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Posts posted by huikings

  1. 今晚瞓唔到, 因為實在實在太興奮啦! :roftl::roftl:


    我都係咁諗啊 xd

    我頭先睇錯時間以為佢五月黎, 嚇得我!

    家下有個幾月啊由我郁得既時候計起! Yeah!

    今次唔可以再失手 xdd




    我冇手可失 orz


    喂我想講我地好煩囉!!!!!!!!!!!!! 去到邊都猛咁同你講野冇停過啊小姐:naughty:

  2. 米佬終於黎喇!!!!!!!!!!!!




    後日我要post預備送佢既野! (=

    如果ok大家一齊玩啦 *YAY*




    而家d時間pack到死左 :boxed:



    不過btw 我發現hk今次係最後1站!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yeahhhhhhhh 係咪會冇咁趕呢咁??????????????????? wakakakakaka




    :bye: ching!!!! nice to meet you!!!!!

    其實我而家趕緊功課... 但知道左之後完全冇做過野囉 :teehee:

  3. Finally see the post from BlueSky:



    Mika in Hong Kong @ Convention Center Hall 5BC: 16-06-2010


    But need to confirm. really excited!





    check your facebook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i think.... erm, it is now official!!!:biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:




    呢d moment真係要講下廣東話先得!!!!!!!!!!






  4. I'm 99.9% sure it's we ARE free, cos he's free from the restraints that being cool imposes. If you're cool you can't do certain things or you'll stop being cool, if you're not cool and you accept that, then you can do whatever the hell you like without worry about any reputation you might have.


    I think the running with blood on our knees is either a reference to being pushed around by bullies or, that he's been messing about and he's got a bit roughed up in the process, but it doesn't matter because he's not got an image to maintain.




    totally got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much!!!!!!!!!:blush-anim-cl:

  5. actually i'm a bit confused...we are young, strong, free but juz NOT cool???!:blink:

    this doesn't make perfect sense to me so i was really wondering if it's "we ain't free" instead or "we are". but taking the "running with blood" bit into consideration, the "ain't free" doesn't really make sense either......



    so i am confused:mf_rosetinted:

  6. what can i say? mika's ruining my day again, IN A DAMN GOOD WAY!! :swoon:

    supposedly i should be studying but i am now watching the same kick-ass vid again and again:sneaky2:



    awww and i hv one question. does he wear contacts or his eyes are perfectly fine that he doesn't need them? coz i rmb sometimes he does wear glasses in the past:blink:

  7. 對不起啊我又遠離了MFC一段時間:aah:

    大家還好嗎?? 遲些追番post先!! hahaha


    新年嘛 我們這裡怎也該有些新年氣氛的!!!




    恭喜發財 一本萬利!!

    出入平安 身體健康!!

    龍馬精神 年年有餘!!

    學業進步 路路亨通!!

    青春常駐 笑口常開!!




  8. I LUV THIS VBLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:

    it's finally up! so hapi that i almost cried:wub2:


    and as what i've tweeted mika, felt both relieved and disappointed since i ain't in the vid! andy has edited it so well, i believe our part is very awful indeed:aah:


    i'm also wondering where had andy been to coz i saw the MTR shot at the beginning!!:teehee:

  9. hey guys, sorry that hvn't been here for so long either! how's everyone doing?

    juz watched the Grammys tribute to Michael, got goosebumps and some tears.... but it's beautiful. i really luv Earth Song!! (btw i was wearing a pair of 3D-glasses in front of the computer watching youtube, it's weird:aah:)


    and i think it is very strong of Prince and Paris to speak there on the stage but i'd wish to say that it is still not convincing to me to put the kid up there under the spotlight :no:

  10. hey ya guys, i'm here, finally!!!:aah:

    u know what somehow i juz consider myself having taken a break from mika for the past few weeks and during this period of time i think i've fallen in luv with Adam:wub2: (sorry meeks lol)


    I'm nvr a fan of American Idol, but his performance there back then juz gives me shivers all the time!!!! and i suppose the Whataya Want From Me vid is so much of a factor for my obsession :swoon:


    okay, end of my self-introduction:mf_rosetinted:



    has anybody else checked out his latest performance of Strut on the Ellen Show?? and i was so glad that #HapiBdayAdam was a TT on twitter yesterday:teehee:



    He made you a video blog. It is still set to private, sadly, but Alice saw it before...you all get a feature...who had the bananas???


