying anything) and he shook hands with her; I then followed suit! hehe. The others followed as well. But then a woman asked, "Can I have a hug?" "Sure," he said. And they hugged!!!!!!!! You know what, having a MIKA hug is always on top of my priority list!!!!!! Oh my goodness, so I just said, "I want one as well," in the meantime trying to open my arms to him. BUT the guy urged him again and he suddenly TURNED!! That's why I failed! LOL


    Chatting (with Mrs. Penniman)


    The whole crowd moved on. I slowed down and was left behind. At first, I tryna speed up and go back to the crowd but I finally gave up. And it was at that point I saw his mum, the lovely Mrs. Penniman, taking her luggages with her and walking slowly after her son. She was alone. Since I always listen to MFCers talking about how nice his mum is, I got up my nerve to ask, "Excuse me, are you Mrs. Penniman?"


    "Oh, yes."


    So, Kubi and I started to chat with his mum. I told her how "sudden" this Asian Tour is and she agreed. She then said that Hong Kong is a wonderful place. I asked if she or MIKA'd go sightseeing or not. She said, "I don't know. No time for us!"


    "Is that only you in the family who come with him on this tour?"

    "No, his sister's here."

    "Oh, which one? All three?"

    "No, just Yasmine!"

    "Really? I think I couldn't see her!"

    "She is at the front... she went out first."


    She kept smiling throughout the conversation! Very nice woman indeed : ) During the escalator, she asked us which one's our favourite song. I said there are a lot and somehow just turned to the EP etc. When we got on the ground, she picked on her luggages from the escalator and then suddenly cried out, "OH MY GOSH! Where's my camera? Oh, where's my camera?" This scared me off since she looked really nervous!! "OMG, they are upright there!" *pointed upwards*


    At this moment, Yasmine suddenly (yes, really suddenly!) appeared! (Wow!!!! What a lady!!! She's so so so pretty!!!!!!!!) Mrs. Penniman told her the camera was left at other parts and once Yasmine got it, she swiftly ran up the stairs like a bird!!! I was out of response at that time. And since Mrs. P's luggages were sort of falling, I helped her to keep them balanced.


    After some seconds, Yasmine reached the top and then Mrs. P yelled, "Oh! It's here!!"- a piece of string was holding the camera on her neck.



    I love them!!!!!


    After the camera crisis settled, they went straight to the car, in wich there was already MIKA, sitting and waiting. We said byebye to them, waving at Mrs. P's camera- she was taking pics of us from the car!!!!!!! :D


    This is the end of the 1st day and weirdly, I recall how upset I was later on when I was taking bus and home. This is difficult to explain. But anyway, the night was DREAMY: I couldn't believe I'd actually met my man for the 1st time in my life!!!!!!!!


    Show Day


    It was 26th Novermber, a day which I have been waiting for years to come. Yet, this is not completely a good day coz I had my African Studies 40% final that day (WTF!). I didn't study much the night before as I was completely drown in MFC and the airport frenzy. But anyway, I ****ed it up and finally managed to leave school at 4p.m.


    Here, I would like to thank my dearest HK MFCers again!!!!!!! Thank you for your early queuing and consideration!!!!! If it weren't you, I wouldn't be able to get to the FRONT ROW!!!! Thanks a lot!!!! I arrived at the venue and bumped into Yasmine before meeting my friends. Oh my god Yasmine is really really beautiful!! I kept staring at her and hestitating whether to greet or not..... finally I didn't. But she seemed to know that I recognised her, so she gazed back LOL


    Okay, here i was, Star Hall. We chatted and took pics with Sui's wonderful cardboards while waiting. The others told me Mrs. Penniman had been here before, asking for 4 big girls. I fantasied a lot about being on stage with Meeks, so personally I'd rather like to hear a recruitment for lollipop girls. *naughty*




    Suddenly, I spot a man holding a big camera coming towards us. I was like, "Oh my goodness, would it be Andy?" I looked up and proved I was right. Yes, it's Andy!!!!


