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Posts posted by lalalifegoeson

  1. Awesomeness! :thumb_yello:


    Everytime I watch one of his movies I want to cry. Like today when I watched A Knight's Tale I was tearing up. And when I went to see the Dark Knight, I felt like crying. He did a fab job as the Joker. He made me love the Joker.


    i was waching this thing on E! and it was about him and i just balled like a baby

    i schocked me cuz my mom was crying too :(

    i loved him as the joker

    it was his best roll : )

    just wonderfull and well really words cant expalane how awesome it really was :)

  2. o cool!

    and np


    *wonders if my cousins and other "cousins" can get me to meet mika. hehe*


    hehe i wonder?

    im not even sure ill get to meet him

    so im not getting me hopes up

    but maybe i will

    ether way ill be ok lol

  3. I know, but I am horrible with coming up with nicknames. Lol. Someone else is gonna have to think of one.




    YAY! Thank you!


    I know, me too. He was such an amazing actor. I miss him very much. :(


    ill make you a nickname, but gimmy some time. might take a while cuz me creative juices arnt flowing right now lol


    yeah he was an amazing actor

    and yes i miss him too

    it just hurts to know that there's no more heath anymore


  4. ive got u guys,lol


    thats true

    oh and thanks for the comments on my xanga : ) :thumb_yello:

    my friends dad, the one who likes mika, he's in this band called rated e the band.. there like rock music.

    i still havent heard them yet but there going to be playing with alice cooper and twisted sister and there pretty big bands so yeah im thinking he's gonna be famos.

  5. hehe thank u! lol. i need also skills like mika! lol


    haha hey cuz he has madd skills

    but yet he cant even log into his mikasound to post a comment lol

    silly man


    haha do you want read my blogs and tell me what you think?

  6. i know! and three6 mofia? lolli lolli. i want mikas lollipop!


    arnt they the one who sings lolli lolli pop that body or something

    or is it someone else?

    i do too!!

    wait that didnt sound right lol

    but you know what i mean

  7. not really, last year they sometimes played love today. they might farther down cali. but idk. i wish they did

    omg. they just played to lil wayne songs in a row! ugggg


    i hate lil wayne

    cuz of his stupid loliipop song

    im like if they can play that crap, why cant they play mika's?

  8. yummm

    well the radio im listening to likes to skip my CDS :thumbdown: so im just listening to the radio (dnt know the last song, but it went "o hot damn this is my jam" a lot. lol


    hahahahhaha "o hot damn this is my jam"? hahaha man that funny

    you listen to rap?

  9. o yum! what type?


    listening to music

    straightening my hair

    making a blog at blogger.com (my friend is making me) lol



    moha :)

    haha ive never been to blogger.com

    but i do have an xanga, and i guess its like blogger.com cuz you blog lol

    what music?

  10. haha hes not

    wierd what can happen over an email mix up! lol

    well he just left. but he was really sweet. its like he.. cared :blink: lol

    but when i was venting on him, i apoligized, and said that i was rude, and he said he didnt mind at all. and when we were talking about being single. i said i am because im no 00 and theyre like the only ppl not single here, and he was being so sweet about that too and said that i have no reason to worry and all this stuff

    too bad he lives in canada


    awh :wub2:

    wait you started to talk to him on here?

    oh hey do you know anything about mika relising a d.v.d in sep?

  11. i know! lol.


    well now im talking to this guy, who lives in canada. and he described himself, and he sounds just like this guy *i like* and they have the same name. but they arent the same ppl *pics*


    no way?

    that would be cool. really if i found someone who has the same name as the guy i like and he sounds like him, but isnt him. wow :thumb_yello:

    just becareful that he's not a perv too

  12. o wow


    well i was talking to this guy, and he kept asking if i could call him cuz he wanted to hear my voice cuz he thought i was hot. and he asked if i had a webcam cuz he wanted to c how hot i was. when i argued against givinghim my # he got pissed! lol


    wow he kinda sounds like a perv big time

    and then if he got mad cuz you wouldnt give him your #

    wow gotta be a perv cuz there the only ones that i know that do that

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