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Posts posted by LadyGodiva

  1. i was gonna make him a birthday vid! i will probally do it tomorrow tho :P


    how r u?


    good, tired. Just got done with my first day of drills for colorguard. I'm sunburnt and tired lol. But on the plus side i have muscles now! lmao.


    Arrgh, i dunno whether to put it on youtube or not! =/ hmm


    How are you?

  2. It's officially Mika's birthday here in 34 minutes. Just thought i'd share.


    Oh, i did something ":blush-anim-cl:" worthy...


    I made a Birthday video EEEK! haha.


    I'm debating whether i should put it up of if it's to cheesy right now lol.

  3. Oooh, yes, Pachabel fits perfectly at the beginning of Happy Ending. What are there- 15 notes in between? I could be way off, just guessing. I wish I could still play the violin...sounds so much better on that =/


    Mika's music is genius in my eyes. It always sounds so epic in a medley.



    You often don't realize how incredible it is until you pull it apart a bit, then when you hear it all together, you're listening to each distinct part and it sounds incredibly amazing.

  4. Happy Birthday Mika!!! 25!!

    That’s a quarter of the way to 100!!! YAY!!!


    May all your wishes come true no matter how mad, insane and/or ridiculously crazy they may be.



    Party like a Pop Star!

    Errr wait Pop Stars are overrated. Part like a Pop Tart. Yeah =D.


    (Have fun cliff diving!!!! eek!!!)

    (You can now open all of the birthday fan gifts that you didn’t already open.)

    Don’t just have a great day…

    Have a fan-freakin-tabu-licious day.


    Best best BEST wishes.]


    *cheks if any male user is online*


    yeah they suck:thumbdown:


    i guess i'll just wait for my prince charming:rolls_eyes:


    "watched that movie but a dubbing version(me english ist no good:bleh:), so that's kinda new to me"

    lol, i sat down with one of my good friends (who happens to be gay) and i was just like "wow, guys suck" and he was like, "yeah, i know" and it was one of the best moments of my life =]

    Finally, some honesty. :naughty:


    hasn't everyone over the age of 16 been seriously in love at one point?





    naww. :biggrin2:

  6. i think i`ll do it too :bleh:

    Mika is really wise :mf_rosetinted:


    love can get you down :tears:

    Mika is wise.


    aww, yea, i'm always the one to put my friends back together, but i'm such a hard arse that I won't get close to anybody anymore, I always freak out and run away. oopsie.:blush-anim-cl::boxed:


    I've only dated once and he was 4 years older than me ...and i think it will be a while before i ever date again, ick. So many horrible stories lol.


    that's my problem as well:thumbdown:


    love the quote:naughty:


    Common problem i hear.

    haha, guys suck, i think i'll just keep on singing Lollipop....:bleh:


    The quote is from one of my all-time favorite movies, Almost Famous =]

    Said by Penny Lane =P

  8. For me? No, never.

    Not even close actually.

    My expectations are too high, perhaps a bit unrealistic come to think of it .

    I have a hard time trusting people as well. OI haha


    I don't see anything I can do about that though.




    One of my favorite quotes though....


    I always tell the girls never take it seriously, if you never take it seriously, you never get hurt. If you never get hurt, you always have fun. And if you ever get lonely, you just go to the record store and visit your friends.

    ~~~~~Almost Famous~~~~~



  9. Hey there fellow Hanson fans!


    I just refound my love for Midnight by Elan...


    And I remember that when I first heard this song, I thought that Elan sounded so much like Taylor... I actually thought it was Taylor, till I realised that she's actually a girl :blush-anim-cl:...




    What do you think?

    I think it would be amazing to hear Taylor sing this...


    She sounds exactly like Taylor.

    Thats ridiculous!:jawdrop:

  10. Well at least you're gonna be in great shape to dance and jump at Mika's next concert ! :wink2:


    This week back at work was well depressing, I so didn't feel like being there. But next week is gonna be better. I mean I love what I do but I love even more being on holiday :naughty:


    Hahaha, heck yes! I will be dancing around like a crazy fool for sure =D hopefully you'll be there too!!


    Aw, i'm sorry, the first week is often the hardest, at least until you get into a routine again. I love being on holiday too! lol. I don't want it to end...

    But i start drills tomorrow and i'm off to the mall today hehe=] (clad in a fantabulous Mika t-shirt at that :biggrin2:)

  11. I am so sorry. That has got to be very hard, especially within the circumstances.


    I know a few people who are in the army who are very young, and i remember seeing them walking through the halls in school. It's very surreal to see their pictures from over there. It makes it that much more real, and it's really been getting to me lately. Nobody that I know has been hurt yet, but it's thats thinking about the possibility. I have found that it is very stressful to be worrying constantly...:boxed:


    I won't get into my beliefs about the situation, but I will say that I would just like to see them home safe.



