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Posts posted by DarkLight

  1. Blimey :shocked: wow can't believe they're from today!! wow that was quick going kudos times a million & I thought it was his sister see I was right! that's yasmine isn't it? I've only seen a pic of her once & it was a small one & it was quite a few months back.

  2. hey may I ask a couple of questions? one are those photos from todays ivor novello awards or last years? if they're from this years blimey you were quick to get hold of them (kudos) & 2 who is that woman is it his sister (I think it is but I may be wrong? smack me for being stupid if I'm wrong lmao :naughty:)

  3. well if you'd like a Mika watch or clock or keyring (or all 3) I can make them (If you can get permission of someone to use a pic of theirs or if you yourself have a pic you've taken) I can ship to anywhere you want & can buy clocks & watches cheap I'd just charge for shipping & a small bit towards the price of making it:punk: you'd just have to tell me what you could afford max (including shipping) and i'd lookout for a watch/clock that was cheap enough for you

  4. nope I've decided it's safer to stay on the floor whilst ogling Mika :roftl: that way you don't end up banging your head hard on the floor too much, one problem though is you end up laying in a big puddle of drool if you don't get up to mop it now & then lmao:naughty::roftl:

  5. I agree with that, it's a good combonation.

    I like the New Pornographers also, listening right now :thumb_yello::thumb_yello:


    I recommend:


    Making your own Jewelry

    Especially; Things with sparkles and bright colors. Necklaces, bracelets, rings, anything.

    Because; It's easy, fun, feels good to know you made what you are wearing, it looks good, and nobody else has anything like it.

    Unless; You're completely hopeless with home crafts. (Even if you think you are, you probably aren't, just try it =])


    oh i love making my own jewellery & watches & clocks I put pics of who or whatever i want onto my jewellery & watches & clocks I currently have an amazing large lilac strap watch with a gorgeous pic of Mika on that I made & also a clock with a lovely black & white pic on (I'll post pics If I can get my darned camera to work)


    and I don't know if anyone's recommended any of my recommendations already (sorry I'm too tired to read through the whole thread atm)


    but MY recommendations are




    Angus thongs & full frontal snogging by louise rennison (it is a book for teens but even my mum & dad who are both 54 just LOVE them they are soo incredibly funny all the book in the series are,that one is the 1st one there are 8 in total atm)



    p.s I love you by cecelia ahern


    where rainbows end by cecelia ahern


    if you could see me now by cecelia ahern


    are you dave gorman? by dave gorman & danny wallace (yes it is a bit of a weird book I must admit but quite funny)


    even funnier is dave gorman's googlewhack adventure (of course by dave gorman)





    Darren Hayes (his new stuff is a million times better than his old stuff, his old stuff was great but the new stuff is like way cooler & funkier) even if you've heared his old stuff & wasn't keen you should try some of his new stuff & vice versa


    if you go to his myspace one song I really reccomens from the one's he's got on there is I just want you to love me, it is so beautiful (pardon the pun:naughty: so beautiful btw is a name of one of Darren's songs)




    another one I recommend is Darius (he doesn't just sing he acts too)




    he is a really brilliant singer/songwriter/musician (I haven't seen him act yet but presume he's just as good)


    another recommendation from me is an unsigned band kissing freddie


    I 'know' the guy who worked with one of the girls (Marina) a few years back (he's called greg scott, a fantastically funny presenter) hence why she sent me a friends request a month or so ago


    she still presents but likes to sing too




    another recommendation is doris pearson (some of you may remember her from a 80's group 5 star who I just loved, still do in fact)




    I also recommend her brother stedman who I got to be 'friends with' by the fact I 'know' greg scott who worked with a guy called lee baldry who happens to be friends with stedman





    and here's 5 star official myspace so you can check out the old stuff








    Derren Brown he's a fantastic illusionist & also a marvellous artist!! & one of the nicest guys in the fame world (I've had the utmost pleasure of meeting him 15 times & taking part in his live show back in march, he chose me himself he normally throws stuff into the audience to pick people to take part but he came into the front row & came up to me & picked me to do a trick with woohooo) he remember's me very well (well after seeing me 15 times I'd be surprised if he didn't)


    a lot of people go huh:shocked: when he says oh hi chantelle, they must think how the hell does he know her it makes me laugh the looks on their faces :naughty:


    here's a link to my Derren myspace


    it's the only truly accurate & up to date Derren myspace (I pride myself on that)



    and here's a link to his artwork on his own official website


    I have a copy of his self portrait signed I have to yet put it up on the wall, I need to get a new frame the old one smashed in the move of house a while back



    he generally does portraits of famous people (I'd love to see him do one of mika it'd be interesting!!)