    So, I yelled, "Hello, Andy?"

    "Yes! Is this the end or the beginning of the queue?", he stopped by us and smiled.

    "Beginning!!!" we all cried out.

    "Wow, beginning! That's cool!"

    "Has he arrived?" I asked, of coz the "he" refered to MIKA, he knew that. *teehee*

    "Ya! He's been here for around 2 hours."


    We then showed him Sui's cardboards and Andy was impressed. He asked if he could flim us or not, "You'll all go on MIKA's website!" We were puzzled..... "MIKA's website! You know that?"


    "You mean mikasounds right? Of coz we know.... but......"

    "Yup, do ya mind I take some shoots on you?"

    "Oh.... yesyesyes!"


    But actually, no one understood what was going on at that time, haha. Andy positioned us and he seemed to love the MFC thingy, he asked us to hold it at the front (a pity that it was poorly made) LOL We shouted a little and I said a little....


    After he finished shooting us, I asked, "Is this going to be in the video blog?"

    "Ya! We are going to do a video blog for each Asian country we've been to."

    "Oh, that means one video for Hong Kong, one for Seoul and one for Tokyo?" (excuse me for clumsy my expression lol)

    "Yes, coz we've done many in Europe and the US already. It's time for Asia."

    "Wow...." I was kinda speechless at that point.

    "So, are you excited?"

    "Erm... not really, I mean I'm afraid we look too awful in it." XD

    *laugh* "No!!! You are not!! That's good."


    "I miss the video blogs so much." I sorta ended our conversation by this and Andy continued to film the other fans who are waiting behind us. He was lovely : )




    "Ask your friends who have left to gather here in 5 minutes! We are going to enter the venue!" Some guys appeared and started to yell. People started to rush to the toilet LOL We had our group complete at the last second, hehe.


    I think I've been to the venue to watch other shows before, but not a standing one. We were at the FRONT ROW and even more luckily I was at the right centre. (Thanks again, girls!) It is weird to see how the large space is soon packed up with people. Waiting became hard this time. We were too excited and desperate to see him!!!




    The lights went off and Jimmy came out first, then Martin, iMMa, Cherisse.... and finally, Mr. Astronaut! And Relax!!!


    I am sorry I am not able to tell how it was like during the gig!! It's all about screaming, dancing, jumping.......... STARING AT HIM AND FOLLOWING EVERY OF HIS MOVEMENT. He was not as "blurred" as he was at the airport. (???) I've watched millions of his performance on dvd/youtube but it was a LIVE back then! He was really singing and dancing right in front of me! Oh my gosh....


    Just got to note that there are 2 Chinese lions dancing and a visual showing neon signs in Hong Kong during Love Today;

    We waved the "MFC Hong Kong" paper from time to time;

    Scraps of paper which i "ate" a lot LOL) flying for Rain and the ending;

    He seperated us into 2 sides, one went for "Blame it on the girls" and another side went for "Blame it on the boys" during Blame It On The Girls. (And since I was in the right middle, I was able to sing for both sides! *yay*);

    I nearly cried for Happy Ending and I See You.... they were EPIC. We even started the "a little bit love" duet earlier than him *teehee* As for I See You, we pointed to him when it came to the word "YOU" and this just made me emotional: When will I be able to see YOU again? Another 3 years?? *sigh*;

    One of the white inflating balls I pushed flew towards the stage during Lollipop and it hit him! hahaha;

    He asked us to close our eyes and jump in the end.......


    And the gig ended. I didn't know the situation in the sitted balcony but people in the standing area just refused to go at once. We shouted "MIKA!" and "Encore"..... but finally, all lights went on and it was really ended.


