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Posts posted by lalalifegoeson

  1. (if there is a Harry Potter thread already you can go and take this one out! thanks!)


    Welcome to Hogwarts!

    School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


    who wants to be a wizard? :biggrin:



    Come Talk about Harry potter!












    Draco Malfoy







    and all your favorite characters too!



    :kaf:SORTING :kaf:




    -Harry -Ron -Hermione























    -Draco Malfoy







    -He who must not be named


    add me to grrrrrrriiiiiiiifffffiiiiinnnnddddoooooooorrrr please?

  2. I would vote Harry and the Potters because they're awesome.

    But as for the rest of the questions, that's way too hard. :biggrin2:

    I love both, so I would say I'm on both of their sides.



    awesome, im like a biggggg harry geek

    (ok i just relized that didnt sound right lol)

    i wont go be a twilight fan, i cant do that to harry

    im a devoted fan

  3. I have seen some of the episodes but i prefer Boy meets world.. :naughty::punk:


    i use to watch that show when i was younger lol

    i looked it up the other day and i found out that topanga and that guy, cory

    or whatnot who played her boyfriend in the show they got married

    not in real life, but the show

    i really felt bad that i stoped waching it cuz i wanted to see them get married

  4. i saw the dark night on the 18th when it came out over here

    and i was amazed by heath's great prefomance

    he blew jack right out of the water

    and he desirves the os.

    he was a great man and i being a fan myself, will miss him greatly

    its terrible that he died so young

    and leaving behind his daughter :(

    i still cant believe it today

    in my mind, i keep thinking that someone is going to say its all a bad joke

    but in my heart i know thats not going to happen.

    i still cry every now and again

    but i know he is in a better place, and that makes me feel a little better.

    me and all of his family, friends, fans will never forget him

    and in doing so his memory lives on. : )

  5. ok so my mom and godfather started to watch this show like everyday

    and i started to wonder what the fuss was all about, so i started to watch it too and it turn out to be an awesome show


    im hooked now :)

    anyone else a fan?

  6. Okay, so many people agree that MFC friendship bracelets would be a great idea. Basically they will be a sign that you are from the MFC, of coarse there is no way everyone can have the same beads, so there will be uniform colors that you will have to follow, i will list them a little further down. SO SHOW YOUR PRIDE FOR THE MFC AND JOIN!:




    Okay, here is how this will work. Obviously one person cannot make all of the bracelets so each person who wants to participate in this project can pic a partner. I dont wanna pair people up cuz im sure you all have your "friends" you wanna trade with, so PM someone you wanna trade with and figure it out. Once you know who you wanna trade bracelets with PM me, PM ME, i repeat PM me with your partners and I will put you on the list of people. Once you are on the list with your partner (or partners if you wanna do it with two people, you can never have too many friendship bracelts!lol!) you two or threee or four or whatever can trade addresses and send eachother the bracelet, i know that some of you are like "oh im not an artsy person" not to worry, the bracelet design will be simple, all you need is beads and string!lol!






    brown beads (whatever you want: plastic, wooden etc)

    yellow beads (again whatever you want)

    letter beads

    and string of coarse i suggest using elastic string so it will fit all size wrists.


    Im gonna list the steps for those of you who have never made bracelets!lol!


    1. cut a piece of string the size of a wrist + about 4cm

    2. tie a knot at one end

    3. follow this pattern with the beads: yellow, brown, yellow, brown, etc until you have gotten to the middle of the string.