    FILMS: films i recommend are the illusionist, liar liar, bruce almighty, bedazzled (the version with brendan fraser & liz hurly) & george of the jungle.


    and my final recommendation for now is presenter Greg scott who I mentioned above (he really is funny & quite a sweet guy)



  6. I don't know if anyone has posted these screenshots before (no doubt someone might have) but anyhow I love them so I'm gonna post them anyhow


    we all like to see sexy pics of Mika even if we've seen them before right guys!!






    (I think this one is soooo cute:wub2:)




    (Mika 'give us a kiss, aww go on you know you want to really')


    and my fave (I don't know why I just find it so sexy ) I think it's those incredible eyes & handsome face :wink2: he just looks soooo amazingly sexy it's unbelieveable *thuds* :drool:



  7. It mentioned that they haven't announced the noms for best songwriter yet. Maybe they'll be another nod for him.


    yeah it'll likely be from me :roftl:


    sorry you won't get what i'm on about (I have a kinda head nod thing going on when I'm stressy, kinda like Derren Brown does) I was making a bad joke :punk:


    anyhow I hope Mika wins he truly deserves it :thumb_yello:

  8. oh man they are all so cool thanks I needed a good laugh!!


    I especially liked the 1st one the funny & cute mika pics, there are some really funny one's on there & I loved the chubby bunny interview I'd heared about it but not seen it before so that was great, he's daft as a brush isn't he lmao :roftl:


    I also liked the chicken tennis :naughty:


    plus the 2 photos you posted they are really good


    thanks a lot:thumb_yello:

  9. I've been through a really difficult time of late & have lost all faith in myself in life in people in everything & anything really & I'm finding it difficult to be positive & have something to smile at, so I was wondering if anyone can maybe post some encouraging words, quotes or maybe nice/cute/funny pictures or something to cheer me up? maybe even if it's just smiley pics of Mika (lol) it'd be very much appreciated


    thanks guys

  10. well if you fancy chatting to me on msn messenger or via email just pm me, I'm normally online at mental hours of the day (which may be good for foreigners or insomniacs) I'm usually online between 2am & 10 am GMT


    anyone who wants to chat just let me know via pm, I speak english & very limited crappy spanish lol (I'd love to improve it someday)

  11. while i doubt that anything serious will happen, i can't say it won't. she's not afraid of him, even after hitting her. she's a very strong character but i've said to her that i know how to pull a brave face when I'm crumbling inside. she knows i'm here for her when she needs me and i've told her that she doesn't need to go through this alone...although it's her life and completely her own choice...but i'd rather she went through it with support. another thing she said to me was that she wants to get out of home asap but needs to find the confidence to be independant which i can relate to, because staying at home with the parents is slowly becoming painful. we're both 18, just so you know...


    I can totally relate to that as I have mentioned on here just a few weeks ago my mum tried to knife my dad & me nearly 2 years ago plus my mum is verbally abusive & can sometimes be physically violent, I wish I myself could leave home but the point is I lack money despite being 22 & a half & my bad disability means I can't get work, so i'm stumped I have to stay put as i have nowhere else I can go.


    I wouldn't say what she's been through is normal at all just because it's common doesn't mean it's normal, abuse of any kind is wrong & just shouldn't go on, I hope things get better for her & I'm glad she has you as a good friend (I don't even have that)

  12. Hey I was looking for glitters & icons of hello kitty & i found one or two of kitty with a lollipop & thought it was quite cool & appropriate for me seeing as I like hello kitty & would love to be a lollipop girl so I decided to use one of them as my avatar!


    here's the kitty pics if you wanna use them


    here's the one I used as my av








  13. here's some more


    mika only


    mika makes me hot (i tell you this sloganizer is reading my mind)


    no need to worry with Mika


    Mika love it or leave it (I say love it/or rather him)


    funky Mika


    Mika for everybody


    you know when it's Mika


    think. Feel Mika


    Mika it's like heaven (oh yeah well said)