    "Meet & Greet"


    So, me, Winlee, Sui, Jan and Olly were chosen for the Red California "meet & greet". We thought we were so lucky! We then went to the reception counter and someone from Universal HK was going to lead us to the backstage. Actually, at that time, I felt really dizzy..... Jumping up and down non-stop for 1.5 hour was so much for me I guess, not to mention I only had a muffin for lunch (not dinner!) that day ==


    Anyway, we were really heading to the backstage! God it was packed with people and Meeks was at the far end. Someone pushed us in and declared, "No autographs! No photos! Only one group pic!" What???? I understand it is difficult to have pics with him at such a cramped place but even autograph was not allowed? *boxed*


    But really, only ONE group photo and I was squatting in front of him == And then people started to urge us to leave at once!! Time was running short so I quickly turned to him and asked, "Hey can you see this?" *point to the MFC Hong Kong thingy* "At the front!" I added.


    He looked down and saw the folded paper which was already shatted by that time and smiled, "Yes, I saw it." His mesmerising eyes met mine!!! Forgive me for saying that I was a bit melted at that moment as this time, I didn't retreat and it's just indescribable to look into his eyes.


    I forgot what I said later on but those people were pushing us outward further. I wanted to hand him the Chinese egg rolls I bought (I guess it's the silliest present ever, thank you.) but I dropped my bag. He bent down a bit and wanted to help me!!! (Though at the end it was another staff who actually picked it up, ugh!) Just during these seconds, I was several people away from him already. I remembered other MFCers and I had no way but just yelled, "MIKA, the others are waiting for you outside!" I was not sure if he could listen to it though.....


    But he did. He looked at me and nodded, "Okay."


    My oh my! His eyes, again!! And his face was so soothing, I couldn't be more satisfied. *blush*




    We waited for him at the carpark and there were other people as well. We first saw the band. I literally screamed when I saw them as I love the MIKA band so so much! It was a pity that we were not allowed to approach them.... But they smiled happily when they saw us and we just kept saying, "Good show!" "Awesome" "Thank you very much!" It was sweet indeed! The silliest thing is when they were getting into the bus, somehow I just shouted, "See ya later!" We all cracked up after my bit coz we know this "later" might mean "years". Awwww


    And finally, the boy came out of the lift with Winlee's bear hat (she gave it to him during those seconds at the backstage)!!!! People told us to queue up for autographs. I thought it's a good idea also so I went to the end of the queue with some other MFCers (After all, I've already got one from him at the airport). However, just after he'd signed for some, those guys said it's time to go. But you know what? I am pretty sure Meeks still wanted to sign!!!! Unlike the night before, he looked really happy and willing to talk to us. As long as I remember, he put on things like bracelets given by us immediately and kept saying, "Wow, lovely." "I love it." :D


    The Hong Kong guys were really trying to stop him and grab him to the car! So I hurried to the front and handed the Snoozer mag to him. Once again, his face totally lit up when he saw the mag and he signed it. "Can you add my name?" I asked. He didn't answer but wrote a "to" on the cover! Oh! I realised and then spelt my name: H-u-i-k-i-n-g-s


    Once he finished, he started to turn the mag (again! XD) I knew he really wanna have a look at it so I clipped his parts beforehand. He really enjoyed looking at his gorgeous pictures: "Wow!" "This's good!" How cute!!!!


    I then babbled a bit saying that the mag was sold out and I wanted to keep this one. (This is damn ****!!!!!! The mag is NOT yet sold out!!!! How silly I was!!!!!!! I would give my copy to him if I knew I could purchase another!!!!!!! WTF!! :'( Sorry MIKA) And I even suggested, "You should ask your management to help you get one!"


    He heard it and he started to turn around. I guess he was looking for John? And I guess he did want to approach John telling me about the mag BUT Hong Kong guys yelled again, "He should go now! He should go now!"


    He didn't want to go, I MEAN IT. He kept turning the mag.


    During a pic, I asked, "Were you really jumping at that time?"

    He looked up and laughed, "Oh! Yes, I was really jumping!"