    You will have to wait, but its #40....coming soon....:wink2::wub2:




    #40 has come out already! maybe it's #41?:teehee:

    but i hv a question now... why could Alice get access to it?????

    wow she's so lucky:mf_lustslow:



    thanks for the news anyway!!!!!







    會不會好像漸漸把chinese thread轉成hk thread?


    我又想過可不可以開一個新的thread,也未必一定是hk thread...







    但我們有朋友from台灣的啊~~~~ 所以改成hk thread不是太好喇我覺得!

    不如還是依老規距 我們打書面語吧 :biggrin2:

    其實BS的意思不過是希望chinese thread有些少中文字

    感覺上使它較像一條真正的chinese thread

    而且如果有朋友懶得看英文 我們也可以在此互相update一下:mf_rosetinted:



    但為project開一條new thread是個不錯的idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    不過我們的人數似乎不太多........... 而且暫時亦未organise得好好

    不如遲些才開???? @@


    Haha welcome my dearXD

    we will wait for you:wink2:break a leg in your exam:)


    How do u guys think about BS' opinion?

    (I know Olly can only read English though)



    For me, sometimes i hv hard time in reading the post since my english is not that good.To a certain extent i prefer chinese .However english seem to be the most common language here, so it maybe a good time for me to practice english.:thumb_yello:

    So, I think english is acceptable and it is easy for others to join our discussion.




    type chinese whenever u like!!!

    but u know, mika and MFC do help improve my english A LOT:thumb_yello:

  12. welcome back!! :D


    Dont know how many people are participating yet :dunno:

    but yeah we have three sections (publishing/magazine - sui is in charge; patchwork/fashion(?) - ping is in charge; music/skit-thing - i'm in charge)


    I don't know if non-chinese thread MFCers are joining...so far I think it's only HK MFCers :boxed: but I can't speak cantonese (only a little bit of mandarin) so...:roftl: (sorry!



    also good luck in your exams!



    Thanks for the update Olly!!!:thumb_yello:





    Hey!!! Guys!!! :aah:I know the discussion has in progress for a long time but I really want to help !!!

    Previously, Iris invited me to join but i will attend the AL exam in April. I will be free after that~




    Welcome to the MFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:

    Never mind la, add oil for your exam first!!!

    I took AL last year and it's really tough..... 俾心機呀:wink2:




    How do u guys think about BS' opinion?


    (I know Olly can only read English though):roftl:




    不如咁啦,,, 大家得閒可以打下中文表達自己~~~ 始終係母語嘛!


  13. hi guys i'm back:roftl:

    sori that i've been away (from this thread only, i did keep on checking out his news HAHA) for such long! how many ppl are in this project now??? are non-chinese thread ppl included as well??? can anyone plz briefly updated me??:blush-anim-cl:


    u guys are brilliant!!!!!

    gv me one more week plz, aft my IELTS exam i'll participate in real!!!! YAY!:biggrin2:

  14. wow so we are even talking about nationalism now?:teehee:

    i guess i'd nvr know how brits/americans think of him..... but is national identity really such a strong thing that the british public would consider him having ABANDONED them????:boxed:


    American is really dominating the world-- not just talking abt the entertainment industry, but also poliically and economically-- at least to me it is. and i guess mika's team should face the fact that he cannot break thru the US market at the moment.




    I suppose the surprise is not that the masses don't like an offbeat album like BoyWho but that so many people mistook LICM for brainless pop





    yup, i suppose this is one of the reasons too!!

  15. 只是在fb和朋友聊囉;p






    let me gv u some warmth! :huglove:



    聖誕快樂呀大家!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D



    this's a chinese thread!

    how can we not have a "merry xmas" in chinese??:naughty:



    awwwwwww 我昨晚在朋友家通宵了一整晚

    結果今天便在家睡死了 好奇怪的聖誕節:aah:


    不過醒來後又看了LICM dvd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ohmygoshhhhhhhhh i luv him:wub2:



  16. 係好呀~





    睇來都搵唔到第二個男人好似佢咁襯螢光/SHOCKING COLOR!!!









    最近少上來了 (昨天才exam完!)

    不過我想說我join了那個jacket project呀:aah:

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