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Posts posted by lalalifegoeson

  1. Oh gosh there were so many people that stayed after in Boston. I was talking to mom and we walked outside and my jaw hit the ground because there wasn't much room to move around out there. :blink: That all narrowed down to maybe between 10-20ish of us. :blush-anim-cl:


    Yeah, right on! Fry mah hide! ah doesn't knows whut was up wif him fo' mighty missin' this hyar state. :wink2:




    We're working on a date right now. He's planning on playing in my side yard by our little fountain/flower garden. You're invited if you RSVP on time. :thumb_yello:


    alright iam rsvping!!!!


  2. You never know... but you can worry about that later. First let's keep hoping for a concert date here. :thumb_yello::naughty:



    i will wish apon a star

    that he will come

    so i could sing stuck in the middle while he is singing it live! in front of me!!!




    ok so what is your name?

    iam victoria

  3. :roftl: But we want there to be lots of fans, silly, or else he won't come! :wink2: I don't know though, from the concerts I've attended here, not a lot of people tend to stick around after they're over just because it's extremely rare that the musician comes out afterward... so there might not be a super huge crowd (but at the same time maybe there would be, I have no idea :roftl:)



    maybe if i cross my fingers really tight and

    pray my little heart out then maybe there wount be a BIG crowd and

    maybe he might stay

    i will wait for a long time if i know that he will come out

    but then again do you really think he would stop if it was just me?

    i would cry if he didnt....

  4. Same here. :thumbdown:


    Back then he did stay after more often to do stuff like that but now I believe it's more hit or miss. As he's becoming more popular, of course the volume of people who want to meet him increases and so there's less time per person (not to mention the personal space issue which is more of a problem as crowds get bigger and more mob-like).


    maybe he wont have that many fans in texas

    and the chances incresse

    maybe.... just maybe there could be hope :thumb_yello:

  5. Aw, that would be nice. Well let's keep our fingers crossed. :wink2:


    It's an annual music festival held for like a week in March in Austin. Mika played there last year... I heard he did 2 or 3 little gigs in a period of a couple days :bleh: I didn't really know about him then however and thus didn't go. :doh:


    omg that really sucks

    because a month later i found out about him....

    i would have gone if i knew about it/him

    i wonder if he would stay to take pictures or autographs?

  6. In February I went to his concert in New York because it was also a convenient time to visit a couple of colleges... it was fun!


    Don't fret too much because Mika's bound to come here sooner or later. People are cool enough for him here. :roftl: Maybe during the summer... like June... which would work best for me because I won't be here anymore next fall :bleh: I wish he were coming back in March for SXSW like he did last year but oh well.


    it would be cool if he did come in june because then i could go there insted of haveing my 16. to me it would be sooooooo much better than a party.

    and what is sxsw?

  7. Near you :wink2:


    I've found in recent months that there're more people that like Mika here than I originally thought... some of my friends and I just found out recently :doh:


    But yeah, I was surprised Mika didn't come here (or at least to Austin) on this last tour because I'm quite positive he'd be able to sell out something like the Verizon Wireless Theater really easily.


    i know... right now i am just so happy.. there is someone else

    none of my friends like mika :thumbdown:

    so i came here.

    i realllllly want him to come here, because i cant go to a different state just to see him.

    anyway have you gone to any of the concerts

    or are you like me?

  8. You should come to London some time when you can, it's great! It's impossible to get bored here because there's just so much you can do - I mean, there's Chinatown, which has loads of shops where you can get various Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Thai/etc. things, as well as having loads of restaurants offering various South East Asian cuisines (mostly Chinese, though), and there's Oxford Street, which is always crowded but has some cool shops, and Camden Town, which is also good for shopping, and also where you'll see loads of goths... these are just a few of the many places you can visit. (There are loads of free-entry museums too!)


    my mom was talking about possibly takeing me there with her for summer vacation

    i think we might still go

    which would be a dream come true for me

    i just wanna go to all the shopps and look around and see the water

    stuff like that

    but i am afrade that i might get lost

  9. It moves round slowly so that you can get a good view of London =D


    omg rllllllyyyy!!!

    now i wannna go even more!!!!

    that would be so cool

    *runs to go on a plane, but gets stoped by mum... thinks i am not old enugh yet.... dang.*

  10. I'm fine, just a bit mad couse i don't know what to wear..:thumbdown:

    I will go to birthday soon!



    lay some clothes on the bed and then stick out your finger and spin around and which ever you finger lands on thats the one you pick


    it works for me


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