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Posts posted by lalalifegoeson

  1. It looks like some sort of a worm or larva type thing. And, I'm not 100% sure it's from Houston, but that 's what came up when I did a search. :roftl:


    i have never seen somethingg like that

    and i kinda hope i never do

    im afrade that it has like posion in it or something

    or it could get reallyyy big and eat me alive



    i have a very crazy imagination lol:roftl:

  2. The home of the space shuttle , surely it must be great! :shocked:


    thats it.... and its not even that awesome

    i have lived here for 15 years. my hole life so far.

    its not as great as people say it is


    and if there is something great about it i wish someone would tell me so i could know about it

  3. i had no money, had no job. i guess you could say i looked like a slob.

    wanted to talk to you, but you paid me no mind.

    its not the way i am its who you are.

    i wanted to walk the streets, but i had no feet.

    i took them for granted so you took them away

    looked around to find so many people in the room, but i still felt so alone

    i knew you were talking but i couldnt here the words you were saying

    i guess you were trying to warn me that its a dangrest game i have been playing.

  4. Maybe it was in regular Vogue instead?


    That's really odd because someone said it's the March issue. :blink: I'll have to go check it out tomorrow. I definitely look before I buy.


    please let me know when you find out

    because i havent found any regular vouges yet

  5. I picked up the March issue too. I flipped through it and didn't see it, but I didn't really go through it that carefully. Maybe it's the April edition?



    i think it might be

    which means people will have to wait till sometime in march for it to come out

    unless it comes out earlyer than that ( which i dont think because february is all most over)


    this will be the 2nd time mika is in teen vogue

    and i think the first time for his sis

  6. My friends don't like him either..

    my whole school sais that they

    hate him..but he's really high in

    charts here..so i don't believe them..:blink:



    i wish he was even on the charts in texas

    i would run around screaming. the closest that i ever got to him ever playing

    somewere besides my house was when i was at home depo and suck in the middle started to play and i started to sing/scream the lyrics as loud as i could and started to dance around. this guy was looking at me like i lost my mind but i didnt care... it was the first time he played here.... ever.

    i was sooooo happy. :naughty::roftl: :roftl:

  7. You must live in a hell!

    I mean; it would be a great place to live if

    you like rap and all that kind of music..but

    if you don't like it..it would be terrible..:boxed:

    and even your friends don't want to listen

    or at least TRY to listen to him...:boxed:


    I think we could better not exchange..

    it's better if you just come live here..:naughty:


    it would be

    at lest i would have someone to talk about mika with

    insted of my friends not careing....about it at all

    and yeah i do live in hell

    i cant stand that music

    its not even music

    its crap

    but thats my opion

  8. They don't know who Mika is :shocked:


    how could they not know him? :boxed:



    cuz they are stupid

    and like i said its all rap all the time

    no one really cares, if its not rap

    my friends are really getting tired of me asking them to try and lison to his music.

    no one besides my family plays his songs

    not even the radio

  9. I live in the Netherlands;






    Somewhere in the middle there's a place called; Heemstede..

    verry boring....so if you wanna live there...:mf_rosetinted:



    i might... anywere is better then here

    plus i like the way netherland sounds

    i dont know why but it sounds awesome


    but at lest mika went over there

    and i bet ppl know who he is.

    ppl over in houston,tx dont know who he is

    its all rap all the time over here and i hate it..

  10. perhaps we can exchange...:fisch:

    I live really close to the sea... :mf_rosetinted:




    the closest water anything is in gavaston and i live in houston

    its like 3 hours away just to go there. and the water is like sandy



    so if you wanna exchange be my guest.

    i will be happy to.

    were are you at anyway?

  11. I feel you pain;

    although; i don't live in texas..

    but a year ago i felt the same

    as you! But then; a few months

    later i heard that there would be a

    mika gig here...:biggrin2:


    But why don't you like texas??

    I always deamt about living

    in america..don't care in wich state..:bleh:




    because it just realllllllyyyyy sucks

    nothing really happens over here

    and i have never been to a concert... ever in my 15 years


    i wish i lived in london or

    somewere, were people have an accent

    and i can see the water

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