  12. Around the world, family and friends...









    The first one is really great- you must have a nice camera! I like the balance as well.


    The bird one is really nice as well- that must have been really cool to do=]

  13. i heard him cuz u i think =P

    i saw them at mikas concert, yuppers :P

    i know! one day my neighbor and i were waiting in the car after school for my mom, so im flipping through stations, and it was good!


    hehe, yay :bleh:

    Yes, love that song- the music video (there are two) is intense!:shocked:

  14. like 'em all :naughty: sweeet lol


    Lucas Carpenter is the most recent one i found and i've been looking at his stuff on myspace and youtube and all of his stuff is really good! okay, before i repeat myself you can just read what i wrote here (thread=P)- basically he really likes mika and that makes me happy!


    Midway State many people know here- they of course are really good and i love the Flobots! Handlebars is such a great song. Powerful:shocked::thumb_yello:


    and I miss you too !!!


    I'm doing great... a little depressed to be back to work...:naughty:


    one week vacation isn't enough !!!



    ok i,m off to bed now.... it,s almost midnight and I have to work tomorrow !!


    will try and come more often, keep this thread alive !


    Night all !


    Hugs all around !!!

    sorry i'm so late in responding, i had to go to bed too:blush-anim-cl:


    i'm a little depressed that i have to go back to school soon too=[

    I have colorguard practice for pretty much the rest of the summer. Getting up at 8 on your time off to go exercise and do flag work is hard.


    I hope everything is well for you at work and i hope to see you soon!

  16. All right, I guess now that he's happy with Adele I can spill the beans. Which old gf do you mean though?


    In high school he briefly dated the girl who starred as Sally Bowles with him in their production of Cabaret. That didn't really work out though, and then he dated the guy who played Maximillian for a few months. That was all over by the time he graduated, since neither wanted to be tied down in college.


    While going to the Royal College of Music and waitressing he had a short fling with a pretty co-worker who had come from France, and she really encouraged him to pursue pop music if he wanted it. (I think her name was Severine Vignes?) They didn't last long but stayed friends. In fact, she helped him with his next break-up.


    His next (and first serious love) was a classmate, a tenor from Royal College of Music. They were together for over a year, and then it ended badly, as you all know. However, it inspired a lot of Mika's songwriting and also helped him decide to drop out and (with the encouragement of the aforementioned waitress) pursue his own music full-stop.


    He was single for a while after that, especially since he had to concentrate on the album, and travel between LA, NY, London and Miami so much. He met Katy Perry when she was in between boyfriends and they almost started dating, but in the end it didn't happen--they had conflicting schedules, Katy wasn't over her ex, they couldn't see each other often enough, etc...


    So he remained single until his album was out. Organizing the promo tour for the album, however, he started hanging out a lot with his best friend from Royal College of Music, Lorna. Since she was going to be touring with him, it was perfect--they could date and still keep it a secret from reporters. They were caught once though--you may remember those French paparazzi photos of them on vacation.


    Eventually Lorna had to leave to pursue her own career though. They ended amicably. After this, he may or may not have dated Andy.


    And now he's dating Adele. :thumb_yello: And they're expecting! It's so exciting. :wub2:




    You failed to mention his love child with the music intern in California.


    :blink:... You've lost me.


    I like your siggy.

    lol how ironic =P

  17. Alright, this is why i think my gecko is possessed.


    My laptop is right behind his aquarium, so i'll randomly look up, and if he's in a particularly devious pose I'll take a pic.


    "I'll get you my pretty..."


    "have you checked the children?" muahah



    Creepy yeah? He never blinks....



    Good god I love him=]

  18. I have some insane pets, but not in the way yours is. I think they're just out to get me lol.


    I have an unbelievably fat frog and a Geko who *i swear* wants to eat me.


    Maybe I can find some pictures so you'll get what I mean.


    Your cat sounds a bit neurotic though lol.

    they're always the most lovable ones.




    well the summer is craptastic weather-wise, but I'm still managing to have fun :) since the last time I was here, I went to see Sir Paul McCartney's free gig in Québec City to celebrate the city's 400th anniversary which was AMAZIIIIIIIIIIIING !!!! I also went to see Coldplay at the Bell Center, went to the Osheaga Music and Arts Festival in Montréal and went to the BSB concert at the Bell Center (lol yeah I did... don't you dare laugh at me) and to the after-party, spent a few days in Québec City, and went to La Ronde (6Flags park in Montréal)...

    And now i know what you're talking about when ou mention the all-famous Bell Centre=]

    ugh, reading that makes me miss Montréal! And you of course!! School starts so soon and i have pre season drills right up until then!


    How are you?!

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