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Posts posted by DarkLight

  1. oohh I'd love to be a lollipop girl that would be so cool


    shame his tour was last year not this year being a lollipop girl would cheer me up (I'm not having the best of years this years to put it mildly)


    maybe one day I'll get a chance to be a lollipop girl or similar?? I can always dream right!!

  2. aw, why do people think that just because some music is older than others that its better?

    I say Mika is on a par with a lot of them, and no I don't think its crazy because about 50 years from now is that only when its acceptable for it to be "the best album".


    time doesn't make things better in my opinion, LICM is a classic already in my eyes.


    I totally agree with you & In my opinion it is one of THE best albums of all time & there are loads & loads of albums I listen to some very old some more recent he is definately a fantastic singer/songwriter/performer & Licm deserves to be at the top of the poll good on ya Mika you deserve the success


    there is not one song on that album that is crummy they're all fantastic in my opinion, most albums (even by my absolute favourite artists) have one or two slightly naff songs on them but Mika's entire album is fantastic & that's just my personal opinion some of you may agree with me & others may disagree but that's ok we're all entitled to our own opinions right!!

  3. well I think it's totally wicked!! I don't have a problem with it at all, I don't see what the fuss is about


    I still collect Hello Kitty & Peter Rabbit stuff & also Winnie the pooh (stuffed toys included) & I still have a cyber pet too, there's nothing wrong with it (I'm 22 & a half btw so not much younger than Mika)


    as one of my fave saying goes


    'as an adult the most mature thing you can do is become more of a child'


    he can come & 'play' with me any day he likes :wink2:

  4. When i was first obsessed with Mika my cuz just told me im such a Mika Freaka (we have a habit of rhyming) hahaha it was sooooo cute and i love it!



    lol that's a good user name very amusing!!!:roftl:


    I've satrted to use a new user name on new sites I've just joined


    it is


    dodgy holiday


    I suppose there's no real need to explain why I started using that user name!!


    I just thought it wwas kinda amusing & is as you know it's from the song billy brown

  5. what your user name means (if it means anything) and why you chose it & also the bit below your user name (if you chose it yourself) what's that mean?


    I'm just interested in the reason's behind people choosing their usernames & such


    My user name darklight is from Darren Hayes' album the tension and the spark the theme of the album is the darkness & the light in life the good & the bad, the pain & the joy. it kinda describes my life too I suppose.


    the bit below my user name where it says master mind controller, that's to do with Derren Brown who's a psychological illusionist he seemingly 'controls' people's minds (I used to be an illusionist too btw)


    and under location I put inside your mind (instead of where I come from) which is again to do with Derren Brown he seemingly can 'read your mind, like he's actually 'inside your mind' hence his 1st dvd being called inside your mind


    so what's your user name etc all about?

  6. this is the message i posted it's waiting for approval or something at the moment



    chantelle Says:

    April 25th, 2008 at 6:47 pm

    well I met Mika in brixton this february & after the show he had over 100 vips to meet & greet & dozens of disabled people to meet & greet inside the brixton academy


    this after doing a very energetic wonderful performance onstage for 1 & a half hours, then after that he came outside to meet those of us who were waiting for us outside (there were approx 50 of us) & despite the fact he’d been doing meet & greets inside for over 2 hours he was still pleasant to all of us waiting outside


    you could clearly see he was absolutely shattered but he was still polite & nice & I got his autograph too


    you find me a popstar like that nowadays, truth is you can’t they are few & far between.


    I have met many an arrogant stuck up celeb in my time but only one or two Decent one’s they are Mika Derren Brown & Darren Hayes they are THE only one’s I’ve met who are so pleasant & nice to their fans no matter what.


    so there you go Mika can’t be all that bad can he?





    what do you think do you think that was ok?

  7. i got physical 46% (well maybe that's cause I'm still destracted by the man who just broke my heart, give me time to recover & I'm sure it'll become 100% physical lol)


    emotional 11% (probably 'cause I'm an emotional wreck right now right??)


    intellectual 89% (well maybe we can have some intellectually stimulating conversations if nothing else eh lol)


    total 49%


    not bad, could have been better though


    there's another compatability site I've used for years


    http://www.lovecalculator.com you just type in your name & the other persons name I got 73% (when I used my name & Michael penniman) & 83% when I used my name & Mika Penniman (not too bad eh!!)