    Finally, he closed the book, handing it to me and said, "Amazing, thank you." *big big smile*


    Oh my god!!!!! This is the sweetest and sincerest "thank you" I've ever heard in my life!!!! He is so so so polite!!!! And yes, it was simply SINCERE. But the important point is that he looked into my eyes AGAIN!!! *swoon*


    I went speechless everytime his eyes met mine. And he was about to go after receiving gifts and signing for some while (though he was asked to leave a long time ago XD). He went to the car and we waved goodbye to him.


    So, this is the end of my story. But I am missing him so badly now....... I know my dream will continue : )




  11. WOW!

    Thanks huikings!

    Great reviews & great pics!:thumb_yello:

    You are still so excited - I am afraid that you are going to come down rather quickly one day soon when you finally realize that Mika has left.

    Keep enjoying - but take care.

    Remember there is: PMGDS!

    Post Mika Gig Depression Syndrome!

    It lasts about a week.

    It does not kill you!

    The cure is attend Any Mika Concert Anywhere!



    in fact i think i'm already suffering..... :bored:

    but not reli til i finished my full gig report........

    then i'll lock myself up working for my final essay:boxed:


    and it's so difficult for us to hv that cure :no:

    but thank you so much anyways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    HAHHAA yes I noticed that!! my friends taught me all the rude cantonese words XD


    :o thanks for posting! :wub2: I looked through the standard and the south china morning post, but apparently english newspapers just don't enjoy reporting about concerts


    is there any way to buy old newspapers? :( I really want a few copies hahaha


    @ winleelee: I just saw the photos of you and Mika together wearing the same hat! you both looked AWESOME, congratulations you lucky thing who got to meet him! :biggrin2:


    eeeh I already miss Mika and we'll have to wait another 3 years for the next gig :(




    i miss him badly and i'm typing my report. it's over 2000 words now i guess:shocked: and tell u a secret, i got all these newspaper from my club house:teehee:

  12. I arrived the entrance of Stall hall around 6:10a.m. I cant breath there as the air-cons was off. Half of lights weren’t on either… I sat on the floor wv noone and thought I MUST GOT THE FIRST ROW~~~~ I got nothing to do so I took some pics and searched around for MIKA things~ WOW~ what a beautiful print!! A pile of MIKA HK concert leaflet there and I took few aways…um… actually a pile ^^ for other HKMFCers (and me of course) ~ HOHOHO.. I left just 2 hrs later as I need to work :emot-sad:although no other MIKA’s fans when I was there, I don’t think I wasted my time.. Others might earlier than me~ Who knows~



    yay! i finally got to read ur report!!!!!!

    and i hv to quote this part coz it reli made me laugh a bit:roftl:

    but thanks a lot!!!!!!!


    and congratz again for the bear hat!!!!

    it's the sweetest thingy:wub2:

  13. last nite i typed >1000 words about the meet&greet at airport. i guess i'm officially mad now:shocked:


    and i've got mika-related newspaper clippings from all major local newspapers today. i know not many of u (or none? lol) know chinese but still, i think u might be interested in LOOKING AT them:aah:


    KGV school visit:




















    and i'm glad to tell u ALL the reviews are 100% positive!!:thumb_yello:

    basically, they all mention the above:


    1. it's like a big and super fun party, which is always's the colourful boy's style.


    2. the astronaut opening featuring a naked MIKA:mf_rosetinted:


    3. there are lion dancing and visuals that made use of neon signs in Hong Kong (i think i forgot to mention this before) which surprised the audience so much!!!!!!!:wub2:


    4. his falsetto and he sang so well




    and i cracked up when i read from one of these news that they spot the chinese word "sh!t" on the neon signs visual. our media is sometimes interesting:roftl:





    the word in the yellow circle is "sh!t" in chinese!




