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Posts posted by Jujuzita

  1. então, eu cheguei na fila as 14h, mas o show começava só as 20h! quase morri congelado, haha. por volta de 15h30 ele apareceu na porta para conversar com a gente, foi demais! eu falei pra ele que era do brasil, ele ficou todo feliz, e aí eu perguntei se ele tinha planos de vir para cá. ele disse que sim, na turnê do próximo do cd. =]


    Ah eu vi essa thread...quando ele vos puxou po palco eu só pensava LOL, são brasileiros :punk:


    E havia ppl na fila desde as 5h :shocked:

  2. wooooo wooooo cat talk :wub2:


    my cat is the woman of my life...now I'm just missing the man :naughty:


    I love her, can't imagine living without her. I study away from home and live alone, so she's my company all day...would go crazy without her noises from time to time :wub2:


    I even talk to her (like she knows what the heck I'm saying :mf_rosetinted: ) and she always sleeps next to me LOL




    this is my kitty Tsuki


    isn't she lovely??? :wub2: :wub2:

  3. i couldn't find a way to post this yesterday morning, but i met mika last night. in his hotel. i was so shocked!


    i'd waited patiently to meet him when he was swarmed after the show, but he left. i was so upset! so we just drove around for a while, trying to find somewhere to eat. we ended up following some random van hoping it was them but we got caught in a red light so that went down the toilet, but we decided to go to a restraunt in a hotel and we're walking down the hall and then he walks out of the elevator. omg it was amazing! i got two hugs...i stepped on his toes and i shook his hand with the wrong hand. i even almost started crying lol.


    i love mika so much! gahh. and his sweater was really soft. :mf_lustslow:


    i want that too :shocked:

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