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Posts posted by LadyGodiva

  1. I sympathize!


    I haven't been on MFC properly in quite some time =[


    Constant hwk, practices, etc. I come home, do hwk, shower, sleep, get up, go to school, go to practice, do hwk, shower, sleep, get up...etc... ARGH i've never had this much hwk before. i have no life now. que triste. :thumbdown:

  2. When...




    In the middle of practice, we were being lectured because everybody was moving and talking too much, so we had to be silent and still before we could go (we were already 15 min late getting out).


    So were standing there and all the sudden....


    "Maaaaaad! I can be brown I can be blue I can be....!"


    the melodic tune of grace kelly comes blaring from my pocket. Apparently, even if your phone is on silent, if you get a text and then a call, it rings)

    Of course everybody knows who it is because i'm the only person who would have that ring tone. I got glared at by the director *sigh*




    You know you're a Mika fan when you know what it feels like to have your mika ring tones go off at the most inappropriate of times.


    I told my mother about when i got home and she laughed so hard she spit her drink halfway across the room. Oh lordy.

  3. Oooh! I got chai, which just so happens to be my favorite drink of choice. I drank one this morning =D

    how fitting=]


    You Are Chai Tea


    There are many subtle sides to your personality. You are difficult to decode.

    You are a complex and deep individual. You have many nuanced beliefs, and your mood frequently changes.


    You are a creative and expressive person. You draw your inspiration from the whole world.

    You enjoy exotic food, music, and travel. Your tastes are very international.

  4. A shield? That's kinda cool, at least you get to show your creativity. Hmmm, I would say purple but that's because purple is my favourite colour. No, no...I think purple is good:naughty:...and then maybe you can do a few of it's scales in gold.:bleh:


    Wait! here is the shield (I only had 15 min and it had to fit on a 3x5 card!)



    these are color i can pick from, i only need 2. Help!


  5. WOW! That's a lot of homework! I'm not too fond of techers who give loads and loads of homework:lol3:


    *cry* me neither. And i have to design a shield?

    What color is better on a Dragon....Red, Purple, Aqua or Indego Blue or gold? lol

  6. a cow tongue:boxed: what did it taste like or did she not eat it:naughty: oooo that sounds like fun i love artsy towns they are so much fun just to roam around in! i especially want to go to the castle that they modeled the disney castle after!


    haha, no...i don't think she ate it. Too much of a culture gap for her there.:naughty:

    If you haven't been to germany- i suggest it! You'll have a great time and see some awesome things!


    I'd love to visit some more castles as well! They're amazing to looks at and the interiors are awe inspiring. I think i'm going to visit some in England next year! can't wait!

  7. what is the netherlands and germany like? i went to the netherlands when i was a baby but dont remember a thing about it since i was so young and i wish i could go again and i have never been to germany


    hmm' date=' i don't remember much about the netherlands because i was also young, but i do remember being in the airport and seeing fun little dolls with clogs =P and i think i got a chocolate bar. haha


    Germany was fun! We were there picking up my sister from an exchange program so we stayed a while after. I remember visiting some friends we had there and they had the potato skins on the fries and i thought it was strange (i was quite young) My sister accidently ordered a cow tongue sandwich (her german was not perfect at that point lol) and the towns were really cute, very artsy. A lot of it was artsy and picturesque actually. oh and i think it was germany where there were painted cows (sculptures) everywhere! we took pics by everyone=']


    good times =]

  8. Jeaulous? Haha

    Guitar, singing, piano and formative music classes start for me this week

    Then when school starts, I'll have gimnastiques too- it'll be such a busy year !

    Oooh, those are fun classes though! compared to some others i could name... I'm in the midst of trying to teach myself guitar and piano right now perhaps classes would speed things up lol! That does sound busy though! Especially with school on top. But i'm sure it will be fun=]



    The bag still looks fab! And yeah, I was like, "that's the TV from LICM":bleh:

    haha, well i'll have and exciting lunch then! But i can't tell you how many times people have come up to me like "....erm...the flowers are nice...but why do you have a tv on your bag??"

    half the time i tell them about licm, the other half i'll make something up about how much tv's interest me, or make up some insane symbolism behind it. :naughty::blink:

  9. Don't get one of those bags that you slide slide photos in the front...I may have gotten you one already:fisch:


    That lunch bag looks wicked cool! It love the shiny stuff:naughty:

    Oooh! Clearly i need to hurry up and get the rest of your stuff! =D

    haha, the bag was a quick art project. I wish i had had longer! I would have done more licm stuff, but it was hard enough to remember what the tv looked like. I was close enough lol.


    well, school is starting for me in 14 days...


    *JEALOUS* :boxed::bleh:

  10. I hate traveling but i love being in different places! :biggrin2:


    Random states in the US...






    Cayman Islands






    and i'm going back to France and England soon as well as Scotland. Yay! =D

  11. Thanks:naughty: I got that stuff as well, not quite as exciting as my lunch bag, in my opinion:roftl:


    oh, i got act sat prep books as well...ick. The store clerk laughed at me. But it's semi- okay because i sort of know him. but still the books are as wide as my waist together.


    hmm...i sort of want one of those bags that you can slide pictures into that have a bunch of clear pockets. But i'm trying to decide whether that it tacky or not. I think it could be nice if done correctly....?


    ooh. This is my lunch bag. i decided to be environmental,DSC01201-1.jpg

  12. awww im sorry!!


    it'll be fine


    Me too! I don't wanna go back to school *stopms foot*


    On the upside, I have a Wonder Pets lunch bag and a Jack Sparrow pencil case:roftl: Yes, that's right, I'm going into my final year of highschool and I have a Wonder Pets lunchbag and Jack Sparrow pencil case:naughty:.

    I don't want to go back either! But hey, your school supplies are a bit more interesting than mine. I just went to the store and picked up some nice pens pencils and highlighters. how boring!

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