  14. how I long for a LIVE show! 188 days already and here came the boy who knew too much

    (youtube bye bye thank you very much)




    i thought i was not that nervous before head

    (even though i got a stomach-ache in the morning and stayed in the toilet for 20 mins)

    at least i could have a whole lunch and dinner

    however i started to have a "mood before concerts" when waiting for the bus

    i waited for a long time and i was afraid that i would be late!

    so nervous that i stepped my feet, kept on looking at the watch of mum...until the bus came

    luckily star hall was not that far away from home so we reached there after abt 10 mins after we got onto the bus

    we quickly went up to the 5th floor (the balcony) and found our sits

    i was very very nervous when sitting there waiting for the gig to begin

    by observing the environment, fans, the stage....yes i thought of mayday

    and nearly cried out - -

    10 mins passed, 20 mins passed, 30 mins passed, 40 mins passed...

    gosh i finally waited for 45 mins! sitting there with a xyz feeling(thinking of this and thinking of that...)!

    but it was great that the gig finally began

    same as md, the gig was started with somehow like a movie or to say a short role-play

    having a rocket exploded...mika came on the stage! and with an astronaut suit

    then he took off his clothes, having a naked upper body, and everything STARTED

    RELAX(TAKE IT EASY) came first

    and other wonderful songs were sung

    problem was I WAS SITTING

    how come ppl in my block didn't stand!

    why don't you stand why don't you stand why don't you stand why don't you stand!!!!!!!!!!

    i would get an internal injury if i was required to stay clam on the sit for the whole gig

    finally two girls in front stood up and i immediately stood up

    even they sat doen afterwards i kept standing up (and the man behind did not mind i thought...he was indead not interest in the gig)

    still i was the only one who stood up (maybe with someone who stood up periodically)

    i hoped that i was jumping in the standing zone

    however the situation got better RAIN

    yayaaaa ppl could not control themselves anymore and many of them just stood up and jumped!

    YES we were all obeying mika's command

    after that i could turn on the crazy mode as ppl besides were with me

    and again same as md, mika pretended to leave at 10:00and we were not letting him go

    he soon backed on the stage and dressed in another bright suit

    it was hyper hyper and hyper before the end of the gig

    mika said goodbye then leave the stage after having GRACE KELLY



    I got a thousand question marks in my mind

    and soon discovered that...the scene of staying there after the show even the 12th warning was gone

    I felt really sad abt this and looked at the time! 10:20 only!

    hey the gig was started at 8:45...

    it was so short but anyway we enjoyed a GREAT TIME and the show was GREATTTTTTTTTTTTT

    brought home with a tee and a loving heart


    bits and beats:

    1. I cried when listening to HAPPY ENDING

    2. my favourite MY INTERPETITION and OVER MY SHOULDER were not performed

    3. I've found that having a "light stick" is a MUST when attending concerts as tonite i experienced having nth to do with my hand...it was so strange...then i claped my hands...errrrrr it was painful...(haha but it could maintain a hyper mood)

    4. how i love those LIGHTING EFFECTS! finally got a LIVE version but not on youtube

    mika, ONLY MIKA, owns this special kind of effect

    umm it was difficult to describe

    5. love those big white ballons though they didn't came onto the balcony

    6. love mika legs and body movements(with ten thousand loving hearts)

    7. please bear my poor english thankyou




    wow thank you for ur report!!!!!

    i nvr knew the situation in the sitting balcony was like that:boxed:

    we were reli jumping up and down and yelling like nuts in the standing area! awww...


    but gd to know u still enjoyed the show!!!!:biggrin2:

    actually we had flashsticks in hands before as well.... but since we already twisted the sticks when we entered the venue, which was 7:30pm, they died out shortly aft mika came out:annoyed_h4h:


    so i juz threw them away later on, hahaha. i wanna cried during Happy Ending as well, but what reli moistened my eyes was I See You.......

  15. juz found more pics on a Hong Kong forum!



    courtesy @kendy_butterfly from HK Discuss*























    the last pic of the ending (Lollipop) reminds me that i actually pushed one big white ball towards the stage and it straightly hit @mikasounds:aah:


    sori things are not organised in this thread.

    i'm still in school! probably will be able to get u more tonite:wink2:

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