    Mika - forget the rest


    my Mika, your Mika, Mika for all


    Mika, just the best (i couldn't agree more)

  14. For those of you who want more Mika stuff I'm assuming that's the majority of you all out there there's this site where you can have pics of whoever you want put onto various items (even a panel for the side of your car if you have a smart car that is & wanna pay £149.99 for each panel)


    if you click on browse gallery & type in Mika it'll come up with a few pics of him & you can upload your own too if you have any pics of mika you've taken.


    you can get some phone skins but they don't do them for all phone types just a select few, they cost only £4.99 which is cheap, you can even get an umbrella which I wanna get it's £24.99 which is a bit pricey but it would be soo cool to have a Mika umbrella wouldn't it!! (so much cooler than my hello kitty one which is pretty cool)


    you can get badges, bags, keyrings, photo prints in various sizes, mugs even underwear (yes why not have Mika on your knickers lmao :roftl::wink2:) you could always get some & ask him to sign them & just die laughing when you see the look on his face (that'd be priceless I tell you :naughty::roftl:)


    the site is http://www.makemymegastore.com


    they seem to ship outside of the uk too which'll please those of you who don't live in the uk & have trouble getting Mika related stuff


    I have in the past bought from the site & they are good (I bought Derren Brown photos & got a badge with Derren & me on it) I intend to get some Mika stuff when I can afford to as well.

  15. *dies*


    Could he BE any cuter? :wub2::wub2:


    I think I just fell in love all over again. That's beyond adorable. He just seems like so much freakin' fun to hang out with.


    What's the right word? Fun loving, maybe? He just seems like THE guy that all his friends call up on a Saturday night when they just want to have a good time. There's one in every circle of friends, right? Yep, I'm sure Mika is "that guy" in his circle. :roftl:


    He just seems to have such a zest for life. Zesty, zesty Mika. It's so effing infectious, and I think that's part of the reason all us crazies have all jumped on board the Mika train.


    "I love this bit! It's my favourite." *swings hips*




    Okay, that's enough analyzing. But I'll give him bonus points for trying to dance to his own music. Yep, I'm in love all over again. :blush-anim-cl:


    I think I did too (fell in love all over again)


    oh I agree he is just soo kawaiiiii (cute) he is the most adorable cutie ever isn't he!! I'd love to just hang out with him for a while it'd be awesome!!:punk:

  16. hmm I know exactly what you mean it is a difficult viscious circle & can be hard to get out of, you know what I found helped me was to sing songs that described my pain & what I was going through & to use 'interpretative dance' to 'act' out the way I felt & how I felt the song fitted into what I was going through, the songs that helped me were from darren hayes' album the tension & the spark, the songs darkness, unlovable & I forgive you were one'

    s I really identified with.


    try hitting & or biting a pillow or something to try & vent your anger or frustrations or whatever & then listen to cheery songs that lift you up & make you wanna dance along or watch a funny video or dvd or something, another idea to cheer yourself up when down is to put up pictures of whoever you like (Mika for example) smiling the more smily pictures the more it'll help make you feel better it works for me

  17. thats what my brothers have.

    i have been suicidal since last year when something happened. but i have only realy been self harming for 3 mounths


    well if you feel you need to chat to someone as I say i'm here anytime


    I did once try to self harm when I was 14 & a half I went through a lot of difficult things in a short space of time & had no one I could turn to so I kinda know what you may be feeling

  18. aww I'm sorry to hear that


    It sounds like you must be going through a difficult time to wanna self harm, I myself have been through an incredibly dificult life & still suffer depression & have been suicidal if you feel you wanna chat to someone then pm me I'm always here for anyone having a difficult time to chat to if you wanna


    & btw my dad suffers a form of autism known as asperger syndrome which is difficult to deal with believe me!

  19. that's good but one thing I notice as with anywhere else that lists freeview music channnels is it says on the hits right now is love o meter then next is chart busters this weeks hottest yet when I flip to the hits it is double trouble top 100 r&b collaborations right until 1am I don't know why that is?


    No tv guide i've come across ever gets it right for the hits they've got tmf right what it says is on now IS on now but they don't ever seem to get the hits right it really baffles me

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