  8. I personally am not a fan of adele to be honest but she does have good taste in men


    One thing though will someone tell her to get her mitts off Mika he's mine all mine I tell ya lmao:naughty: :roftl: I'm not sharing him with anyone ever so keep your paws off missy:roftl:


    (sorry ignore me I'm in a mad kinda mood lol)

  9. yep be very cautious online if I were you (i'm having to change all my passwords just to be on the safe side) and also I'm not gonna be buying anything online for a while until I feel it's safe to do so!!


    just be on the lookout for anything suspicious


    I was on the bbc's click online website & there's some info on there (not about this current virus as it's a new one that's only just started attacking today but about various other viruses, trojans & worms. so It'll give you a bit of an idea about it all


    tips to help you stay safe online




    net crime fear for britons




    fbi tries to fight zombie hordes




    the battle against botnet hordes




    how do I protect myself from viruses online




    questions about security & viruses




    computer viruses hit 1 million





    there's also other links you may want to read on the bbc click website all about past internet viruses & such it's better to know about old viruses 'cause some can be similar & can be gotten rid of in the same or a similar way


    apparently from what dad & I found out it's come from russia


    hope some of that helps you all (if you have any viruses attack your computer or to prevent or try to prevent it)


    I don't want you lot having the same trouble we've had if I can help it


    If I can for warn you about it & give you as much info as possible hopefully it'll help


    click online website



  10. hmm why should Mika date me??


    hmm lemme think on that one


    I'm an outsider like he is, I certainly haven't had an easy life or what you'd call a 'normal' life. I'm supportive, caring, very very loving & affectionate. I'm very loyal. I'm always there for people in my world no matter what (my friends can call me at all hours of the morning or night if there's something bothering them & I'll stay up or wake up & chat to them til they feel better) I put other people before me (those who are important to me)


    we both seem to have quite a few things in common.


    I suppose it's always nice to have a partner who's been through similar things to you as they'll be more understanding loving & gentle towards you.


    I'm not a major 'obsessed' fan I do like his music & like to chat about him but I don't constantly talk about him.


    i don't have 100's of photos of him on my walls I haven't got 100's of pics of him on my computer or phone.


    I don't listen to his music or watch his dvd's everyday. maybe once or twice a week (occasionally more if I'm depressed as his music cheers me up, but normally it's just once or twice a week approx)


    I don't want to be in the 'spotlight' I'm a quiet shy reserved girl who would rather stay that way (in the background)


    I don't clam up, gibber like an idiot or faint around famous people I just treat them as normal human beings (I've grown up around famous people somewhat hence not being fazed by them) They're just regular human beings to me nothing to shout about or get in a tizz over!!


    I think that's just about it

  11. I don't know if any of you are currently aware but there is a major internet virus that's attacking people's computers it's taken my dad & me 15 hours to get rid of so be on the lookout for it


    we downloaded spybot (free) from http://www.filehippo.com & it found 210 viruses on our computer


    We have only had the internet on our laptop for 5 days!! (we used to go to internet cafe's or the library)


    here's some of the things that attacked our laptop






    webtrend live


    like i say there were 210 viruses so it'd take ages to write them all down (we've had a very difficult job as it is getting rid of the darned things)


    but those are the most dominant one's that you should know about


    the one way to know if you have the virus we just had is it controls your homepage it changes it to asecureforum.com so if your homepage suddenly changes to that then you have the virus & need to download the spybot softwear


    ordinary anti virus software you already have installed won't prevent it or get rid of it


    if it comes up & prompts you to purchase any anti virus software or such DO NOT buy it whatever you do!!!


    just visit filehippo.com to download spybot it takes a while to get rid of but it can be done!!


    just thought I should warn you all about it so you know what to do if you get the virus like we did (it's been one hell of a major nightmare to get rid of) we've only just got the computer back to normal & here in england it's now 5am so we're shattered

  12. awww that makes me sooo sad, i bet it must be really hard if you look at it, he has thousands of screaming fans but honestly , would you want to go out with someone who's completely and utterly obsessed that they almost faint in your presence,

    makes me sad...mika deserves better!


    no way I wouldn't want to go out with anyone like that myself


    I'll go out with Mika if he want someone as 'weird' as me I'm an outsider like him so I'm sure we'd get along just fine!!! :wink2: :wink2: :wub2:

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