    4. with your letter beads spell MFC then put a yellow bead, then put the username of whoever you are sending it to with the letter beads. (ie. PHUNKYGAL)

    5. continue the brown yellow brown yellow pattern until the bracelet fits around a wrist

    6. tie the two end together

    TIP: ask how long your partners wrist is cuz there are many different sized wrists

    7. ship your bracelet



    So, join this project and represent the MFC! *pms ppl she wants to be partners with*

    if you have quessies PM me!



    phunky-becky,rockinbabzz, Diana (i still have room for more partners)





    x.x.Mikafied.x.x -mozarella



    M4L13-artsy and norwalk and findingmywords





    England-xBillyBrownx, LadyGodiva



    LadyGodiva-England,I <3 MIKA

    I <3 MIKA-LadyGodiva

    xx emily x-Tanya K

    Tanya K-xx emily x

    xLaurenx-Mika Freaka =)and babucia

    Mika Freaka-xLaurenx


    lovepupbandit-hjbsrbab@hbibby.orangehom, Mika is my hero

    Mika is my hero-lovepupbandit



    foalbaby14-BonjourMika1990 and dcdeb



    lovepupbandit-lalalifegoeson and lalala and rubberduckiiez2



    musicfreak-patricia4u, elise_xx










    ill be partners with whoever needs it

    maybe someone thats not in the u.s.a

    but im not gonna be picky lol

    it really dont matter to me

    just pm me :thumb_yello:

  7. Edward cullen vs harry potter

    vamp vs wiz

    the bella cullen project vs harry and the potters ( there bands if you didnt already know)


    anybody notice that cedric( harry potter) is now edward cullen(twilight)


    so who's side you on?

    i really believe that there is going to be a fued between the two great books

    like the fans and stuff


    i personally am on team potter!!

    if theres such a thing


    i just really want to know what you guys think

    the both of them are really great

    but im a dieheart harry potter fan


    so tell me what you think

  8. o yeah u missed loads... lets see you missed:

    mika anouncing when the next album was released

    mikas new tour dates for next fall

    mika dying his hair red and getting a buzz cut... not to much














    just kidding:bleh:




    hhhh you had me on the hole buzz cut thing lol

    do you know where i could find the tour dates?

  9. alright im back

    yeah after all this im home!!


    my sixteen was a blast!!

    but it wasnt the same without mika

    im back to being the same omg-look-mika! girl i was

    eventhough i never stoped

    i just took a break lol

    its soooooo gooddddd to be back!!!

    i miss this place

    and whats this

    luke juby gone??? no more luke???!!!??? ahhh it cant be!!!!

    anything else i miss?? :thumb_yello:

  10. ok, i am leaving for a while because i am becoming really busy.

    im so busy that i have desided not to use my cell phone ether, no texting for me lol. i thought i could make time for the m.f.c but i couldnt, its not that i dont love everyone it just theres not alot of time in the day any more.

    summer is comming up for me, but because im homeschooled i have to work really hard, cuz i wanna go back to school in the 10th grade.

    not to mention i have alot of planing still for my sweet 16 in june, so as i become crazy with work, theres not alot of time to go on here now.

    i hope that when i come back someone would cach me up, with what i missed.


    i shal miss everyone of you, the people i know and the ones i dont.

    you guys are my home away from home.

    so untill next time, i love you all!!!

    see you later :thumb_yello::thumb_yello:

  11. That's the stereotype that I'd always heard about New York as well... however, I was very pleasantly surprised when I went there. Everyone I encountered was really polite and held doors open and whatnot. I'm not so used to that type of common courtesy despite Texas being the "friendly state." :bleh: Then again, it's impossible to generalize about any population really... there will be rude people everywhere, just as there will be many nice people too. It all depends on the individual. (but that being said, I still felt more comfortable in NY with people because they seemed nicer to me. haha...even though that's pretty much the opposite of what you'll find most people say :blink:)





    After these past few days it does seem like it always rains... :naughty: But prior to 2 days ago, it'd been like a drought, so .... :roftl: Lovely South Texas weather. You ask for rain and it pours until entire neighborhoods float away.



    .... I think I'll reply to this thread again tomorrow and reflect on some other observations I've made, since this is one of my favorite topics. :biggrin2:


    ohhh yeah thats right your that person i was talking to, that also lives in texas. still dont know were though lol

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